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  • No matter who i fight next round, I'll likely be using Ike over Sonic. Sonic's good against projectile users due to sheer speed; Ike's good for close combat thanks to godly range.

    That reminds me of that theoretical fighter Onishiba made up - the A button man.

    I'm brawling Mr. Mudkip right now, if you want to join in.
    Regardless on whoever wins your match. I'm going to be slaughtered next round. I face either you or TP next round.

    He did say he's been out of competitive practice since school started for him, about 6 months ago, so you may have a fighting chance.
    7 hours from your last post may work. I may or may not be back from dinner at that time (6 PM Mountain). If I can't make it right at that time, it will be soon after for sure. We can just go to Smashville for game 1 as well as your CP, and my CP remains PS1. As long as lag does not make it unenjoyable, we can play friendlies after the set. You'll host, BTW.
    I kind of like the design of that comic.

    Is Ace! is actually going to go through the texture hacking like he said, I'm going to ask to have Dedede in that snazzy outfit.
    Dekar has the panel where Diddy takes a banana out of his briefcase as part of his opening statement. That expression, and the indifferent looks he has before that, are awesome.

    I may get around to coloring this panel too.
    Phoenix Kong is hilarious. A surge of ingenuity right there.

    I love the "Face Off" comic too. Dedede's faces are gold.
    New Layazero high score. Got a Soul Meteo but then died shortly after the launch due to failing my DEX check.



    New Boggob.


    Oh lol. The Herb launched is 1111
    Give me a time that works for you and I'll be there. Tell it to me in US Central time please. You are in Mountain time, right? That just means I am 1 hour ahead of you. Lag probably won't be bad, unless you have a crappy connection. :)

    Feel free to pick any stage to start on except Yoshi's Island. That's my version of stage striking lol. My CP will be Pokemon Stadium. Good luck! :):)
    lol, I had meant to tell you that for some time now, but never got around to doing it.

    Basically, you tilt the control stick just enough to get your character to run, nothing more, nothing less - you'll notice that that running speed is slower than if you jam the stick all the way in one direction. If you did it correctly, the character will run to the ledge, and just stay there running until you decide to run faster, and fall off the ledge, or slow down, and go into the "omgialmostfell" stance.

    I think there is some potential for this. You can run to the edge, and stick there, and make the recovering opponent react too quickly, for example.
    I know. Lastar is awesome like that.

    Also, I caught that on the Spreadsheet, so don't worry.

    Lastar's gravity is extremely similar to Metamo Ark's.

    Wait, cancel that.

    Forte's gravity is the closest.
    I just found the Portal soundtrack yesterday. "Taste of Blood" and "Android Hell" are two incredible songs. "Still Alive" is hilarious in a dark kind of way.
    I failed in the go-karting minigames. When I beat he story mode in Mario Party 1, and had to face Toad, I thought to myself "please not the derby game, please not the derby game, please not the derby game." Sure enough.

    Literal to the extreme.

    Oh yeah, I don't think I'll try and get Meteos. I'm going to try and get Portal instead. Awesome game.
    You find me an equivalent to Shell Shock, Tug O' War of doom, the dancing and orchestra minigames, k?

    So much for being an asshat and stealing stars, huh?
    EVERYONE'S biased toward the first three, because that was the point where it went from "Oh awesome a sequel!" to "oh great, another one?"
    Sad thing is I get even angrier in losing at Mario Party.

    That would be overkill. Mario's gotta have his ph!rebawlz!
    The caffeine-induced craziness part was supposed to imply how easy it is to anger me.

    Pianta Village is awesome, playing Dr. Mario with a 4 eyed-eel is even more so.

    That.....would have been so incredibly awesome! Why didn't Sakurai think of that???
    I don't taunt because I can't taunt - my Gamecube controller's control pad is broken, and I can't use the Wii remote at all. Hopefully I'll have a brand spanking new (read: 2007 model) come Christmas.
    As seen with the fail that was the second Bowser/Weegee match, I am under the conclusion that Yoshi's Island is Boozer's best stage. All Boozer has to do is camp under the big platform and use tilts all day. No one can do a thing.

    Bite alone makes Wario vs. Sonic a 70:30 too
    Yup, that is by far its biggest restriction. And yup! You're right about the staled bit. The effective range increases as it's staled as well.

    What's a FoG ?____?
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