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  • lol I 'm kidding. Feel free tto spread my bundle of fail. No matter how far my Sonic advances, your ROB is one step ahead, always.

    6 causes fire Damage, so I can see how it has good KO potential.

    You're good at killing in general. It's racking damage I think is your biggest problem.

    6 won't KO until very high percentages though, wouldn't it?
    Judge is basically Brawl's Russian Roulette.

    Sorry for not replying fast enough, I'm typing my history with Sonic in that Roll Call thread :3. But sure, give me a few minutes.
    Strange, when I see the box, I think of the packages from the G&W game Cement Factory. I shall call them cement slabs from now on.

    Double-wielding hammers too good.
    Luigi would be much much better if he had any form of approach - good ground speed, air speed, and/or any reliable approaching attack.

    Good thing he hits hard and very well against those that need close quarter combat (like Sonic ;; )
    It's counting from the point the shielder can perform an OoS action. If you want to perform another action (smash attack for instance) you'll have 13 frames to do so (20-7=13). This is assuming normal shielding btw. If you powershield the last hit it'll be -20 for all actions aside from ground movement..... or -21; I can't remember if psing reduces shield stun to 0 or not.
    My jaw literally dropped when you pivot grabbed that attack. I was like "what the hell......"

    Don't worry about the ganging up. It happens to me all the time, so I'm used to it, lol.
    lol, I wasn't sure if you wanted to do doubles or not. If I had known, I would have asked before you came to the thread.

    But sure, I'm game for teaming up with you, if you want.
    That's what Gyro's for. Fox and Wolf can reflect that, and it will still be your Gyro.

    I did not know this until I brawled Wiimote's Wolf an hour ago, lol. I was really shocked.

    Plus, they're gimp city. Get them offstage and get to work.
    Keep spamming them then. They're either bound to hit some time, or keep the other guy on his toes and make him realize he's not going to get anywhere by not approaching with you firing lasers every two seconds.

    I just walled Falcon with f-tilt and Laser, and if he got close, d-throw to a followup. I also connected so many more n-airs than usual.

    I think I have the replays of those matches, if not just the second match. I could send them to you if you want.
    He decided to go Falcon against me though, with amusing results.

    And I'm now under the impression that Wiimote is secretly in love with me. We had some three-person Brawls with some other person, Umbre, and even when Umbre was a stock and 100% ahead of us, he'd hound after me like a little puppy. It was hilarious.
    I believe the term is "sympathy."

    And it's more the fact that Jab stops all of Sonic's approaches.
    MPT is some kind of Meteos game?

    Never heard of Pictures at an Exhibition, but it's cool that you play the piano :3

    TAUNTING IS 1337
    Belated Merry Christmas to you too.

    I got me an 8 GB Ipod, Portal, the new Harry Potter movie, a charging station, ANOTHER copy of Smash bros Brawl (when I had bought it 3 days earlier lolol), so I'm pretty good.

    Oh, and 2 Gamecube controllers. I can join in the taunt lulz now. 8D
    ............ please dont waste my time like that again. My Wii can only be on for a hour before overheating.
    ok but if the connection is bad dont expect me to do many matches

    my fc

    3566 1207 1135

    My apologies, but it'll have to wait until sometime in 2010 'cause I am anticipating Christmas like mad. I think I can organize a match or two in January but definately not during Winter Break. :pikachu2:
    No I wasn't upset, I was more shocked that I was dumb enough to keep getting hit by them.

    I didn't know that Air Claw has more range than Ground Claw. That's an interesting fact. I'll try it.

    You're some kind of great though. I'll catch up to you someday :)
    I'm up for some friendlies. In fact, you're the perfect person to check out how my Bowser's coming along.
    I've made some stupid posts on this site before but I think I know enough 'bout Smash Brothers to know what I'm saying. I "joined in" on the conversation zeldaspazz and mountain tiger had about braces on the Zelda Boards the other day.

    I just like to socialize across the boards 'cause that's what I see this site for. Ofcourse I also obtain knowledge about the Smash Brothers metagame (especially w/ Falco and Pikachu) to get better w/ playing Brawl. I'm following the post rules so I don't see any problems w/ posting my opinions and correcting people statements (though I tend to make mistakes myself). :kirby2:
    *Playing Sonic Triple Trouble and fangasming all over the BGM for Sunset Park Act 3 <333333*

    So not right now, I guess.
    That could be something I could try out. I never use the X button anyway - I always use Y for jumping.

    I did try that Wavebouncing setup for Lucas when I secondaried him, eons ago. But needless to say, I haven't used that in a while.
    Both L and R.

    And the controls are exactly the same as the default, but with Tap Jump off.

    I'm too lazy to try and learn other control schemes.
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