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  • Yea. My friend (who's totally into fighting games like me xD) is interested in Noel. Though I'll probably try out all characters (that's what I usually do), but Litchi and Rachel - judging from videos and character descriptions alone - seem to be the most appealing to me.
    Yes. They seem most appealing to me. And of course I'll play the European exclusive characters just to give you all the finger. ;D
    Don't worry. I'm still Tom. (there is an account named Tom that mysteriously joined yesterday right after I changed my name, which will never complete registration and will never post and will not complain when I ask for my name back in a few months) :D
    I think air posts on your wall too much.

    P.S Stop distracting me from finishing my quantitative methods assignment.
    Well I can't say I'm thrilled with this unholy super alliance between you and my mother. Oh and I'm with you on the homeslice thing. Then again is there really anyone who can get away with it?
    The yawn was just a general thing. I am pretty bored at the moment; I'm also super tired.

    (Then again, I ask myself: When am I not bored and/or tired? Lol.)

    I can't really say what they do is boring, however. It's a dangerous job. There's a reason why prison guards flank my folks at all times. In fact, my Dad almost got the snot beat out of him last year because he called a prisoner out for faking a seizure. Thank God for the other two guards that were there; my Dad only got some bruises on the arm where the prisoner grabbed him.

    With risks like that, you better get paid well. You also better get kickass benefits for it too (which they do).
    Yeah. They do stuff like this all the time, especially when they both get scheduled days off in tandem. That hardly ever happens due to the nature of their work. They also can't take paid days off at the same time for some reason; I think it has something to do with some sort of rule. Both of 'em work down at the county jail as RNs. They screen prisoners and give out meds while being flanked by like five three hundred pound police officers.

    I wanna say it's about an hour/hour and a half away from Tampa. Maybe more, I don't know. Perhaps I should have made a point to mention that I live in the US? And more specifically Clearwater, Florida (which is just outside of Tampa)? XD

    Whatever the case, it was kinda last minute; in fact, I just got a text yesterday asking if I could do this. Fortunately for them I had today off (which is surprising, considering that I usually don't get my Fridays off). Otherwise it would have been up to my sister, who is equally busy doing other stuff.

    *shrugs.* Not that I mind doing it or anything---hell, it's the least I could do.
    "And since you're such a stalker, I've noticed that you probably have already seen my AWYP piece."

    Riiiggght before I commented on it.
    <3 That's always a plus.

    Now I'm dog-sitting for the folks, who apparently decided that they were going to Ocala for some reason or another. Ah, well. At least I don't have to worry about turning off the A/C in intervals like I do back at the apartment. They make so much money that they leave it on 24/7 and not even worry. Makes me insanely jealous.

    Hurray for supporting Smashboards! I am now a premium member. XD
    Taking a moment to breathe helps out with stress; days off are a good time for doing that.

    Sucks that you can't enjoy a day off like me.
    Dresden Dolls. They also did"Coin Operated Boy," right? Yes, now it's all starting to click.

    (I hate that. Silly things like that perch unnoticed right on the tip of your tongue. Kinda like crossing your eyes to see the paper-thin fly sitting at the tip of your nose, only you can't really see the little ******* 'cause he's sitting there underneath of your line of vision and chilling on your nostrils. You know he's there, though. You can feel 'em. It was like that with that band.)

    I'm doing good. Keeping sane, at the very least. My job is unbelievably stressful sometimes. I'm Customer Service, you see. I handle all of the fun stuff that comes with retail. I keep the lottery money/inventory balanced, I handle people's monies, I handle returns/refunds/exchanges of product, and I handle complaints. That's thousands of dollars, hundreds of transactions, and varying degrees of multi-tasking I have to do on a daily basis. This is, sadly, the easiest part of the job for me. It's the actual "running the front" that probably stresses me out the most. It's where I have to physically get out on the floor and make my co-workers do work.

    I'm enjoying my day off, though. Nice and relaxing.

    Your premium title is also the title of a song I've listened to. Can't remember for the life of me who the band was, tho'. Ah, well. If I wasn't so lazy I'd probably look it up on the internet.

    How are you, btw?
    Basically being a premmie used to mean you got access to the back room but that was a long time ago (before I joined SWF) and so there was a lot of resentment towards premmies.

    Also I'm just trying to imagine you saying 'homeslice.' Needless to say: does not compute.

    The other day my mother was telling an amusing anecdote that involved Nova Scotia and the second she said it I lit up light a Christmas tree all 'I know someone there!' like.
    I just need four more VMs lol.

    I'm pretty sure I've made your wall red like 8 different times :p
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