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Red Arremer
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  • I hope it comes out on a day when I'm not busy...

    School's starting out kind of tough and I think I'll be really busy.
    Maybe it is o.O
    I think I have a way to test that without windowed mode mumbo jumbo.
    That philosophy should've applied to Zelda :\

    Oh well.

    And yeah, I always felt sluggish with the guys. When SF4 was announced, I had already claimed to main Sagat, and turns out he's just beastly, so it works out completely... well it did until I got tired of him. Then I went to play Rose <3

    I dunno, they're just... more entertaining for me I guess.
    It must be some psychological thing, because I don't really know many people that play both genders equally.
    You sound a lot like me, only I do use a few guys every now and then...

    ... Well if one guy to 15 girls counts anyway.

    I have no idea why, though.
    Panzer Dragoon was also ridiculously rare and impossible to get a copy of, at least here.

    Having played both, I thought the story was quite a lot different. Most of those games have the same general themes, just rehashed in a slightly different way. Some of the characters were similar (Terra and Aerith, Cloud/Zack and Celes, Kefka and Sephiroth, etc.), and both had a 'new age' sort of feel, but they had wildly varied means of getting to an end.

    The graphics weren't great, but they were certainly endearing. I at least liked the way they flowed, and the cutscenes were pretty fun.

    How did you not like Materia? To this day, I think it's one of my favorite customization methods, simply based on the thousands of possible combinations. Blew everything except the Job system games out of the water as far as FF goes.

    The fanboys/girls do suck, though. I tend to not go gaga over the characters that are the general trend (cloud, aerith, sephiroth). I really like Nanaki, the Turks, everyone at the Golden Saucer, and Vincent (though people tend to love him).
    Different people like different games. Trufax.

    I agree IX was good. IV was beastly too. I actually liked V a fair amount, probably about as much as IX. And of course VI was pretty amazing, especially for its time.

    What did you not like about VII? The characters?
    Worst of the series? Now you're just being ridiculous. VIII was easily worse, and so was X.

    But I agree about RedXIII being interesting. Much more so than stupid Aeris, who everyone seems to love.

    I probably have an overly huge love for FFVII, because it was the first one I actually owned myself and put huge time into.
    Despite the series' flaws, I love FFVII. And Nanaki most of all, because nobody likes and/or understands him. That, and he got shafted in Advent Children and got 1 line and minimal screen time (his fur is really taxing to animate, I guess).

    Nothing against Gradius/Castlevania/all those other awesome series (which I like better as series than FF), but Nanaki is way too badass.
    Hey, Over where you live

    Is Streets of Rage Called "Bare Knuckle" over there? Or do you guys also not have the game?
    Yeah, definitely can't make that <-<

    Sorry for the late reply, I haven't had internet access since recently and forgot about your messages :p. I ADDED YOU TO MSN SO THAT MAKES UP FOR IT ;D
    I thought so. Mischief Makers was such an incredibly underrated game.

    And Marina is too good. Probably one of the most awesome heroines aside from Samus. Not as awesome as Vela from Jet Force Gemini though :3
    I honestly don't, but it's mostly because my title is all lowercase, and that bothers me.

    What a terrible reason not to enjoy it, hah...
    Lmao yeah.

    "Don't sleep in the snow, you'll catch a cold!"

    But I loved Merco's "Hey, I'm no ordinary stage boss!"
    I liked throwing Merco's shield in his face, lol.

    I love the "AAH!" noise he makes when he gets hurt, lol.
    Do you have a different address? I have your MSN name and you are never on according to my buddy list.

    I have AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and ICQ, so whatever you use most just throw me the addy.



    Haha, people who post in that thread need to get out and play more.



    How do you make avatars like that?

    Amazing colour, clarity, and the neat, square and line around the perimeter.

    I wish I had an avatar like you. :\



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