Dresden Dolls. They also did"Coin Operated Boy," right? Yes, now it's all starting to click.
(I hate that. Silly things like that perch unnoticed right on the tip of your tongue. Kinda like crossing your eyes to see the paper-thin fly sitting at the tip of your nose, only you can't really see the little ******* 'cause he's sitting there underneath of your line of vision and chilling on your nostrils. You know he's there, though. You can feel 'em. It was like that with that band.)
I'm doing good. Keeping sane, at the very least. My job is unbelievably stressful sometimes. I'm Customer Service, you see. I handle all of the fun stuff that comes with retail. I keep the lottery money/inventory balanced, I handle people's monies, I handle returns/refunds/exchanges of product, and I handle complaints. That's thousands of dollars, hundreds of transactions, and varying degrees of multi-tasking I have to do on a daily basis. This is, sadly, the easiest part of the job for me. It's the actual "running the front" that probably stresses me out the most. It's where I have to physically get out on the floor and make my co-workers do work.
I'm enjoying my day off, though. Nice and relaxing.