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  • ok then :) im actually talking to Dualseeker about it now! we may just use you! but on the other hand, we may just use either of us two.(we both pretty much suck, so we MAY be a little bit more fitting for the 2nd Gym leader :laugh:)
    but we're still definitly considering you!
    if it doesnt work out though, you will be first on the list for replacements! if course, people will prolly drop out of their positions, so we would definitly like you to be first to fill one of those spots if it comes to that.
    ok then :) ummmm... we will talk about it :) i cannot guarentee a spot, i guess just because myself and DS are going to fight for it right now :laugh:

    ummm... but what i want to know i guess is if you are very good?? bugsy, being such an early gym leader, we dont want someone being able to smash all competition early in the tourney.
    you know what im trying to say?? lol i know i can be sorta confusing! :)
    My physiological advantages are having a high immunity system and having a pain threshold so high that I can be oblivious to my ear drums' bursting.

    However, the framework and health of my mouth does not carry any advantage :v

    Thanks. I hope so too.
    Yeah. :/ It's hard to lose them. I'm 14 btw, lol. The guy that usually hosts fests, is he gkirbz? We should wifi sometime. My connection is pretty good too. I love having the router right near my Wii, haha.

    I agree, overcoming matchups, well, all matchups, is what makes it worth playing him. It's sad how no one really tries against Ganon.
    If you were to talk to me in real life, you would first be appalled by my oral appearance. That's how bad it is.
    Nice, Ganon is really fun imo. He just wasn't viable in low tier so I picked up Link. Where do you live? I swear I've seen your name somewhere.
    I use a lot of people. ICs, Peach, Diddy, Shiek, Link. Do you like any of them? :)
    Klap Trap <3

    I love how you can just stand there and make Kirby approach. What's he gonna do? Final Cutter?

    Characters on Japes? Or in general?
    It doesn't get good until the latter half, imo.

    I forgot you had posted in that thread about it that Kinzer made, lol. The only characters I'm only ever not using D-throw against is Tink, Peach, and Luigi for that reason.
    Unless the ROB is hella predictable, you really can't shield on reaction to a Frame 3 multihitting move.

    I love Japes now.
    Well while you're at it, check my match against Wolfwood's Kirby at Japes. Awesome stuff there.

    I still hate Dsmash with a passion. Can't punish the **** thing.
    As Zero-Wolf is my only ZSS experience aside from Marthose, I can't say if he uses those moves too much. And I haven't played him for months either X_X

    I've been trying to work on Link for a while to help with the Snake, Diddy, and ROB MU. Maybe I can help you with the MU, even though I'm still trying to incorporate bombs in my game - I'm more of a Boomerang/CQC guy.
    haha, yeah. Popular vote gave Nightsky the position. We're still holding you as a replacement if it comes to that though.

    You sig has all the characters except for a choice few...

    What about Zero-Wolf's ZSS, and Starfire's Link? Mr. Mudkip's Ness? Oo
    GGs. I've got to make a pizza and check on a pregnant cat atm, but we can probably play later.

    You make Sonic unviable on FD and YI against GW and Bowser D:

    Also, do you know Terodactyl Yelnats? He's a Ganon main, and has placed in a few tournaments going all Ganon. He's on that xat right now, so maybe you can talk with him, maybe get a few matches with him.
    So if I have nothing to do on the 15th next month, I'll be going to my first tournament in Oklahoma City.

    I'll likely be going Sonic, Link, Zelda, and Yoshi and have pride in myself for playing crappy characters.
    I misspaced my d-air; I went through its ending lag because I did it too close to the ground. It gave him enough time to run up and Up-B
    Hmm haven't played you much do decide anything really.
    On a further note, I'm pretty bad at judgements and to top that off, I'm not good enough to say anything really.
    I'll send you the replay after midnight tonight. It took 11/20 "points" to send it over to some other people, and the point count doesn't reset itself until midnight.

    I currently have 126,859 steps invested in the Pokewalker, lol. I'm not interested in the Dowsing Machine more than I am in trying to get the final route on the thing, so I can get Feebas. That's 2 million steps I've got invest there!
    Final Destination, now you pick where we start. I added you already, and coutner pick in tags.

    I'll ban PS2.
    I'll be here for the most part. Just vm me when you see me online and I should be ready.
    It'd be better if I just send you the replay myself. If you give me your Wii Code, I can send it tomorrow.
    Nope. Aibou used to play with Wolf, and he always beat me with him, but he hasn't bothered with him for a while.

    Wolf mains, on the other hand, no.
    Yeah, but she is still a pain in the *** to fight thanks to her Dragonairs having different movesets and options and Kingdra being a ***** in general. Just like my Sonic! 8D

    Your Bowser and Ganon are very capable of breaking boulders and tearing the cosmos apart with their brute strength. Your ROB and GW are just there to look cute.
    I've been experiencing with high tiers lately, so I may use them - DDD, Olimar, and Marth in particular - if I so wish.

    And even then, this could imitate how Clair is soooo much weaker than Giovanni, and hell, even Blaine.
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