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Elder Sister
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  • hmm... try about the rest of the meet and greet. Everyone thinks itty bitty welcoming committee means people who welcome new members.
    Not really. Your title should be "New Section Committee" instead of "Itty Bitty Welcoming Committee" or something. It's pretty misleading.
    Oooh, you're right. Real names are harder to remember than usernames. O_o

    I had meat loaf! It was yum!

    All of the people who are in the committee don't actually go to the NNMFA. Except Grey. Occasionally. Sometimes.
    Yep. Where are you guys? There were at least 5 people who posted in the meet and greet and no welcoming committee that were received by normal members. Explain.
    Good, good.

    I have to go prepare dinner. Will see you later. Oh, and add "Erik Frown" on Facebook.
    The journeys are about 1500 euros in total.

    How come you don't like biology?
    That's the theme of my school. We study Greek history for one year, then travel to Greece. Then we study German history and travel to Germany, and then study Belgian (???) history for a year and travel to Belgium (??!?!??!??). I also studied Latin, so I got to travel to Rome.
    Rome is the best. The food is brilliant. And you'll see buildings that have remained intact for thousands of years.
    Yeah, I went there with my class. Berlin was really cool. We actually have the history of Germany as a school subject, and the trip to Berlin was part of it.
    I really like Döner. I only had it on my trip to Germany though. Me and a bunch of people went to a small restaurant outside Rostock and said "FÜNFZEHN DÖNER, BITTE!".
    hopefully i'll have my phone with me. lol

    lmao. that's probably what will happen. i guess i can't be shy and stall for time.
    but its better than nothing.
    Ima get back to you.

    College semester is ending in about 2 weeks and I'm mad busy with schoolwork and stress

    It's alright. We all curse sometime. <3

    That. You should be in a Zelda BRoom. Although I'm a little nervous about dropping in to the Zelda boards. :/
    Yup. I've been on a winning streak with her. I owned all my friends at a smashfest the other day. :D

    I was lurking Frown's wall. :O
    I just saw your sig.


    I LOVE IT <3

    Also, you can join if you want to. Check my touney thread.

    Alsoalso, HOW COULD YOU CURSE?! Bad you. D:<
    Uh, I finished Metroid Prime today... and I made tacos... and I... that's it. :ohwell:
    haha yep :p
    I'm just keeping my name like this for now anyways.

    But where'd you hear that I was quitting? lol
    i'll have my cell with me next time.
    lol. you just couldn't wait.

    1 minute? T________T
    well its better than nothing.
    if you do try calling again do it around....10pm in germany. it should be about 12pm here and i should be awake by then *stays up waay too late*
    so that's what the "new call" was on my missed calls. lol
    it didn't have a number so i didn't know who it was.
    warn me next time silly. lol

    20 cent a SECOND?! man....that sucks.:(
    Mountain_tiger? So, first I steal the FAQ and ATs sections of the guide right from under his nose and now his age too? **** I'm good.
    must you remind me? lol

    lawl nigh night.
    happy thanksgiving(in america anyways) :)
    It's just something like a general joke used whenever someone's called special, I have really no idea where it's really from lol.

    Mmm, weird names... can't wait!

    Yeah, ttyl.
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