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  • I've got 60 frames or so after I input the d-throw to simply hold the L button.

    So I think I'll be able to shield that.
    Not really, if I just roll away or Spring up away from your bite.

    Besides, I'd rather f-throw or u-throw Wario's fat *** and get going on followups. :p

    Smilies are awesome.
    Takes real skill to get him from his Spring, son.

    And Revan does get a little predictable with rolling and whatnot. But still, infinite cool points to you.
    In that case, GW shouldn't be close enough where Fire's hitbox makes contact with Sonic. Either way, I'm going unpunished <3

    Imagine if Luigi could Up-B in time.
    + means the opponent can move that number of frames before Sonic can; - means that number of frames after. Game and Watch can begin moving 3 frames after Sonic can, ROB 5 frames after Sonic, etc.

    Sonic's Jab is frame 3. I think GW's Jab is his fastest move, at frame 4. So Sonic has a 6 frame window to get a Jab in, and a 7 frame window to at least clank with Spitball Sparky.
    No Bowser or Wario data yet, but Ganon's is there:


    Frame advantage against Sonic @ 0%: +3
    Fastest guaranteed hard punisher @ 0%: No true punishers.
    Kinzer's personal comment: Poor ol' Ganon doesn't have the attack speed to get his grubby hands on Sonic after a tech. Fastest thing he can do is a grab, which is 7 frames, but still. I feel sorry for this guy. :/


    Doesn't matter if you roll away, I'm content with not getting punished for it. =P
    Mr. Game & Watch:
    Frame advantage against Sonic @ 0%: -3
    Fastest guaranteed hard punisher @ 0%: No true punishers.
    Kinzer's personal comment: Haha, does he think he can play the same game we can? No, actually; We can jab him if he tries to tech our D-Throw. Ah, it's gonna feel so good punching this sad excuse for paper machete.


    Frame advantage against Sonic @ 0%: -5
    Fastest guaranteed hard punisher at 0%: No true punishers.
    Kinzer's personal comment: Yes! I though with R.O.B. being so tall he'd have something devastating against Sonic, but it turns out if R.O.B. tries to tech it he will only set himself up for punishment! Well, not quite, R.O.B. slides too far out of range for a Jab, and FTilt/DTilt will get powershielded, but otherwise you're good to go with R.O.B.


    I discovered the Up B thing when a level 9 Luigi Naired me to death. As for Clai, I got mad at him when he made the thread revealing it. EVERY member of the Ganon board knew about it for about 8 months and kept it secret from the rest of the community until that thread. People would post in our Q&A stuff like "Did you know Ganon can be hit blah blah blah" and we would reply with "Shhhhh!!!!!!!"
    I'm saying GWs Jab is like Ivysaur's, in that you have to wait a bit after a Jab to do something else, or else you go back to doing another Jab.
    Go Jab. Then try to react fast enough without getting into another Jab.

    But I can see that. His smashes end too quickly for me to punish ;____________;
    His killing power's crap anyway, may as well have more mindgames put in.

    He'd be like a more grounded Meta Knight, with a theoretical nonexistence of ending lag to his moves.
    I may not download it though.

    Screw you Tornado! Hello d-air camping DD:

    I was playign Unleashed last night, playing the Werehog, and noticed that no matter how far into an attack Sonic got into, he could immediately cancel it and roll away by putting his shield up.

    THAT'S what should have been in Brawl - the ability to cancel ANY of Sonic's moves, including the charge-up of his smashes. He'd be godly if that had happened.
    I thought I made it known a long time ago I want to be called Josh, lol

    You really are better than what you were playing yesterday. Though, I think I can react to pressure more than you can, particularly pressure from being in the 100s on your last stock.

    I would just Powershield the final hit and then do whatever, lol. Grab, Jab, Smash, enjoy.

