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  • O Course i'll get em done, already have the Match Set up. Tomorrow at 4 his time 5 mine :) I really hope AlterHalo doesn't win. He's really good, I've never beaten him once.
    hi, youre my opponent for ZEUS' tournament.
    i will be available to do it at 11:00pm tonight.
    pm me to set this up.
    Scratch the whole Wednesday thing, I'm open today and all week. Except for Tuesday.
    if I don't missle cancel he will get hit lol. if I missle cancel correctly he will get hit, but the chances of me doing that on Wi-Fi are slim to none. I'ma abuse my homing missles though.. see how that helps lol.
    And yes the Losers bracket is still going on, just nobody is doing the matches :( I'm trying to get people to do them but they don't reply :(
    Haha yeah man thsoe were sweet :) Truth be told he actually beats my samus every now and then. not like you of course, with you I abrely win ever. I need to missle cancel more. but even when I do it's impossible to hit stupid shorty b*tch nuts kiddy link as he's shorty b*tch nuts lol
    Whoops! I had to leave for the Superbowl party. I'm back now, but I have to get going to bed... -_-zZZ

    That was really fun! I'm still getting better by playing more people online.
    I'm learning to be more aggressive rather than defensive by battling you; which is really helping my play style. =)
    I might be able to go again tomorrow at around 8 to 9pm Eastern. Just send me a VM if you're on and want to have another go at it! ^_^
    KIEFERS! go into your User Cp and go into User Groups and give the Tourniment Directers your Tourniment Thread :) imagine, KIEF Blue!

    And that works as we are playing Fire emblem
    Uhm sure :) want to play my buddy ben? he's pretty good, but he could use some Link Training
    The way I did it means that you cannot link it. I found a word document that has Brackets. I took the brackets for 16 and put the names in then I clicked the "PrintScreen" which takes a screen shot, then I went into paint to resize it and stuff. after that I saved it and put it onto the web by using an online Picture Hosting site like photobucket.
    Lol I found a site that makes it in word. I then used Paint and my superior intellect to copy pasta the brackets ffrom paint to Smash boards :)
    It's pretty easy, if you know a bit about computers I can walk you through it if you want, if you don't though I wouldn't advise lying lol.you'll confuse yourself
    Cool! Thanks!

    OK, I'll try to remember that it's on Tuesday. =D

    *Jogs Brain* >_<
    *chant* -.-
    Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
    */chant* ^_^
    Yikes!!! And I almost missed it!!! O_o;
    Whoo... That's a relief! =P

    I'd better do that before it's too late!
    But I have a Superbowl party to go to tonight... =/

    What'cha doing for the Superbowl? =D
    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'll let you know about anything else.
    Dude, why is Green Hill Zone a counterpick? I can just win a match by jab-locking with Ness or Mario.
    Hey, easy win for me. :) Thanks.
    Haven't checked yet, Thanks man, much appreciated :)
    I am a director because I am helping with a tourni :), Go into your User Cp and Go to Group Memberships, then click Join Group on the Smash Directors and post the URL of your tourni Thread and you should be let into it :)
    Well, we're like best friends cuz' we harm level 9's so uhhhhhhhh... I don't know.
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