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Red Arremer
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  • Definitely the first one. It's silhouette almost takes the form of some sort of crest. Cropping it does not do its full form justice.
    Bull****. You didn't know what I meant and now you're covering your *** with lies and *****baggery. D:
    It was a sarcastic yay. D:< I haven't bought my PS3/360 yet because of the yayAmericaeconomy.
    I'm sure they'll release it as DLC. And if they ****ing don't...IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT.
    *******. I hate when they give the countries that they take forever to release in extra ****. God. I would have ****ing waited.

    <3 ******. When does BlazBlue come out in Europe again? Or is it out yet? Not that it matters to me. :B Yay America.
    You'll have to forgive me, I am too busy smacking you with my swords from the other side of the screen to even care. =)
    I'll probably do it for trolling purposes. A well bred troll!? INCONCEIVABLE!
    It will be fun you know?
    It's crazy.

    I almost forgot that you used to be Spadefox.
    I told myself, "Who the HELL is Onishiba, and how did he get a purple name?"

    Thankfully your avy was a good hint. lol
    I looove using Zelda vs. Ness. Unless I'm in a laggy game or if I'm having a bad day, it's basically a free win for me because I know the matchup too well. Sheik has it better on paper, but it's so funny because I pressure them twice as hard with Zelda and they never know wtf is going on lol.

    It's too bad you're way over there, because WiFi would be fun.

    Also, I ROFL'd @ that guy's post.
    I'm dead serious, jab lock is like the best counter-argument ever.
    At least it's original.
    That's pretty neat. If anything (and it's been said in the thread already), a person could shine when they get close to the ground to counter a move if they "know" it's coming, cancel the landing lag, and take advantage of the frame advantage gained at the same time. In order to make a real use of this, it'd have to "counter" a short-hopped aerial, but it's still something.
    I'm being serious. I played for four hours today--one with my older brother (a solid ZSS/Dedede) and three with Kismet (famous Falco). I had a winning record against both (although not by much with Kismet).

    A lot of the matches against Kismet happened that way because he didn't understand the matchup, while I play against his Falco all the time, but he was wising up about forty-five minutes into it, and matches were really close.

    I feel like Wolf has a ton of stupidly abusable options, sort of like Falco. Obviously, they're mostly not as good, but he has potential, and I like not having to use much tech skill, hahah.
    Which is only really useful if your opponent has the worst possible spacing possible.

    Again, keyword is mistakes. :p Mistakes make any projectile useful. lmao

    Uses, yes. Should those uses happen often? Not really.

    Sheik's needles are actually relatively useful. Mostly because she has a few scenarios (grab release) where its a guarenteed 16%. Which is a pretty good amount of damage. However, they setup for nothing. Limit little, but are great for gimping (single needles) some recoveries.
    The fact it has too much startup lag means your opponent has to mess up or be so horribly misspaced that (assuming a non-powershield) they shield it and get punished.

    Also her armor pieces... I'll give you that. But you forget they can rather easily be used against her. (I love her armour as Ganon. <3 I pretend I'm playing HRC with them.)
    Useful projectiles:
    Samus: zair, missiles. (Only because of the missile cancel and zair ACTUALLY sets up for things)
    Snake: Grenades
    Diddy: Bananas (it's a given)
    Link/TL: Bombs (sets up for frame traps, 7 second timers, sets up for follow ups, Link can bombslide them)
    Peach: Turnip (frame traps), Mr. Saturn (shield pressure, you can triple drop him for a shield breaker), Bomb (....**** that bomb)

    I ran out of useful ones I can think of off the top of my head.
    I got a new computer, so because the keyboard is quite a bit bigger, it really throws me off. Trust me, my inner grammar nazi is freaking out.
    As with pretty much everyone, one way or another lol

    ... 3939 messages? Make that 3941 I bet.
    Well here you go:
    Chan (ちゃん?) is a diminutive suffix; it expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. Thus, using chan with a superior's name would be condescending and rude. In general, chan is used for babies, young children, and teenage girls. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, close friends or any woman with youthful spirit.

    Although traditionally honorifics are not applied to oneself, some young women adopt the childish affectation of referring to themselves in the third person using chan. For example, a young woman named Misa might call herself Misa-chan rather than using a first person pronoun."
    I couldn't think of the proper adjective. I guess "nitpicky" would do, but that's not quite it.

    Oh come on... your name derives from Japanese and you don't know what "chan" means?
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