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Red Arremer
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  • Yes it was fun but useless in the end, and the special effects became kinda annoying because unlike normal magic, they make the game freeze ><
    Laptop battery is dead, so I'm taking a break too, probably to walk to dog.

    'Night night.
    Married folk can be sexeh too!

    I think you're trying to not say you expected me to be a fat american.
    lol I'm not sure how to react to that. What were you expecting?

    And come on, I'm not that normal. I's sexay.
    lol surprisingly normal? wtf does that even mean?

    I'm sure the kitties would like you too.
    Cool stuff. Not much response to it here, it might be too long or basic.

    Cripes you stay up late.
    I just posted a wall o pics of me in the disco room thread if you're interested as to what I actually look like.

    just fyi.

    Any comments on my guide on the German Smashboards?
    Angry at the Austrian higher-ups, or just don't really like the way people perceive Austrians?

    lol kinda confused.
    It's awesome seeing something I wrote translated into German. Especially since my family's German and Austrian.

    Thanks for doing that.
    Maybe you just like translating things into German?

    Where are you going to post that btw?
    Your avatar / title indicates that you play Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu II)?

    Best. Game. History has known.
    Books are certainly better entertainment than movies. No arguments on my side. Video games too.

    I generally like movies more than TV shows, though. The only TV I really watch is ESPN.
    MS isn't gimmicky? Which planet are you on?

    Yes, Apple plays on the 'it's so easy and you all know it!' message more than they probably should, but MS's advertising just makes me LOL every time I see it. 'This screen's bigger, and it costs less! Big processors mean my computer will be fast at everything! Woah, someone gave me money!'

    Not to mention their atrocious programming, awful consumer support, and downright ridiculous attempts to play their products off as 'user-friendly'.

    In a perfect world, we'd all run on Linux.

    Which genre of movie do you generally turn to if you're just kind of picking at random?
    Oh I agree that the seriousness ends up being funny, but I just love zombies and everything to do with them. Especially sweet ways for them to get wasted. Apparently you don't share the same sentiment.

    Do you hate Microsoft and all of their evils too, or just Sony?
    Because it's all about killing zombies in awesome ways?

    You should read the Zombie Survival Guide. And World War Z.
    Secret of Mana was pretty awesome. Not denying that one bit. I actually have an original copy.

    Doesn't stop the fact that I love FFVII.
    I used "essentially" because it's sized down so much that the individual pixels aren't as easily recognized due to blurring.
    Well think about it this way.. it's essentially a sprite. Would you zoom in and cut off a lot of any Pokemon sprite? No way. That would be shaming it. Every pixel counts!
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