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  • I'm in kind of a meh mood today. I'd only Brawl for a tourney atm. Other than that I'm pretty tired of Brawl...

    I'm just so bad at it x_____x
    good games!

    But I am sorry I cannot give you the zephyr badge =/

    Please report in the thread. You are good just challenge me tomorrow and I think you will have me ^_^
    yep and don't forget to add meh :laugh:

    ALSO! Don't forget to change characters with each set. :3
    yea. and so the order you want is

    Yoshi, Lucas, Jiggs. Gotcha

    Yoshi's starter = Delfino. My cp is Yoshi's Island: Melee. His cps for you to choose are RC/Delfino/YI: Melee

    Lucas' starter = Battlefield. My cp is Brinstar. His cps for you to choose are RC/Delfino/Brinstar

    Jiggs' starter = PS2. My cp is Rumble Falls. Her cps for you to choose are RC/Delfino/Rumble Falls

    Please choose your cps ^_^
    sure I can do a gym match now too ^_^

    okay who you wanna go against first? Yoshi/Jiggs/Lucas?
    I'll tell you what good sir. I'm in college and I have school on Mondays through Thursdays. The classes are so awkward that the chances of me catching you for a match is unlikely. On friday, I will be available from noon (EST) onwards, are you okay playing on that day?
    actually today I am not doing any gym battles but tomorrow or any other time I am free I can.

    Sorry =/
    I'm having too much with SMG2 atm. 'sides, I have to get to bed early for an appointment tomorrow.
    i actually have to get off the chat and can't brawl after 10 on school nights =/

    Sorry maybe tomorrow.
    No, you can keep the same character throughout the match, or you can switch in between. It doesn't matter to me. You can do whatever you want.
    Sorry, Kofu, I'm not taking any more challenges today :(. But I'll let you know when I'm free again (either sometime this week or Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)!

    And the it's set up is like this: I will play the characters in order, Pit, then Kirby, then Marth, then Olimar, then Pit again if we're in a tie. If you defeat Pit, then Kirby will use his counterpick and so on. If I defeat you, you'll be able to pick a counter pick. We'll communicate our Counterpicks through our rosters. And it's best 3/5. Understand?

    Again, sorry I can't Brawl you today. But I'll let you know as soon as I'm available ^__^.
    aww Sling Pod Galaxy was fun. Plus, each time you died, you're guaranteed a one up if you pay attention to the Star Bits.

    Remix of the Super Mario World Athletic theme is awesome.
    That is hilarious, lol.

    I got SMG2 yesterday. Wild Glide Galaxy is pretty much the only 3D Mario level I don't mind doing over and over again.
    Yeah I've seen the Bowser Challenge. Ganon Challenge is waaaaaaay better and looks waaaaaaaaaay harder imho o_O
    looooooooool Super Ganon Time. Too good.

    ...Now you got me watching HSI vids >_>
    Same here. Though I've been spending most of my Brawl time having FFAs with friends. I think my skill is slipping because of it...
    Awesomesauce. I might join, depending on how I feel. Wifi tournies are bleh...
    Tomorrow would be better for me to play. Though at some point in the day I'll be working on an essay for school x_x
    I'm getting kinda tired though, as a matter of fact. Idk if I'd play right now after all...
    I need to test some chars as well. Count me in. Add my new FC, I'll be there shortly.
    I see I see. I just can't help liking that name for some reason. It's pretty awesome :coolmonke
    My previous Vm was concerning Japes, lmao. I'm surprised I didn't see my error.

    It's a good start; I just realized that you used the average character (unless it's Sonic himself, not sure), the heaviest, and the lightest. Mario died to a DI Utilt at 180-183%, Bowser died to a "DIed" (I'm not sure if that was DI perfectly) at 200-210%, and Jiggs died to DIed Utilt at 150%, so at least it gives a range of where to place other characters at when we test them. Thanks a bunch.

    Next time, it may be better for both of us to get on a Xat, so that we can discuss characters, kill percentages to shoot for, and when I'm going to use Utilt, so you can be prepared to DI.
    On second thought, testing it on would be tedious. You'd have to be at least 250% on even lighter characters to get you high enough, and even then, you can momentum cancel...meh

    I'm online now. My mother is picking him up. I will have take like 5 minutes to watch for kittens when they get home though.
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