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  • just the ancient killer it refers to the time he killed Aireth by falling from the ceiling and stabbing her (kinda like links Dair position)
    thanks lythium I'll look there and see what I can get and if it turns out great I'll give you props and also what internet should I get and I mean the via satellite or whatever it is thats not wifi
    so today i had an epiphany why not buy a laptop with all my new money I'm racking in from work. But the sad thing is I don't know where to start. :(

    So I'm going to ask you where should I look for a new laptop? and it would have to be able to withstand online gaming without lag and surf the interweb at a moderate rate.

    any input would be great thanks Lythium
    *takes a deep breath and bellows.*


    Hello, Lythium. How are you? I see that you're (kinda) back up to snuff as far as posting and activity goes on the boards; did ya find a remedy for your internet problem? If you did, mad kudos. If you didn't, well, you still get mad kudos for finding a way to poke your head above the proverbial fence and letting everybody know what's up (if you get the Home Improvement reference to Wilson, I give you even MORE kudos). Always nice to see you post around these parts.

    (A replacement laptop would have probably been an awesome fix.)

    Darlin', you have no idea how ****ty it's been for me.

    About a week ago I was cruisin' down the road, on my way back from work. Small irrelevant detail, but it was a pretty fine drive. Asphalt was swallowed up by my car like how Pacman would consume his dots, a seamless and smooth transaction that I would probably watch if not for the fact that there were several other vehicles on the road other than myself doing the same **** thing. Music was going, drilling out some kinda noise from OC Remix (I believe it was the Cosmo Canyon remix done by Sixto Sounds and zircon). The stubborn AC actually blew cold air without a hitch and that old whining belt stopped whining for a bit. The sun was even peeking through my dirty old windshield and actually providing natural lighting to the dash! Ahh, it was glorious; a perfect transition from a hard day's work to a relaxing day at home.

    Then my car lurched.

    There was no violence behind the sudden loss of power, no real great noise that heralded the ending of my white chariot (a Toyota Camry, bless it all!). It just started to wind down, getting slower and slower and slower. I didn't panic. I calmly pressed on the gas pedal, to see if it would do anything. All I did was press a useless little tab of metal and rubber. No juice went to the engine to give it its go. So I began turning the wheel; it was a tad bit difficult, but I managed to yank myself from the farthest lane over and used my remaining momentum to pull me into a grassy strip that was on the side of the road. I tried starting it up, over and over again with the key in the ignition and everything. No dice. Now, mind you, this was in the home stretch; I could literally see my apartment complex dead ahead, about a mile up the road---of all the ironies, right? Just about to relax there, too. So I made a phone call to Triple A and had them tow my car, everything was going to be kosher. Kept mapping things out in my head, kept everything above ground. I was going to be fine. It would just take some time. I was going to have to walk to work every day until I procured the cash necessary to fix my vehicle.

    Five miles. That's the distance from my apartment to my job. About an hour and a half on foot. Needless to say, it's been grueling. I get the occasional ride going home from work, but for the past two days I've been walking to AND from work because there wasn't anybody I knew that got off at the same time as me. Yes, there's a loose metro bus system around here; no, I will not take it. Silly of me, I know, but I don't want to fork over money that could go to food and/or fixing my car. Plus, a bus tends to be filled with people that wanna get up in your space and cop a feel---for your change, for your wallet, for your whatever. Needless to say, it's a paranoia I should swallow but at the same time...I don't really mind. There's plenty of upsides to the grueling walking. Weight loss, good healthy sweat, and beta endorphins.

    Yeah. Too bad it beats the living hell out of me.

    To make matters worse, I told my parents about my dilemma. Not so much as a cry for help, but just as a "just to let you know what's going on with me" kinda thing. I told them that I had a budget in place that would help me save up for a quick fix; they thought I was foolish, saying that it would take me months to save up the money needed to tow my car to a mechanic. After running through many scenarios and possibilities, I was finally told to acquire the assistance of my middle sister's fiancee. He came out, had a look at my car, and discovered my problem straightaway: The serpentine belt and the power belt were literally thinned mockeries of themselves, barely able to support tension on the engine pulleys that help give the car its juice to go. That was the thing that busted my car. So he bought me another set of belts out of the goodness of his heart and set out to fix it.

    No dice. Old pieces of the power steering/serpentine belts were wedged up in the pulleys, preventing proper installation. We didn't have the right tools on hand to fix it, but we tried everything we possibly could to get it out of there. No good. So I proceeded to tell my Dad about what just happened...

    ...and he went bat**** crazy on me. Called me stupid, chastised me for not taking proper steps to fix the problem. Eventually he calmed down (with the help of my stepmom) and he agreed to help me find another solution to the problem----a mechanic that he found off of Craig's List who does door-to-door car fixits. My Dad wrangled him down to a mere forty bucks---money that my folks gave me anyway to help out, but...goddammit, I hate getting their help because it always devolves into these spats. It drives me up the wall. Hopefully my car woes will end tomorrow when the guy comes out and fixes it.

    There's more, but I'm sure you've seen enough of my ranting to last you a lifetime. Talk to you later.
    if I get a PS3 the first thing I'm going to buy is little big planet and that.

    k I'm going to have to go soon so if you don't hear from me you know why.

    I'm so proud! :bee:

    Lol @ people who will think I'm being a pervert when they see your profile.
    So have you played Dissidia yet? It's kick *** (at least what I've heard) I've played the demo but I haven't got the hard copy yet.
    Ok, I will keep it inside my head forever and occasionally giggle at it.
    aww yeahh!

    I wasn't really sore about, I am truly happy reading almost anything. I am having a great time at the book discussion. (You can probably tell since I ramble on for years :))
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