I don't know if you read about this or not, but we were thinking about the way the Smash Writers have their own titles, and how we could get something like that: Smash Artists. It sort of ties in with something I've been thinking about lately. We could have a thread similar to Signature of the Week, except something like a contest that entails more areas of art-- Digital, Photography, Painting, Music, etc., so instead of just getting the best signature makers, we get to vote on the most skilled artists of varying areas. Something like Write With Your Power, in a way. I just sort of took a step back one day to look at the Artwork Emporium as a whole, and it seems to have become the Signature Emporium. I'd just like to liven the place up with more variety. I get the feeling that a lot of potential artists here are sort of driven away from the first impression that the AE gives--"People who can't make signatures don't belong here." Well, that's how it seems to me, anyway. I think it should be a place where all types of artists can display their work and get recognized for it, and I think that this would be a cool way to go about making the change.
I think that the format that Signature Of The Week uses runs pretty smoothly, so it could work if we used something like that. It's basically a week long contest with a certain theme each week for signature makers. We could have a board of voters for the different areas, like Painting, Sculpture, etc. that I was mentioning before comprised of the senior members of the Artwork Emporium ... I could definitely be on the voting board if necessary. I'm in my 3rd semester of the School of Fine Arts, so I have decent knowledge of the world of art. I've taken Sculpture, Ceramics, Painting (Color Theory), Digital Imaging, Art History, Perceptual Drawing, and Photography courses so far, so I think I'd make a decent 'judge'. Plus, I'd feel weird if I just dumped the responsibility of running this on someone else, so I'd like to help if I can.
Anyway, that's my proposal. I'd just like your opinion on the idea, and what problems still need working out, whenever you read this. Thanks in advance. Oh yeah, I sent this to Sgt Wikez,Thundermistress, and Fdv also, because McFox said that I needed to get moderators and such of the Artwork Emporium involved. But all 3 ignored me so far...

It would be much appreciated if you could respond to this whenever possible.