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  • I must not be pressing the followup fast enough then. Maybe I need to buffer it. But I find it strangely ironic that DK can't be followed up on, considering his size.

    I was playing Bowser against Aibou's Zelda, which was pretty fun, because I Fortressed OoS more so than usual with good results. He told me he struggles with the Bowser matchup, so I told him that you might be able to help him with it. :x
    I find IMs much more convenient, but um sure! VM could work, I'll add your FC right now. You can host!
    I discovered that Bowser does not have a grab-release follow-up on Zelda. Not even Jab is fast enough.

    Well I can respect that, matchups often vary depending on the playstyle of each person's character. Imo they should only really give a general idea. Fox just seems to have more things going for him.

    I would love some friendlies, seeing as I'm not busy right now, do you have AIM?
    Aye, now isn't a good time. I actually did need something else there as the 10 character limit applies to visitor messages as well :V.
    Snake: "Hey, Otacon. I got a woman here in a Power Suit..."

    Otacon: "Huh? How'd you know she was a woman? Yeah, that'd be Samus Aran, the most renowned bounty hunter in the galaxy. Her Arm Cannon packs quite a wallop. If you get hit with a charged shot from that thing, you can kiss your butt good-bye."

    Snake: "Sounds like my kind of woman..."

    Otacon: "Yeah, well, just don't get too close, Snake. Samus is deadly. After Space Pirates killed her parents, she was raised by the Chozo and trained in the fighting arts. She's been places and seen things that people like you and me can't even begin to imagine."

    Snake: "But underneath that cold, metal exterior beats the heart of a woman..."
    It was down yesterday, but I have to head to the Smashfest now.

    I could probably crunch out a tier list over the course of a day.
    Sounds possible. Problem is that there's no mention of the 2 new colors, neither in the glossary nor on the homepage.
    I was actually thinking of sending Q Entertainment a mail asking, lol
    The addittional synth in the voices in Open Your Heart is beautiful 8D

    And that sucks, lol. At least I don't have Pharmacy class anymore, so we could probably play tonight.
    I'm trying to download it again, this time on a public network.

    It's uploading 50x faster, so I'm happy now 8D

    I should be able to Brawl in about 2 hours.
    *Busy being pissed at computer for downloading 75% of the Best of Crush 40: Super Sonic Songs album, then decides to quit uploading, and doesn't retain any of the 75% of data it had garnered*

    Nah, it's good player awesomeness" 90% of the time. You're the reason ROB is the only major disadvantage on that list, the rest I consider tolerable.

    Youtube has been sucking for me since Sunday, so I'm going to assume that's the thing where Ganon flies 50 ft in the air after a Wizard Kick from the edge. Which I could only do once. lol
    I don't know much about technical details, I only play Meteos casually, and not very much, either.
    Take your time. Priorities, priorities.

    But yeah. Get back to me on if you think it's a good idea to post those tourney rules in the social thread. Would be fun to generate some hype.
    I've been experimenting in my head with how teams could work in a tourney setting.

    Current rules:

    Double Blind: Both teams choose their planets (Brabbit is banned) in secret so there is no influence.
    Stock: Matches are set to 5-star Difficulty with Lives set to 6.
    Launches: Teams discuss among themselves who will target from their side, and which opponent will be targeted. This is done in Double Blind format as well. This prevents overpowered picking on the "weak" planet while still adding depth.

    Counterpicking: The winners first decide amongst themselves who will change planet, if at all. Then, the losers counter that with their own. Without a blind, the winners decide their target plan, and then the losers decide thereafter. If this isn't mutually felt to be enough of a counterpick, the loser can turn on a single item of their choice, one per teammate, and they will be the only ones that can spawn. Likewise, they can force the opponent to have an item spawn on their side instead.

    The sets are Bo3, Bo5 finals. Remember that Stocks are shared and this function cannot be removed.

    Again, Brabbit is banned. This planet is far too overcentralising, as it requires a quick off-the-bat offensive strike to take down.


    Should I post this in the Social Thread for kicks?
    *Obligatory question on who Danny is*

    *Obligatory "whoa" on hitting him with Ike's F-smash"
    Do you want to brawl a few matches right now? If not, I'm packing and playing Sonic Unleashed for the rest of the night.
    I thought the word was "concellation" or "consellation" but Word marks them as wrong. I check similar spellings and none show up to the same sound - the closest is constellation. So ha.

    "It opposed to the meteor, with the laser beam and the like by union."

    Guess I go ROB from now on.
    If you DI the right way, I'll just f-tilt you, and get 11%. Nice constellation prize.

    Depends on the meteor [/confuzzled]
    Oh yeah, I hate you so much for being able to tech my D-throw now.

    At least you can't break from my signature D-tilt -> U-tilt! >(
    i own meteos but i am cursed and cannot own a ds as they always break (hinge crack on phat, ds slot doesn't work on lite) maybe third times the charm?

    plus last time i pooped in meteos my data got corrupted so im very tempeted to ragequit life.
    How I managed to KO you by chucking a Ray Gun at you, I have no idea. Sorry about getting screwed over in the first two matches though :v

    Also, Octopus + Brinstar = bad day for Sonic.
    Just give me ten minutes to grab the third and fourth Chaos Emeralds, beat Eggman at Angel Island so I can save the game, switch the games around, and get online, k?
    Oh my god, I just agreed to brawl someone AGAIN :mad:
    You sir have horrid timing lol. You can even check the NNMFA not even joking xD
    Here's the kicker: I turned Brawl off literally ten minutes ago, and am now playing Sonic 3.

    lol, guess I'll switch again.
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