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  • haha true that. Today I have to read about domestic violence amongst the indigenous population of Australia. Not fun.

    I get green with envy whenever I see you post one of your bits in the "Something Bothering You?" thread. You flow so well and...I don't know. You have polish, refinement; I'm just a collection of thoughts that are pressure-cooked for the longest time and then dispersed via keyboard.
    Work done! High fives all around. Wait... what's this?! Oh that's right, I have work to do in another 3 subjects... ****.
    Break time~

    You are correct. I am a writer (or at the very least fancy myself to be one). You could say it's one of the three pillars that make me who I am, with the other two pillars being that of reading and music.

    As far as doing stuff with that writing? I'm nowhere near as good as most. XD
    Thank you. I stole it from another forum :p

    Another day at work.
    Do you have an iPhone or something?
    To be honest, I think they were sort of "conditioned" for their work because of their prior experience in nursing. Lot of people tend to think nursing is this egalitarian thing where you go around and tend to those needs inflicted while individuals are suffering. It is that thing, but it also so much more than that. It's a front-row seat to see somebody crumbling to pieces right before your eyes. Somewhere in here, something that happens more often than not, you see a side of people that generally don't (want to) see. You can easily say that it depends on what sort of nursing you're in to, but from what I've heard the general consensus tends to be the same all across the board: People are depressing and sometimes frightening when they are hurt.

    Oh yeah, and I'm with you on the environment thing also. Bad enough that I can barely handle the job I'm at right now. XD

    In speaking of which, I must depart. I had a lot more to say on the nursing matter but I'm afraid I don't have time for a super wall o' text today. Ciao!
    Haha, I have no 360 or PS3, but I'll get a 360 now that BB is gonna be released in Europe, and with it, I'll buy SFIV.
    yeah its weird. but patience is a virtue:) cant wait to get the orange name.

    and german is unimportant and not worth the trouble:p

    well, imah go off now, seeya around
    My character choices are different from game to game, actually. I play such a wide variety of styles, it's awful xD
    well i got a pm from livv
    blah blah orange title blah
    just change your user groups blah
    nevertheless, not working :confused:

    hell, but hes able to talk german! is he pssbly dutch-russian or sth?
    heh i would really like to but its not possible yet...T__T organizing problems i guess.

    yes, there will always be a next time:) im looking forward to it also

    btw WTF?? Spadefox is half russianO_O???
    Haha, well, you have the kinda stereotypical swordsmen rivals like Sol and Ky in GG were, and the bulky powerhouse. But aside from those three, the whole cast is extremely unique, at least skillwise - Litchi is designwise not the most unique. :p
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