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  • Still deciding between you and Night for Chuck's Gym, your mains, and either 7th or 8th.

    In that order.
    Hit the block 100 times. I would have never guessed it. I figured one super secret (the Super Shroom) was enough, lol. I got mindgamed.

    Ocarina of Time, Kirby 64, SM64, Paper Mario, Majora's Mask, and so on. All really great.
    lol, that was cute.

    I'm playing Paper Mario after who knows how long. Discovered the Ultra Shroom secret at Dry Dry Desert after being left in the dark about it for the past 9 years.
    lol Karen's Umbreon. Such a pain even before the level increase.

    lol hChelc is back being a mod at SPPF. So much for being sick of the place. Time fore more bias and douchebaggery.
    I haven't challenged the E4 either. I want my Pokemon at level 70 or so when I face them.

    If you have a Pokemon that is quick and has an instant recovery move, that could be useful. Something like Alakazam could work.

    I'm in the Yellow Forest in the Walker. Not stopping until I have a Flying or Surfing Pikachu (which I almost got yesterday :mad:)
    I use Mt Silver to level grind my Pikachu. I still haven't challenged Red yet, since my Pokemon are so underleveled.

    Thank goodness for gym leader rematches.
    Downloading Pokemon Puzzle League at the moment.

    You may become the 5th leader for the GLT. It's between you and Nightsky, lol
    You're judging a MU ratio based MY Dedede? I can't infinite that well - if DDD does have an infinite of Bowser, I don't know the timing

    Jiggz, I just abused Inhale, lol. Very useful move, especially since it takes a 8th of Jiggz's stock each time she's caught, lol.
    I tried playing as Snake a little while ago against .WC., and went even with his Diddy. Then I went DDD and went to town, lol

    I have homework I need to wrap up. If I can get through it with no interruptions, I can play in 30 minutes.
    So do I, but I hate ROB more :)

    I give up on Samus. Lack of setups and hitstun is irritating me.
    Do you ave to face him in a tournament?

    I haven't played him seriously in a long while. I just know that his Luigi and Snake are good.
    Same for me. lol Invisible account glitch.

    You may be a leader. Two out of the three owners accepted you.
    God, Samus needed hitstun so much in her moves >__< I'm lucky to even get two hits in at once if it's not Screw Attack or U-air. KO power is not her worst problem, definitely - it's her lack of setups and the like.

    No clue what BSOD means, lol
    I'm going to work on hitting with those moves, but my top priority is using Missiles correctly.

    I killed with an unstaled Charge Shot. He didn't whip the Bucket out in time.

    I really like her up-air, but I need to use D/F-smash more. :/
    Sonic's low tier?

    I've been wanting to play Samus for a while, and I think I've finally found a tempo with her. Plus, I had a friendly with her against Cubone's G&W. Lived to 200% while I killed him at 100% last stock. Awesome.

    Sonic/Zelda are my DDD MU, lol
    Awwwww Lucky Eggs D: I wish I had one. >>

    That Game Corner is the only reason I'm playing Platinum still. I need to get the good TMs the easy way >> God speed for you to max out the case though.
    You know it maaaaan.

    I've got 15 badges, and am currently level grinding my Latias from level 60, lol. You?
    My Bowser ain't good enough to be used in Bowser Dittos D: I'd just be handing out free wins.

    I can't react fast enough to followup air releases too.

    MOD AWW YEAH. Too bad it'll go away around midnight.
    Sure. I got my pages I needed printed out anyway.

    Going Bowser though, since I want to get good with him again.
    A wi-fi Sonic that still has a load of work to do, like using f-air and f-tilt on a regular basis?
    My room mate just bought Just Cause 2 today and we only have the one TV between us, so...
    Well, you should either shield it and go on the offensive as soon as he uses a bair, or outrange it with a longer attack. That's pretty much it.
    Thanks for the gratz!

    And yeah, I'm not just a Kirby mod, I'm THE Kirby mod! :D
    Well...Zelda just got fed up with Ganon kidnapping her all the time so she went a little crazy...can't say I blame her >_>
    And I'm horrible against Ganon...seriously...

    Thanks though for compliment :) And lol @ GW dittos XD. One of my favorite ditto matches in the game ^_^
    GGs my friend. I'm glad I finally got to see that G&W I've heard about from Josh. Though we didn't do any G&W vs Zelda matches :( Maybe next time.

    GGs :)
    Rawnie mains Zelda too, along with Sheik and Peach.

    Shadowfire (aka Knubs) is a Luigi and Snake main.

    BrawlBlazer is a Falco and Snake main.

    .WC. is a Wario, MK, and Snake main ( I assume, as I just started to play against him)

    The Nameless Wander uses all sorts of characters, but he usually goes Ike and Pokemon trainer.
    Most of those people that you met on the xat are pretty good. Rawnie, Shadowfirex100, Aibou, BrawlBlazer, Cubone, .WC., The Nameless Wonder, etc.

    Cubone even mains (mained, as he puts it) G&W and ROB.
    I'm about to start a tournament in 20 minutes, lol >_>

    Would you be interested in joining it if there is a no-show?
    I noticed the winning streak I'm having as well. But I get crushed by Ramen regularly, so I expect my streak to falter soon enough.

    I'm one of the few daring enough to go all Sonic most of the time though.
    I know of the YOU'RE WINNER meme, but not the AN HERO as much.

    But I'm just a regular face there.
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