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Red Arremer
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  • I'm surprised PS1 wasn't as popular over here.
    I still was really popular, it was practically even, but iunno, all the cool kids had N64s with Mario Kart and Pokémon Stadium.

    Still, PS2 pretty much did a clean sweep for the next gen, which I have no clue why. There were many common misconceptions like PS2 has better graphics than GCN. It was actually ********, I wanted to punch most people who had a PS2 because they'd only buy it for Fifa and GTA. WICKED MANNNNN
    N64 was actually immensely popular over here. =/

    Mischief Makers is totally unknown though.

    Like seriously dude, Teran's levels were so epic, not to mention he's just one of the coolest characters ever.
    Trust me, don't bother lol.
    I don't wanna waste your time on a wild goose chase.

    Thing is, all I wanted to find originally was Teran (no prizes for guess why), but there literally is NO good media for him whatsoever. :(

    I'll keep this Merco pix though, thanks. :p
    Well f***, dude.

    You live to fight! So like, you now have to tell me where the hell you got that from because I can NEVER find artwork of the game. =/
    You are the nicest cool person!

    Or are you the coolest nice person?
    *waits for almost 5 min*
    Oh come on!

    I thought that you could blink and make a AV appear!
    I realize that I've never really gotten to know you personally; that is, have a meaty conversation with you. I just feel like I'm responsible for knowing you more than I did while you were still an MYM regular, that's all. So... well, how's it going/what's new/potato?

    p.s. MMZX is cooler than I gave it credit for. Still haven't played it though.
    Can you even fine the java file for it? You should find it before you go further.
    Dowload the .jar and play it in an emulator for cell phone games. I know they exist.
    You're words are as cold as your soul. MANKIND ILL NEEDS A FURRY LIKE YOU.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Toon Link didn't show, actually. He and Link are literally the same person, so I don't see how they could make it believable.
    Wow, good point with the title xD I think I need some caffeine...

    I'll fix those up right now.
    Wow, I really need to get my head out of the clouds ._.
    I just opened up the page, updating will take place shortly :)
    SWF is good enough.

    I wonder if I can get SBR to pick it up. WBR already has. LOL.

    Hilarious part of it, I dont really try to make people pick it up. I'm just that awesome.
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