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  • Oh thanks im happy to heard that and ver very of course that you are fine lol !!

    Hi alex how are you?

    Fine i hope and well would you like to join to a social friend that a good friend that i have is School of PK is for ness, lucas user's or mother, earthbound fans and i would like to see you there !!

    One of us has to be the "boy" in my lez relationship. ^__^

    But my real name is Brookelle.
    Yeah, it seems fun.
    Like, the guy whos doing it seems like hes enjoying it and I'd like for everyone to have fun. =)
    Plus I can name it something stupid hell yeah

    And excuse you, "man"? I'm a hot scene girl. kthx ;)

    *bookmarks that site*

    Thank you very much, Straked. ^_^

    + 10 coolness points
    Ahh ok.

    And I need like, power cords or whatever incase there aren't enough places to plug things in?

    And chairs and TVs?
    Ohh theres a difference? O_O;
    Well I guess theres location and TVs and Wiis and stuff.... @_@

    Offline I guess. = )
    I'll try. Thanks for the heads up.

    And yes, the Melee players still think that Brawl has no competitive value and is oh so easy to learn. <<
    Yea, well... C'est la vie. I really did everything I could for Bowser and his boards, yet I got shot at like I was some noob or something... *sigh*

    And yea... that anti-Brawl stance is something I too despise... I just wish they wouldn't be so disgusting in their attitude. The trolling in the Brawl community only adds to it.
    This night, I kicked Spadefox' butt when he played Bowser and vice versa when he played Pika.

    Get the pattern?
    Yea, but I think I can pull it off... even without using too many special techniques I can pull up quite a fight with it. And Bowser... eh... I kinda lost my interest in him... I mean, I won't lose my knowledge about the character, and using him was a very interesting time that taught me much, but honestly...? After all I've went through for the Bowser boards, and to get put down like that for not knowing everything about him... it kinda hurt... well... not only kinda... it actually really hurt. =/

    As for Melee... I hope you'll have fun... I will never touch Melee again aside from playing a match or two in friendlies. I have lost my whole interest into it - again due to arrogant players putting me down for something, this time something I can't do ever, even if I wanted to... and that elitism utterly disgusts me. The problem is, I will always have to face it because Melee is dominating Vienna.
    I'll still maintain the two threads I started, but I got bored with Bowser... he's hard to play with without constant training, and it's not easy playing with a character who has 40:60 disadvantages against like 90% of the cast. ~_~

    And ugh, Melee. I hate Melee, not the game itself (though that a bit, too - due to my finger joints I can't learn wavedashing), but mainly its players... I've been put down and spit on by Melee elitists because I can't learn ATs - due to my joints.
    Helloes. How goes? Long time no talk, heh.

    Also, I officially gonna leave Bowser be now... I seem to do well with Pikachu, though.
    I have taught myself to deal with projectiles by power shielding, and you can't exactly do that effectively online... Whats worse is that you have proficiency with PKT. I don't know if it will kill me, but I DO play DK sometimes... lol. I should be on for a good portion of the night. Leave a shout-out on my board or PM me if you want to play. :)
    g'night! Lets! Just be warned, I don't play exceptionally well on wifi, especially against projectile users. XD
    I hope you mean aside from the video you just provided me with that has your name in the title and your own words claiming that you were playing Ness in said video.
    That poor Bowser! :( Is he really good offline or is _clinton trying to get people to cut him some slack? That wasn't pretty... Except the pk-fire > PK-thunder2. THAT was pretty. :)

    I need to get vids up at some point. I'm going to try and get some vs. Deva this weekend. Opportunity to meet the best Link main and play a few rounds? Can't pass that up. :)

    And yes, I DID know you were a Ness main. Xiivi made that pretty clear in the Kirby Social thread. ;)
    lol. I know you're a Ness main. Its one of the reasons I know the standard. :)

    Mario is good too, though. I tend to play a lot of characters on the side if I can figure out how to play them. Heck, I was playing Lucas for a while just so I could spam the zap jump repeatedly and go really high. Yes, I am easily entertained.
    Naw. Bad joke was bad. If it is on the level of "that joke was punny!!!" it should not even be stated. Even on the internet. You'd think a Ness main would have a higher standard, lol.
    Wifi does really strange things... I hope I get to see the Falcon vid soon! The Ike vid was good, so I can only imagine. By the way, one of the comments on the falcon vid (why did the comments come up but not the vid? :() referred to you as a good Samaritan. I REALLY want to know why... :)

    As to your other question, nothing much aside from posting a REALLY long response in the "Should MK be Banned" thread. I don't know if I love or hate that thread. Its fun to debate the subject matter, but people have a tendency to take it personally when you don't agree with them. They also seem to think that personal opinion is enough for ban criteria...

    As to the Snake MU thread, well, I kinda thought that spoke for itself. XD
    Yay Straked Kirby! I couldn't see the vs. Falcon vid though. (youtube!!! *shakes fist*)

    Nice stuff. :) Does that player know how to SDI? I tried to play that way against DT's Ike once with very poor results... :(
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