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  • The true answer to that question will come from actual tournament play, but in theory it handles it fairly well. Peach should be able to follow SDI to the sides. SDI down for some characters can force a hit with the wrong hitbox... that isn't completely ideal though as it means a free grab for Peach, but if you're playing fox it's much better than the alternative :p. SDI up should reduce the number of uair hits, by how much depends on the SDI. I'd say normally by one. Against characters that get hit more potentially more than that (especially wolf). Against fox I don't know.... he still might be screwed xP.

    So yeah, to summarize when facing a good opponent SDI should reduce the string's effectiveness. However it still should work overall and it's still Peach's best source of damage.
    Especially in Dallas. I was there last month, visiting some friends, and I was with a friend when he had to fill up. I think the price was around $3.50 a gallon X_X
    Will you look at that!!

    Ah, and before you ask me to brawl this week I should let you know that I'm taking a break for at least a week. I somehow screwed up my wrist and playing brawl aggravates it so <_____>
    Maybe you should do the same come your next birthday, when you're finally old enough (and without parental consent) to make your own decisions. :p

    The best I can do is take the 3 hour drive down to Dallas and participate in a tournament. Probably gather up some of my old college buddies from SMU and ask if they want to go there as well.
    Eh, I gave up on AiB. I'll never understand the ladder system.

    I really want to see him participate in a big tournament. He'll either get an ego check, or be ridiculed for his playstyle, or both.

    Speaking of tournaments, I think I'll try and go to that No Koast tournament in Wichita in March. But it falls right on my birthday, so that may or may not be a good thing.
    'Tis why I hate playing AvengingtheKnight. Little ******* spams Shuttle Loop all the way across the stage, and Tornado, and D-smash, nothing else. Then he turns around and says he's too pro.

    He got banned before because he was being a pissant to everyone else. He says he got banned because he was just too good.

    I was playing a match with Aibou and Guest438 on Halberd. Aibou was MK, Guest was Fox. Aibou popped me up in the air, and tried to use the u-air chain on me until I hit the blast line...

    He never tried that again when he died at 52%
    Now combine that to his rate of tacking damage on. Laser, f-tilt, u-tilt, d-tilt, d-smash, f-smash, u-air, Gyro, spinning gyro. It adds up.

    Sure, n-air does 10%. It also kills off the top at 40%
    Yeah, but I meant that using Game and Watch would always be top priority over the other characters :p.

    Doesn't matter, I'll always remember you as the R.O.B that always gives me hell.
    Nah, you didn't. I've been thinking you stuck with Game and Watch.

    Yeah, lag wasn't as good as usual that time around.

    That Aibou/Rose fellow is the person I told you that needed Bowser practice, btw.
    Well...you punish fantastically. Especially with Ganon. So it outweighs the other qualities :p

    Makes me think you've decided to main Ganon without me knowing.
    Combine a projectile that can be used every 2 seconds, with tilts that exceed the range of Marth's F-smash, and you've got a character that is such a pain in the *** to fight against. One of my worst matchups, easily.

    Ganon may be the manliest thing to walk on the planet, but Sakurai apparently doesn't think so if he programmed his survival move with the crappiest hitstun ever. -_-
    Well, I tried using Laser in some matches, and the recharge rate seems longer than a second, but less than 3. So I'll just go with the middle ground of 1.5-2 seconds.

    U-tilt has two hits, the first of which has set knockback. Fox gets caught in that hit, but is never pushed into the second hit, and since his fall speed is so great, and u-tilt is so fast, it traps Fox. This "infinite" can be carried so long as there is a platform - ROB moves slightly in the opposite direction Fox is hit on; if Fox is hit on the left, ROB moves to the right, and vice versa. It may not necessarily be 0-death, but if you can trap Fox in it, that is an easy 50-70% right there.
    "Class Two: Robo Beam after being charged for 3-19 seconds. It is a thin beam at this stage. O.K. for breaking up approaches. Good for setting up a Gyro Shot."

    "3-19 seconds"

    Seems like I was right about the Robo Beam timer.

    Dare I say it, I think I'll start using ROB more. Now all I need to do is use Snake, Marth, Meta Knight, Peach, Ice Climbers, Mario, and Fox, and I'll have used the entire cast at one point ofr another.
    Yeah I enjoy Melee more but I don't enjoy the elitist connotations of that group and whatever.

    Melee players talk too much **** about Brawl, and rather distance myself from all that kind of nonsense.
    Youtube hasn't worked for me in a week.

    And....I may back out on making that tournament again. Reading the rules in the guide thread and everything's making me rethink this.
    DMG plays GW? Or is Bacon another person?

    I may set up that tournament tomorrow or Sunday. 16 entrants, 3 characters apiece. I decided to just run with it and see how it works out for the first few matches.
    Not even if we do Falcon dittos and go to that spot on the left?

    Or should we save that for friendlies?
    And if one of the two turns back on his word and calls the other guy out on doing such tactics? I'd have to set up a xat chat with the three of us in order to keep track of the agreement, unless they both PM me logs or PMs of their agreements.

    If you and me ever meet in a tourny, we ARE going to 75M or Mario Circuit, in that case 8P
    On second thought, keeping Spear Pillar would be a bad idea. Fox (nyuk nyuk) would have a field day there.

    Same goes for those with walk-offs. I can't exactly enforce not edge camping if I'm not watching the Brawls...

    See why I shouldn't consider tournaments? :p Maybe you could help me think of one to set up. We'd get cool blue names out of it! 8D
    I'd have to make matches best 5 out of 7 or something, and no reuse of stages, so that victories aren't entirely determined on gay stages.

    Due to my expert stalking of your profile, I saw that link before you relayed the info, I replied to it, and at the same time, asked for wifi with others in that thread.
    Well, that may be the problem. Play gayer like you do with me. >>

    I'm sleeping in all morning tomorrow, so lol to that. taking advantage of the time off I have!

    Using banned stages. 75M, Mario Circuit, all that jazz. But I would ban Circle Camping, so Spear Pillar and Hanenbow doesn't become auto-win.
    Well, did you abuse Fortress as much as you against me? :p

    Yeah, mine and Kupo's lag sucks. The matches between us he put on Youtube, you can see SD's everywhere on his part.

    So maybe we can get some Brawls in the morning?

    I've been thinking of making a Smash tournament. But considering the quirk it has, I don't think I'd have much of a turnout XD
    I can see where Fox can make it an even matchup. After all, he's quick.

    I waaaaant to say that we're evenly skilled, maaaaaaybe I'm a bit better, but I haven't played a game with him in 2 months. X_X

    Two more to go, one done tomorrow, the other on Monday.
    Even better 8D. Just makes the harassment better. I think I have pretty good aim with the beam, so that's something I should try out.

    I get beat by anyone's Fox. Auto-win against me so long as they don't edge camp, where I can start gimping.
    That's good. i need some Fox practice. He's one of my top 3 most hated matchups, with Snake and ROB.

    I always seem to be the punching bag in free-for-alls. No idea why.

    Astonishing how fast 3 seconds go by in a match. if I ever pick up ROB, that will be my mainstay - just firing off the little beams to piss you off every three seconds.
    CPUs are faster at launching.

    But they're not smarter.

    Because of this, they get more points on Globin, Gravitas, and Hevendor than we can ever hope to achieve.
    I don't know, I just felt more....off-edge than I usually was in that match. Lag + incoming finals, I guess. I was out of line there, so I'm sorry.

    But running into that Punch was unintentional, I was trying to measure how close I can get without getting hit by it.
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