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  • That message must have taken me about fifteen minutes to write up. XD And I definitely look forward to playing you again. I saw my brother fight you and I noticed even he has a tough time against your Sheik. I thought maybe it'd be easier for me, but it wasn't. I don't come across many different match ups. I hardly come across Sonic, Zelda, Sheik, R.O.B., Captain Falcon and even Ness. When I saw you change into Zelda, I thought how bad the match could be. I've fought three different types of Zelda's. Ones that use Nayru's Love, ones that use her fair and bair and then the ones that use her smash attacks and Din's Fire. So when you transformed, I was a bit worried. And a lot of people think online means nothing, and I can see why that'd be due to lag. But still, if you have no one else around, it is actually good to be good online. If you can get used to it, then awesome.
    Oh Reo! I got another question! What happen to your Falco, you also main him back than right? What happened?
    Reo! Buddy your the toughest Shiek mainer I have ever met! And I change my style with Luigi, if I kept my same style you would have beat me easily! So I change it up a bit, like the fireballs alot of people said it's useless but I made some good used of Luigi Fireball. Come on Reo! Your one tough Shiek man, now snap out of it or i'll have to make you snap out of it! Slap! Slap!
    Ok and sorry for not playing last night because my girlfriend wasn't feeling to well. I'm glad she feel much better now, and hey i'm way to nice to her. And you and Glancoe take care of each other too. :laugh: Well i'll see ya online buddy! :laugh: GO WEEGEE!
    Rhaaaaa! Reo! I'm back!!! And Weegee is back! GO WEEGEE! GO WEEGEE! GO! GO! GO WEEGEE! So get ready for round two Reo and Shiek, because here I come! Go Weegee!!!!! :)
    If you main Sheik, don't give her up. But at the same time don't feel like you need to main her. If you like that character a lot, you'll stick with them no matter what. I have no idea why I bothered using Toon Link, Falco or Ike in the first place. I do play as them some times, but not as much as I probably should. Well I was playing as Toon Link a lot this week, so that might be why I did fairly well. Still, don't give up on your character because of what flaws they have.

    Getting good online would be nice, but it's not necessary. The reason I say this is because being the best online doesn't technically make you the best offline. Personally I prefer offline matches. Anyway, Sheik may be weak, but she does have good combos and as you said, she's fast. Her projectile is a plus, too. Not to mention, she can stick to walls which is very cool. I wanted to try out Sheik, but for some reason I never got around to using her.

    Anyway, accept your characters strengths and weaknesses. My biggest weakness with Ness is his recovery, but I still main him nonetheless simply because I like the character just because. Here's a fact about me. I never liked Ness back in SSB64 and never intended on playing as him. Why did I start using him? I really have no idea. But I decided to play EarthBound, the game Ness stars in and I don't like RPGs one bit. So Ness + RPG = ftl is my opinion. At least that's how it was until after I played through the whole EarthBound game.

    Anyway, don't be depressed. Don't give up on that character. Your Sheik is good and can only get better. :3 Follow up on techniques for Sheik, too! You don't need to learn every single one, either. So yeah, don't be depressed. Being depressed won't help you in matches because you'll feel down. So cheer up, ReoZeo! :D I may have not been satisfied with the matches, but seriously, I should at least be happy to have fought a challenging opponent. So thanks. Oh and sorry for the long conversation. ^~^
    ****! Your Sheik is a beast! ]:< You could probably tell how frustrated I was getting. I thought, "Eff it! Two stocked, three stocked? Seriously, wtf?" My brother was trying to calm me down and I was taking my anger out on him after that. He told me that I could win and I thought, "You know what, I really need to win. Especially with my main." Suddenly it happened. I have no idea how or why it happened, but something came over me. I'd say I enjoyed the matches, but I'm not because I was obviously getting angry. Sorry.
    Ack... I've been asking around forever I just wanna brawl! lol... Brawl? FC: 1719-2852-5644.
    ah...i've had that feeling many times...do what you think is right. :) and can you hurry up and confirm my youtube friend request??? cause I'll be putting the vids up tomorrow...
    lol I'm obsessed with brawl too =P so you gonna keep using sheik??? cause I'm thinking of completely stopping ZSS and perfecting my IC's...:)
    actually, now that i think about it, I am gonna use my IC's in the tourney...I'm just gonna have to quit my whining, deal with it, and be gutsy like you were against me in the previous tourney. I also don't think you should switch characters...stick with sheik: you seem to enjoy playing as sheik, and your the most amazing sheik I know! :bee: don't you like being unique in the tourney? lol barely anyone uses sheik, IC's, or ZSS...

    and also, I have a few vids of us playing...I'm gonna go add you as a friend on youtube, so i can send the vids privately (because they weren't very good games). but we can learn from our mistakes by watching the vids...so I'm gonna add you as a friend on youtube now...I need you to confirm the friend request ;)

    ps. dude, go to bed lol...it's like 12 am over there :laugh: haha
    Sorry ReoZeo I got to help my mom with something so I won't be online for at least 10 minutes later.
    Okay give me 20 minutes I gotta take care of something and for the record it's called tactical manuvering not 2 on 1.
    thanks, but I do way better with them offline...trust me lol. we should play again tomorrow...I need more practice with my IC's...
    That's ok buddy, because I spending some time with my girlfriend again. Because she's not feeling well, I know what your thinking i'm a softy. And I really cared about her and well you know, she's a very sweet girl. And i'm sorry Reo buddy, I want her to get well and i'm trying my best to be the best boyfriend for her. I know i'm to soft, LOL! Well i'll see ya buddy, and rest your hands! And take good care of Glancoe ok! :)
    GGs...your sheik is much better O_O I don't think I'll use IC's online...I don't get it, I can 3 stock my bro, but when i play them online, I can't do a thing...:(
    Lag just gets the better of me unfortunately. Pressing the button for air dodge, and none occurs...it just sucks. as we all know.
    Hey ReoZeo epic matches thanks and also it was funn y when both of your smash attacks coliled with Toonlink (DK2) I'am still laughing about it haha thanks for inviting me to play.
    Hey buddy when do we start, because i'm spending some time with my girlfriend before we start. Just let me know when ok!
    I won't be participating in the tournament. I've decided to quit Wi-Fi, because my performance is hindered online. Please remove me.
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