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  • I do whenever I'm home, but I'm at college right now. Winter break starts next Wednesday for me. Why do you ask? (As in, why me in particular)
    Yes, U-smash is invincible up to when Sonic reaches the apex of the jump, and can pretty much crush any other ground move. It was the fact it beat out ROB's high-priority N-air that surprised me.

    Nah, your ROB's fine. I say you're just having a bad day with him.
    So, Sonic's D-air seems to be very effective against ROB at times, U-smash apparently beats n-air, and U-tilt beats f-tilt O_o

    I need to start using surprise d-airs anyway, it seems people I brawl with do not know how to counter it.
    Hm, I can't remember if I ever brought it up but since we have such trouble getting this working via visitor messages you could try and catch me on IRC if you wish.

    Here's the link to the server: http://mibbit.com/chat/?server=irc.synirc.net

    Then just type in "/msg HotGarbage (message)" without the apostrophes or parentheses
    Looking at how far more extreme the numbers are compared to "First Num".

    Jet is vertical for sure.
    Yeah, 2nd slowest after Dedede, right? At least he can get going and tack 30-50% after a simple down throw, and kill at -15% with Shoryuken.

    I VMed you on SPPF, in response to yours.
    I fixed up my main list, and included a W.i.p. list. Limited my mains to two.

    Even though I hardly use Luigi, compared to Ike and Sonic, I get so many victories out of him XD. But I Cyclone too much for my own good.
    I hadn't played him a while, my Ivysaur has lost the charm it had in times of old, and Charizard is simply LOL.

    I may put him back on though. Why the hell did I put DDD on there?
    First Num: When you send a horizontal into the sky
    Num Shot: When you do a horizontal with the stack.
    N Jet Bonus: Multiplier for subsequent launches in the stack.

    Notice how, with N Jet Bonus, Megadom and Hotted end up getting less distance (due to actually DIVIDING your launch power)

    First Num prominent examples:

    Hevendor (at -240 for 1 Frame)
    Hotted (at -45 for 1 Frame)
    Mekks (at -80 for 4 Frames)
    Gigagush (at -80 for 4 Frames)

    Num Shot prominent examples:

    ....wait, Thirnova, what are you doing? D:

    Oh I see! Positive Num Shots are the sporadic ones (blasts off then immediately stops)

    Help me with this D:
    Then maybe he hasn't bothered to reply yet.

    Because I have the gall to ask, who's Tyrant?

    Uh, no Brawls from me tonight probably. Finance homework and Government final tomorrow.
    Bassem is the number 1 ranked Brawler in OK. Very respectable Wario. But like many other respectable players, they vehemently ignore Wi-fi scrubs' requests to Brawl.

    That is awesome. Wish we had a good Sonic main here in OK (or maybe I should claim that spot :DDDDD)
    As a matter of fact, I do. Hour's drive away, if you want a relation to time. Maybe I should ask those Oklahoma Brawlers for Wi-fi matches and see if the connection's any good. I already VMed Bassem and Po Pimpus.

    I was thinking of transferring to OU next semester, so I might have been able to find all of those Norman players too, lol.
    Num Shot sounds like it's the bonus on the first of a stack, and Jet Bonus is subsequent from that (meaning it kills Hotted completely)
    I don't recall. It was awhile ago. I didn't use my main though.
    There was one match that I played however where I wasn't trying at all. But again, I don't know if that was against you or not.
    Lol! Yeah I would most likely go with the double-jump option. When we play again I'll show you.
    That was pretty funny though. You were d-tilting away and I just wound up my Sonic Pawnch to half charge. I think Sonic's F-smash outranges all of Game & Watch's ground moves aside from his own F-smash, lol - I know for a fact it out-ranges D-smash.

    No she does not. And I got into argument with on how she limits herself to Smash attacks and one other move - Falco with his laser, Yoshi's b-air, etc. She says she doesn't like tilts or aerials that much. So, if she wants to start using G&W............
    The good thing about rising Fair is that it's a guaranteed rise. There is no variation, either you do it right or you don't.
    Why is it that every time I get you to at least 80%, you seem to obtain invincibility frames for the rest of the match, so I can't kill you? Or maybe I just have a problem getting the kill in (lol and I main Sonic lololol). GGs though.

    My GW needs work. But at least I have some sense of tech chasing down, which probably comes from experience in chasing after Sonic's D-throw.
    I end up winning numerous PT dittos last night...and then I get beat by Jigglypuff. :v. Nice surprise Rest on Zard, I was not expecting it at all.

    YI (pipes) is fun, and it's really an OK stage. DDD can't chaingrab there, camping at the hill is less effective. It's the small blastzones that are a bother.

    I'd believe it if ROB as faster in the air. I think Marth has the slight advantage.

    Hence the basic CP from there to here?
    After about 10 minutes, I become one with the planet.

    As such, I freaking FLINCH when a Soul Meteo comes down, because I know that's the end.
    Actually it was tense, heh. I was going for 9999999.

    Does the beginning not count at all? Oh, just understood the wording.
    Oh yeah, that makes sense then.

    Feel free to come back if you ever need anymore advice with Fox!
    I was just riding my way home from the other end of town. It lasted around an hour.

    And yeah; I basically kept it in that state for 40 minutes XD
    I would also like to play you again sometime!

    The timing for Fox's Fair is basically pressing forward-A immediately after jumping, but for most people it works out if you press it at the exact same time. Just hold the control stick forward, and press both X and A almost at the same time. Slide your thumb from X to A real quick.

    I actually was impressed that ROB was able to escape after only 2-uptilts, Ganon can fall for up to 5 if you alternate the direction of up-tilt mid lock. It just seems like ROB can get caught in it easy, but doesn't stay for long.
    Niiiiiice. Scoring stuff pl0x.

    Also I can check my Dawndus high score now. While I'm at it, I'll post them all XD (for this file, at least...)

    Geolyte: 384760
    Firim: 396840
    Oleana: 350840
    Anasaze: 368120
    Grannest: 432850
    Wiral: 379780 (just did it now! Had 160k before)
    Boggob: 180520
    Gigagush: 218870
    Lastar: 176060
    Suburbion: 185500
    Bavoom: 321540
    Jeljel: 484020
    Vubble: 521440
    Gravitas: 164960
    Mekks: 231640
    Layazero: 174740
    Florias: 370300
    Starrii: 315930
    Thirnova: 562710
    Brabbit: 7795640
    Hotted: 268220
    Freaze: 241020
    Forte: 298040
    Megadom: 173570
    Wuud: 383210
    Globin: 150020
    Yooj: 246950
    Cavious: 176320
    Luna=Luna: 192700
    Dawndus: 932090
    Hevendor: 135290
    Meteo: 302760
    GGS dude! You have a great ROB, just need to start mixing up your playstyle once I started punishing your spotdodges.

    And I dunno... looked like I gimped you more than you gimped me XD. Rising Fair works wonders.
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