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  • My bad. I just got back from an INTENSE match and am still hyped up on adrenaline. I should take your advice to heart, and so I will.
    BTW, once you get your next opponent, can you tell me who it is, and if you won against them? =D
    I bet you can make it to the finals!!! >=D
    (But watch out for the Falco users with that reflector! =O )
    Hahahaha well if you wish we can yes :) I may try my hand at Toon Link, don't make me be actual Link, that would be terrible :\
    Yeah, I play very defensively! xD
    That won me the matches with Cynos and Master! ^o^
    But anyway, I need to learn more characters and play Brawl more often... I played Melee like crazy, but never played Brawl quite as much. I'm going to play and practice more often! Then hopefully I can beat you eventually!!! xD
    But I'm glad that you aren't taking it easy on me. I learn something each match against you! Thanks for helping me practice! ^_^
    Man, they made Marth suck way more than he did in Melee!
    LOL! That was fun! Although, I still think I did best with Lucas... That was funny how you skunked me on a couple of those when I was trying new techniques (That didn't work). xD

    Thanks for playing! That was fun! ^_^
    Cool! =D
    But I can assure you that I'm not your uncle! xD
    I know hardly anyone that plays Brawl. >.<

    Well, I'm going online. If you want I can Brawl you for a while. =)
    Ha ha! YES!!! I will except a challenge ANY DAY THAT I CAN!!! ^___________^
    *Blows an artery*
    OK. I will try to get some human opponents to practice on rather than computers. ^.^
    *Thinks if he can play Link better, he might be able to read KIEF's attacks better... Goes to try that*
    But, I'll be on tonight to Brawl you. Thanks! ^_^
    Well, it's official, you are good at Link. It's not that I suck against Link, it's that you are good.
    I deduced this from my battlings with a certain level 9 Link that I mashed into the ground.

    I don't know if it's really that official, but it makes me feel better that I don't just suck against Link! xD LOL!

    Next I'm trying for two! >=D Hyrule Castle! =P

    Watch out KIEF, I'm practicing up like crazy! =P
    So at least I don't get pummeled as badly next time! xD
    Those matches were really fun though! I learned a lot about Link handling!
    Oh, and I found out a big mistake I was making! I kept trying to attack from above, but you don't want to get above Link! >.< He has HUGE range in the "Up" direction! O_o;
    And I do like loosing fairly. I really like having a challenger that is really cool and can beat the snot out of me. =P (It gives me incentive to practice and get better! ^_^ )

    So, I think I'll start working on that. But for now, I'm really tired and I'm going off to bed... -_-zZZ
    Yeah! I like that strategy name! >=D
    I'd like a rematch sometime later to see if I can beat you after intense practicing! >.<

    Ness was my main on the 64! ^_^ And I just liked how fluent Lucas is in Brawl, so I switched.
    I liked Ness in Melee too, but my main was Fox on there, not because he was a "Top Tier" mind you, but because I could play him like nothing else!!! >=D

    Yeah, I didn't even pull it out... It's a nearly useless attack in that situation...
    Thanks! ^_^
    Yeah! I didn't practice up on Link at all! He's a good main for you! ^_^

    I thought you said you weren't pro!!! >=)

    Another thing that I need to work on is I play very defensively most of the time... And if I fight someone with TONS of projectiles (Link), I'm going to get smoked! O_o;

    But yeah, I would like to play some friendlies with you to get my Link-Beating-Strategy-of-Amazement down. xD
    LOL! Wow! I couldn't seem to beat you at all! xD
    Link is EVIL! ^o^ I need to practice my Link-beating-strategy-of-amazement!

    That was really fun! ^_^ I'll have to try challenging you again once I've practiced up! =D
    OK. Best 3 out of 5.

    Looser picks the stage... I really don't care which counter-picks you do. =D
    I'll probably just pick the neutral stages anyways.

    3 lives
    8 mins
    Start on Smashville
    Looser picks

    I'll host.
    I guess I can Brawl in a couple minutes. I've got to see if I can fix my other TV first though...

    I've been playing on a DLP which has lots of Wii to TV lag, and so I'm trying to fix my CRT so it doesn't do that.
    well how you like the brackets? Good luck my friend :) p.s. if you get second i'm NOT giving you the wii points lol ;)
    Cool! I think this tournament will be fun! I don't think I'll win against the "Pros" but I'm going to try! >=D

    I might be able to Brawl tonight.
    Thanks :) Yeah those were fun my pit is still a higher level than her, but I'm hoping to even them out. haha no friggen way am I allowing Rainbow cruize, the others arent' counter picks as well I don't think. Ask your opponent about it though, when you find out who he/she is ;) hahaha TL spiking FTW. it has happened to me before, twice yesterday actually :p but yeh it's a good move because he floats away from near death situations after the spike lol
    thanks bud, those were fun, I'm trying to get way better as samus but it's not working as fast as one would hope haha :)
    We can still play our matches tomorrow, but I won't make any judgments based on that. :laugh:
    It should be pretty fun.
    Kief :) practice matches bud? i'm rarin to go! I Haven't been this pumped to play you in a loong time :) be careful though my samus should be good tonight :p
    Rofl, nah, I've played the majority of people, excluding you.
    So in a way, yes, I'm trying to make this as evenly matched as possible, but it's going to be hard placing you. I was thinking along the lines of trueganon or Ice!, but I can't guarantee you an opponnent just yet.
    If LightAlchemist has to drop out, and Ugg can take his place, I'd say you two would be my first instinct for a matchup, since I can tell you both have some skill. But nothing confirmed yet. :)
    lawl dude, I'm so tired right now I'm sorry :(
    your gunna come out on top or something at least third, people to watch out for are Zonda, Zook, and now you, next would prolly be Cinos or Chaos, he's pretty good.
    Haha thanks man :) yeah it was fun, uhm first round samus was me in the zone as samus so I felt bad after beating her that bad, uhm pit was not me in the zone, and as u know I Effing Hate Rainbow Cruize
    hey! guess friggen what! my girlfriend wants to play online with me and your girlfriend, teams of course :p
    Can you put the link to the ban mk group in your sig? That way in most of your posts the link will be there and people will notice it.

    You don't have to if you don't want to.
    hahaha okay, just wondering if that's what you meant. yeah agree'd
    it really screws us hey, if we mess up once thats like a stock gone :\
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