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  • Sure. I've got work to do right now, so when I'm done, and if you're still on, I'll join you guys.
    If not, then you can report me to the staffs.

    Edit as of 12:50: What time will you be up till?
    Lol. Sounds like Marth to me. :)
    I was thinking about picking him up, and he's already catching up to my Lucario, although I make tons more stupid mistakes with him (Marth).

    I can't stand Falcos or Wolfs, though. Falco has that annoying spammy blaster and Wolf has ton of deceptively long ranged attacks. :embarrass

    Both of which I can't handle (as Lucario, at least)
    Sounds fair enough.
    Wait, why don't you fight Marfs again? Are they too cheap or what? Out of curiosity.
    Today is a great day for science!:nerd:
    Edit: I'm taking up a whole page full of your public comments, Straked, I think we should take this to PMs.
    Yeah, I always tend to roll away from it when dodging it and it always connects....
    That's the opposite of what I should do, isn't it?:laugh:

    Also, about the Marios: That's interesting.
    You forgot Doctor Mario's greatest advantage, though: he has a lab coat.
    Lol. I never did see the difference between Mario and Doctor Mario in Melee. Is it just the costume that looks better, or is there one tiny, unnoticeable tweak?

    And shoot, I hate Ness' PK Missile :laugh:
    Umm, no. It'a great follow-up after an attack, and it can work as an approach if used right.
    If you're free today, I was hoping you'd help me work on my bad habits with Snake.
    And I just realized I never mortarslided during our matches... o_0
    Probably one of the greatest attacks in his arsenal, and I never even touched it.
    Honestly, I'll take my chances with maining him.
    With a little variety, I'll improve.
    I'm not going to quit on him. After all, I made CF one of my secondaries...
    Well, anyways I think I'll just start practicing more. I've got a match with Aryman tomorrow, and maybe he can teach me a thing or two on how to get better.
    Well, I'm still learning this guy... After your reaction, I'm beginning to wonder whether this is even worth it. Yeah... Nikita is a force of habit; too many anonymous FFA's today, though I admittedly tried to edgeguard with it. I tried to make the most of my tilts, but that went too far, I'm guessing? At least no one complains about my nades... And... my recoveries...
    Well, sorry for bothering you. :(
    Umm, yeah, evidently you're not trying THAT hard... >.>
    *looks at Straked's posts in the New Members Arena*

    Ouch, ouch, and umm, ouch.
    What does NC stand for? I'm really sorry for quitting that match, if that's what you meant... =[
    But you did quit that one time when I was Marth, though, so... Call it square?
    Something tells me I've got quite a long way to go before I'm on par with YOU.
    I had some good comebacks, and some were close, but inevitably, it's the difference in skill... I wouldn't have done as well with Lucas, but still... Man, you're tough to KO.
    Oh, and the "Lucas says no!" I lol'd at. I C wut U did thar. =D
    Oh, that's just it: Lucas has always been my competitive character, but I never really had fun using him.
    Snake is so fun to use! That's why I was looking for a new main that is both fun and competitive, and Snake fits the bill perfectly!
    Yayz for me. =D
    I'll put it this way: I defeated archknight's ZSS, Pit, Zelda/Shiek, and actually his MK ONCE.
    My Lucas couldn't even defeat his Bowser... >.<
    Hey Straked. I don't know why you'd care, but I feel like telling you that I main Snake now. He out-performs my Lucas and I can go on-par with archknight as him. (Well, actually I was able to beat all but two of his characters. -_- MK and Wolf...) Brawl tomorrow?
    I dun think I ever told u this but

    i am crayon. im used by the t.links nd im colored w/. if u dont post this 10 times ill color on ur face wile u sleep nd it will be permanent so it wont come off ever

    2 more
    It's close to midnight, so yea.

    As said, maybe tomorrow... I dunno yet. Playing Brawl online is rather spontaneous for me.
    New? Uhm... not much aside from my color changing, I guess.

    And about Austria... we indeed have little players. But I'm not only representing Austria, but also Europe as a whole (among other Europeans). So... that's that, I suppose
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