That's mildly hilarious. There are some decent theories as to how dinosaurs and man could have co-existed, and I'm all for listening. I'm honestly not decided on the matter, but I do realize there are some people with some pretty crazy ideas like those...Also, there are some half-decent arguments for the possibility of dragons having existed.
It basically followed the logic that because many different cultures who, at the time, had not communicated, believed that something along the lines of a dragon existed, that there must be a grain of truth in there. It would actually kind of make sense if dinosaurs and men did co-exist, that what the dinosaurs actually were was later developed into the idea of dragons in our mythology. That might explain why Chinese dragons aren't known to breathe fire (I believe, anyway). And I think they make a valid point about all of these cultures having myths of dragons, but I just think there's not a lot of evidence to say that there are dragons, or that our idea of them came from dinosaurs co-existing with men. There's a bit more to it, but I wouldn't say it "convinces" me. I'd say it just gets me to say "Huh, that's interesting. Maybe that's possible."
But yeah, Jesus never rode a velociraptor.
Edit: I just found this: