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  • Wow your really hard to wake up, hmmmm? I know! :) Heeheehee! Reo is the best! Better than the rest! Wake Reo it's Brawl Time! :) Heehee! :laugh:
    I'm trying to be a Pokemon Researcher and only 3 can be chosen right now:( Can you pray for me because I'm kinda nervous?
    I get online almost everyday because my teacher at school lets us on and then once I'm home I get on again. I do HW another time and I hate extra curricular activities.
    actually reo...leave me in the next tourney. I'm having too much fun in these tourneys, so I'm going to have to make time for it lol. also, I hate to see my ranking go down the drain after not playing in one tourney...

    and I beat Nintendogs 3-2...I want my points XD...actually, just take your time recording the results; just don't forget :)
    nah...still take me out. I'm just gonna play friendlies with you and other friends on here instead of entering tourneys for a while...my life is just too busy :( school, piano, music exams, music school, etc...

    I'll enter a tourney every now and then though.
    OMG! My Zelda totally got destroyed! I didn't know you play DK!
    Yeah no problem, I'm gonna take a break too, I've brawled so much this weekend and with my tourney I've had no time for anything else...
    i don't know where to report scores so i beat cheapjosh 3-0 my ness is almost perfectly bak to health :)
    Hey Reo! Do you know Perfect Duck FC? Because I just made it back home from church, and i'm ready to fight!
    I just realized you have a tourney match to do now, your opponent is ready
    I still can't get in touch with Perfect Duck, and i'm going to church right now. And i'll be back home at 3:00 or 4:00pm, and I don't know what shall I do! :( And this is Amber last day being online for a whole week, so I have to spend alot of time with her today! And I wanna get this match over with after I come back home, and I don't know i'm going out for dinner today! :( And i'm not quitting! :( Amber!
    HELP! What should I do??? Owndizzl3r_Ownag3 isn't answering! (It's Saturday night and I have to go to bed soon). Will it count as a loss for him?
    Sorry Reo, I gotta make sure Amber is ok. And i'm worried about her, and that was some fun and funny matches though. :) Well i'll see you later ok Reo, i'm gonna wait on Amber because she won't be online next week. And I just wanna talk to her before she get's offline. :(
    Well I suppose I can play, sure why not! :) I'll be back Amber ok!
    I like HeliX better, no wait. If you call me Twist, then yeah that's ok. Anyway I have to fight Bunnyma in the tournament. I'll be back soon but if he isn't on soon I'll brawl you.
    no I didn't figure that out when I was really angry lol...but I liked it when you didn't know what to do when you were stuck in a grab, cause then I could charge up a fully charged usmash and "BAM", your gone XD

    and I can't play my tourney match, cause silverspark isn't answering :( so looks like i'll be moving on lol :bee:
    Ok cool, yeah Aryman is really good =D

    Don't worry, I was thrown into the loser bracket too...
    lol so tilt lock is like chaingrabbing kinda...it doesn't work online usually. Although, I'm sure you can make it work online against other people, cause I practiced the online timing of chaingrabs, and I think I'm finally getting it. :) so I guess next time I play you, I just have to avoid getting too close or else...utilt lock lol. Ok, since you helped me, I'll tell you how to get out of grabs faster. Just push buttons really quickly and tap the control stick back and forth really fast. I don't guarantee you'll get out of the grabs if you do this at high percents, but at low percents, it always works...
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