thanks for the reply:D
ya know, the ppl here are pretty chill, but also vulgar and crazy.
you shouldnt take everything they say too seriously, because i bet half of them arent like that IRL, its only because its the internets.
i understand if you say you want to protect your female christian fellows. because they prolly think like you do.
but, if i may say so, you cant say that every woman does not really want to wear make up or does not want to be considered as eye-candy deep inside her heart. because, can you read a womans mind?
youre acting like you can. but the truth is, you cant.
the female beings are just too complex and weird.
im sorry if that sounded rude, but thats my 2 cents :D
i like the way you think about friends though. i wish that everyone in this world would think like that...but the people are way too egoistic.
im really surprised that although you havnt been raised as a christian, youre really into it.
you try to be like Jesus...
but ... Hes special and inimitable, dotcha agree?
just work out your own personality:D
its very nice so far^^
err, i gotta go to work now
