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  • hey can I ask you a favor? I just need some Ideas for an assignment.

    K here we go in one of my classes we gathered around in a circle and threw a ball at each other and once you got the ball you couldn't be thrown the ball again. After the ball was thrown to everybody she gave the first person about five or six balls and we all had to throw it to the same person we threw it to the first time and he have to relate the game to life somehow and write an essay about it. Any Ideas?
    that good is it a full time job or part time (part time by the sounds of it) if it is part time you should get another job to fill in those hours you need
    Yeah, I'm in running to be a mod for the DDD boards, and once (if) I get that, I'm switching over to Kiki avatars xD
    Going out with some friends on Friday night. Went out for a nice dinner with the family last night though which is always pleasant. And yes. Lots of cake.
    I have film studies which is cool and although I have to take notes I get to watch a movie the whole class period, I have Men's chorus. Which in my opinion would be a lot more fun like going to sing in the musical or perform a concert or something but none of that is scheduled. Then I have to take health again even though I already passed the class my Sophomore year. :(

    I tried to switch out but the school said something about all the electives being full because of 70 or so unsuspected students enrolled this year. Though I might be able to get out of it this 2nd quarter.

    And thanks, yes I'm so old now. I am however glad that I've moved out of the horrible age bracket that is being a teenager. Punk kids :mad:
    dat good I'm just getting used to the new school year some of my classes are not as great as I thought they were going to be but most are living up to there standards.
    I missed you toooooo O:
    But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you randomly left out of no where seeing as how you're a woman :mad:

    Jk <3
    It's about time your wall started to be all me again :p
    Omg! Yous haz timing!
    I jussstttt put a "like" on your status on FB :p

    I'm very glad!
    Now we can continue our amazing convos.
    sadface. Oh well it could be worse, right? I mean you at least have the internet at work to waste time on.
    True but we more than make up for it in wind. Also I got a call today from our good friend Troy at the computer place and he tells me my laptop is ready to go home! (he told me in engrish of course XD)
    I know the feeling: my laptop's stil broken too :mad: Luckily I still have the desktop at home though.
    Actually, oregano is good with marjoram and thyme as well. And rosemary! But make sure to grind the rosemary.
    Hell yes! :bee:

    Tomorrow, I will discuss marjoram and thyme with my friends (those two are good together)!
    In all honesty? There's a few things.

    I found out that my uncle died a couple of days ago. I wasn't really close to the man, but he was close to my deceased grandpa and I had seen him more often than not back in the day. I always thought of him as a really lonely guy surrounded by family that ultimately didn't give a hoot about him. Of course, I was wrong; he was an old hermit and everyone knew that he liked it that way. Nearly his entirely family showed up while he was on his deathbed, which was comforting. It's a shame we couldn't make it back up to Ohio for the funeral.

    I am a little pissed off at my folks (my Dad and my stepmother) for not telling me what was going down. They knew he had contracted bone-tissue cancer and he had been sick for months; they were expecting his demise. I wasn't. They did apologize to me when I pointed this out, so the brunt of my hurt is edged off.

    On top of that, me visiting my parents opened up an old wound totally unrelated to everything else. It's...complicated. Soon after my parents and I talked about my uncle, I started asking for advice on what to do at my job so that I could not get demoted and I keep going higher. There was an expectation that he'd point out everything I did wrong in the scenarios I laid out for him, but it was just a horrible reminder.

    All of my life, he's been the thing that grabbed me by the scruff of my shirt and threw me forward when I stopped moving. He also made it a point to correct me when as I was stumbling from the shove as well; straight and narrow. He did these things because he loved me, because he wants to protect me from being hurt. I know this. But...for once in my god**** life I would like him to say something POSITIVE to me. Now that I'm taking steps for myself, I just want him to say that he's proud of me. It's a silly thing to ask because he's not wired like that, but at the same time it hurts. It's probably one of the reasons I don't call or visit as often as I should.

    Ugh, I apologize for being melodramatic. One of these days these walls o' text are going to be about some lovely lady who has swept me off of my feet or about how awesome everything is.
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