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Dr Peepee
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  • Hey, mr. pp sir. I''m a rlly big fan of urs and i was wondering if you could please give me an infraction. You see it'd be like an autograph from u since i cant meet u in person. thx a lot

    -ur biggest fan, p1.
    ok i skimmed over the forums and dont care to comprehend anything

    can you give me a run down on what is happening this weekend?

    ps aim soooooooon
    btw...I like how m2k's supposed to be broken in marth dittos, yet switched to sheik the minute he lost one ditto to you.
    Oh, well either Alex 19 was trolling or mango was trying to save face by posting using alex19's youtube account. lol
    okay, now I found this weird thread where I posted in 2009 a quote Corey made about the origins of the NC Smash scene

    now can you tell me?
    Kevin... I have over 8000 posts

    and the search only shows my last 500

    can you at least point me to a thread?

    XD This is legit kinda bugging me lol
    I think I heard mango say on the WGF live stream that he'd never go all puff against you...cuz he doesn't play gay enough or some **** like hbox.

    btw...would that doubles match happen to be you and m2k vs mango and alex 19 in Grand Finals, because Alex 19 posted on youtube saying that he was the puff and then switched to fox. Thats the only teams match I see b/w. you guys.
    do you think that you've completely found an answer to the puff MU, or do you feel that you could learn alot more. Basically what im asking is if you feel you would learn alot more if Mango actually puff against you or do you feel Hbox has the best puff , and you've seen it all where puff is concerned having little trouble against either puff (mango/hbox)?
    Haha, not me man... the only reason I'm "cool" per se is probably because of my Yoshi....i'm RARELY noted for my Falco... the only thing im noted on at times is that I'm the guy that taught Axe's Falco.... and for "eggstinction" and for makin combo videos lmao never anythin else XD..

    <3 KEVIN <3
    Don't completely listen to rubyiris man or let him get to you... he's mad region biased based.....I'm also his fave Falco player, and I don't play Falco (main)... Me/Axe have kinda corrupted his mindset to make cool lookin Falcos... As you know, Axe/I have...techincal/flashy lookin Falcos... It doesn't mean its a smart idea for us to play like that....but its how we like to play... (also it's probably why we don't do nearly as well as you do) XD...Me/Axe personally are wayy too into the flashy falco...but it's a thing of ours you know...

    Seriiously don't let him get to you like that...you may not be mine/axe's fave falco but you're def one of my favorite people.... We just like styles that lol don't win.. for some reason.. ><
    im still gonna aim you sometime

    i got very good news

    league keeps getting in the way and im too tired now

    maybe tomorrow
    I understand. It happens to me too.

    Just wanted to post a little something cheerful on your wall. :D
    "You ain't That Dude, you got no JV 5-stock like That Dude"
    "STFU, Craig, you ain't as good as That Dude"
    What's the next major Melee tournament that you're going to win?
    "Dude That Dude just won -insert that tournament-, That Dude is so good."
    "I wish I was at That Dude's level"
    I met him a few weeks ago at Lucky's (a place in greensboro that has tournaments for capcom games). He was pretty cool. One of my other friends introduced me to him (I thought it was going to turn out pretty bad cause he used to play Melee and I heard he didn't like Brawl). He loled when he found out you were the top player now.
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