    Luigi finally has a kill move with range now?
    Arsenic (local Smasher) doesn't play Meteos competitively. His friend (SAUS; arguably best Ike in Canada) is apparently really good, but I don't know if he's competitive.
    The obvious way to go would be to recover high and make sure you act really fast upon landing, so no one can follow up on you and repeat the process.

    I can't remember that Robot vs. DayDayDay match on Lylat except for the fact I lived until 200-something.
    Public conversations are AWESOME.

    I learned about Dark Dive's weakness by stalking the Ganon board at the time, lol. I've haven't been able to do it a lot though - that match on FD was only the second time I was able to punish it.

    Lag really sucks - that's why I offered to hold off on the matches on the hope of lag getting better after a while D: I still think you're a better player than me, and I only won because lag hated me less.

    You can call me Josh, by the way.
    I got really nervous when he hit me with a Flame Choke, predicted my roll direction, and hit me with an F-smash DDD:

    I miss a lot with my aerials anyway, so I have no complaints.

    I dun play Ganon, therefore I can't give tips to recover. Which reminds me, I had fun playing "get back on!" with TP's Ganondorf when he Dived me and I f-aired right back.
    Public conversations FTW.

    Kofu, you are pretty good. I don't like judging people too much from wifi, but you clearly know what you are doing. I see now that it was you who taught Sonic Storm about Ganon's Up B being punishable on hit. Curses!

    Sonic Storm, I wasn't using Uair much because it kept reading it as Usmash instead. EVERY FREAKING one of them was supposed to be an Uair except 1 where you were on a platform on PS1.
    He surprised me a lot in the two matches with his Ganon. He was able to kill me at 90-100% consistently on all of my stocks, lol. He really took me by surprise when he did a Wizard Kick right offstage and came right back and got me with a Flame Choke.

    He didn't abuse Ganondorf's aerials though, like his up-air, but that's probably because I stayed grounded for most of the matches.
    Flipman is waaay harder. I used to be able to do it too, but then college took my tech skill and started kicking it for the 4 months I was gone.
    Well, nice to meet you Kofu. I've been around the Puff boards but not recently.

    I am highfive, leader of the High Ocean Republic and senpai in High Ocean Academy.

    Why do you ask if I wifi?
    He HAD to have predicted the Rest, since it's a frame 1 move. Unless he's got a reaction time faster than the gods.

    My Weegee has kind of stagnated recently.
    D-tilt does have god range. Too bad it won't kill until late in the game, even later if its used with impunity.

    I don't think I've ever faced Guest's Marth, but I have played many of his other characters. The Mario/Sonic match I had with him is one of his most memorable matches, because the last stock was the living definition of a spacing war.

    He really isn't popular, because he has an ego that would be Napoleon's.

    Considering the stuff people are saying about my PT, I am seriously starting to consider using him as my other main in place of Weegee, lol.
    uh oh, lol. I've got work to do, it seems XD

    Guest438 did when I played him and marthshadow this morning, though he did recognize his actions after the match. He considered it spamming ATK-style.
    Oh yeah, I forgot I said that Ganon dittos are a way of life yesterday. Shun me.

    As am I, sort of. At least, better than I am before. I can tolerate up to 15 seconds of Aura Sphere spamming now.
    Why'd you decide to play Ganon dittos? You could have chosen the other two at any point.

    I'll probably play gay against TP and spam the crap out of Ike's Jabs, abuse his range, and abuse Sonic's speed.
    Hi! I can play now. Come xat.com/Ganondorf_Brawlers which is a Ganon chat room that is always empty these days.
    A few problems.

    1) Two people won't change their minds.
    2) They probably can't even understand English.
    3) It took 30,000 signatures to get Itoi to work on Mother 3. Even then, it was never released to USA.
    You are really good at picking the few times I am not available, lol.

    I should be around from 2 PM Mountain time until the end of the night. Please tell me you can fit that window.

    H2O but no Fire implies Ice.
    H2O with Fire implies Water.

    ...but. They gave Layazero Ice. It has Fire.


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