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  • I'm jealous. ;-;

    Not as much as I used to, but I'm far from fat. I don't really eat. :/
    Animals? :o
    I'd love to do that. I love animals. ^___^
    Though they aren't paticularly fond of me. >_>

    I couldn't eat a quad. @___@
    If I eat a cookie, it seems like I gain 2 pounds. >__>
    I'd also be too tempted to eat the food >.>

    I think a grocery store is probably my best option. As long as I don't have to do janitorial stuff. >__>

    No. I live kinda out of town. I just will not work at a fast food place. No, just no. I'll find something eventually. >.>

    That reminds me, I'll ask it in PM.
    Lolwut? Trust me, this world would not be good with more Bens. I can bearly stand myself. >.>

    I want to. It'll get me away from my mom. >__>

    I just don't know what to do. :/

    So many shallow people. ;-;
    We need moar people like you >:O


    That reminds me. I gotta get a job soon >.>
    As do I.

    What? >:O
    How rude. Why would someone say that? Where's the compassion? Though, I kinda know how you feel. People have said similar stuff like that to me. I don't really consider them "friends" anymore.

    I consider the people on SWF better friends than the ones I have irl.
    I don't know. That's the thing according to him, I wasn't supposed to be. He claims that I'm not his child. Or, he used to say that anyway. It's hard to forgive someone who completey destroyed your childhood. I'll have to think about it.

    Omg. Seriously? That's awful. ;-;
    I can't imagine going through that. I wish I could help you out some way. ;-;

    So yeah. Nothing to look foward to this summer :[

    You don't understand. It's easier said than done. I haven't seen him in 10 years now and for him to suddenly want me back? What nerve he's got. I'm torn. I don't know what to do.

    You have cancer? Why did I know that? Maybe you mentioned it before, I dunno.

    Anyway, I can't imagine what that feels like. I just truly hope things work out for the better with you.

    Well, uhh. Let's see here. Although I despise my father, he has cancer and now he wants to see me and "a changed man" and he regrets everything that he did and said. Still, it's not that easy and I can't decide what to do.

    Then my mom said when we go to San Diego she won't let me go with Kade because she doesn't know him. But the thing that bugs me most, is that she doesn't trust me. -_-

    Then yeah, she found about me doing something and now shes making me see a Psyciatrist. :[

    And I hate them. I jsut don't feel comfortable talking with people like them.

    But yeah, those were the key points/summary of my weekend. >.>
    I didn't know wavedash difficulty varied among the characters. >__>

    I was doing good until this weekend. Then I got some bad news. >__>
    I just can't do it. I spent like 30 minutes in practice mode trying to get it down, but failed.

    Lol. I love Falcon, but no. He's such a precise character trying to land knees. >.>

    Anyway, how have you been lately? :o
    Gawd. I'm a tier wh0re even in Melee. >_<

    You'd **** me. I can bearly wavedash. xD

    Falcon? Orly? I always picurted you more as a Yoshi mainer. :/
    That sounds really fun :(

    I wish we could a lag-free Melee friendlies :[
    Too good. @__@
    Who do you use? Doc, I'm guessing?
    *sigh...* look. Last thing I need on this site is an enemy.
    So... If you'll put this whole thread thing behind then I will.
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