To be honest, I think they were sort of "conditioned" for their work because of their prior experience in nursing. Lot of people tend to think nursing is this egalitarian thing where you go around and tend to those needs inflicted while individuals are suffering. It is that thing, but it also so much more than that. It's a front-row seat to see somebody crumbling to pieces right before your eyes. Somewhere in here, something that happens more often than not, you see a side of people that generally don't (want to) see. You can easily say that it depends on what sort of nursing you're in to, but from what I've heard the general consensus tends to be the same all across the board: People are depressing and sometimes frightening when they are hurt.
Oh yeah, and I'm with you on the environment thing also. Bad enough that I can barely handle the job I'm at right now. XD
In speaking of which, I must depart. I had a lot more to say on the nursing matter but I'm afraid I don't have time for a super wall o' text today. Ciao!