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  • Oh yeah! I forgot about that, best BBQ ever! Haha! And I got some very sad news Reo, Amber said she might go AIB! :cry: Whaaaa! I'm gonna missed her Reo! And if she do go AIB, I don't know how to PM her, because i'm on the internet Channel! :( :cry: Amber! Amber! My little sugarbear! :(
    We have a match for the second round of the Glyph is a Mod tourney. Can you play right now?
    lol I just posted when you posted on my wall

    I'm about to take a shower first, but we can play after =D
    Looks like you're online now lol

    Well since your match wasn't done I DQ'd the both of you....

    jk I advanced you, 2nd round is up =D
    No signs of Perfect Duck sir! He haven't been online since 11-25-08! And i'm getting bored!!! Hoohah!
    I've been trying to contact him, but he isn't replying whenever I'm asking him if he wants to brawl now. Ill try everything to get this brawl to happen though!
    Reo, I need you to get your match done :(

    Where the hell is Shinigami lol
    Hey don't worry I'll get it done. We both have contacted each other but we haven't been able to hook up yet. I'm going to be open all day tomorrow so hopefully things work out, otherwise we may have to ask for an extra few days. If that's possible.
    :cry: Whaaaa! What happened!? Why is everybody is avoiding me whenever I play, I don't understand!? :(
    is there a way to get out of sheiks up tilt lock, jab lock, and everything lock? lol cause it's so annoying, and I'm like slaming the crap out of my controller (my controller broke btw, so I had to use my brother's :(), SDI'ing, and I still can't get out :urg: i hate it more than people hate the IC's chaingrabs lol...because it works online. IC's chaingrabs you can even get out (*tsk tsk* but I'm not going to tell you how unless you tell me how to get out of the sheik locks hehe) although, I must say my chaingrabs were not too shabby online today :) I was practicing chaingrabs with my IC buddy online a few days ago...:p so that helped me get the timing down a bit. but seriously, the tilt lock gives me like 70%.=O
    ok lol...don't worry about rusty...cause Ice climberz suck online! :bee: so ya, I'll get online and create a room :) see ya then reo
    hmmm...that's good. so we probably will still be able to play if you'd still be up to it after intense tourney matches :) good luck and talk to ya later reo...=P
    wow lol O_o ok...I'll be able to play anytime until 4 my time/ 6 your time. so just pm me anytime if you want :)
    If i can get a hold of the guy then yea ill play him but he has yet to respond to my message =/
    well you know what that means,
    1. i probably won't get a chance to even contact him, let alone exchange friend codes
    2. if i am even able to exchange friendcodes with him, he probably won't show/won't know when to fight/won't be able to communicate when he want to fight
    3. he's in europe, with another version of the game. i'm not even sure if the servers of brawl support alternate versions for online play. pal(Europe) and ntsc-u (USA) are completely different and most likely uncompatible.
    4. if all actually works, then i'd have the WORST lag in the history of any brawl match, so we probably won't be able to fight/it would be the slowest match ever.
    Snake Sav is PAL. otherwise known as EUROPEAN. (i don't even think he knows english, or at least not very well...)

    i'll try to fight him anyway, i guess
    Hey ReoZeo thanks and good news my tournament has been taking off only a few more people left.
    i know right? **** Lucas lol. i even main him and still have trouble against him. and ~pink fresh~ was almost the same thing as lil cj, i lose the first 2 win the second 2 and then lose the last one lol. JP is so awsome cause she gave me hope hope both times. again maybe next time though lol
    Maybe but i'll be back buddy. I got a little match with Princess Zelda. ;) Heehee! Well BRB! I'm coming Princess! :)
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