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Dr Peepee
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  • Sounds good to me! I'll definately make reading a priority. Adaptability is another skill I think separates the men from the boys. Learning how to adapt and make good reads are the biggest things I need to work on. In the past, I've become conditioned to auto-pilot, even when threatened with defeat, and that's gotten me nowhere, so changing up that nasty habit is definately at the top of my to-do list. Say, do you think I might be able to get in some one-on-one training time with you before the tourney? What date/time are you arriving at Antioch? Are you gonna be stayin' at the Ramada, by any chance? I ain't a top player (yet), but I know I got it in me, and I AM willing to go the distance. If you could help practice with me one-on-one, I'd really appreciate it. :)
    Sweet, thanks for the tips! Means a lot. :)

    IMO, the mental aspect of Smash is stressed much more than the physical. Most players that get caught up by a plateau seem to know the game to a certain degree, but fail to advance to the next level for some reason. I think it's all in the mindset. Tech skill has a ceiling, but the mind and its impact on the game knows no bounds. I've been working on developing a winning/improving mindset. Do you have any words of wisdom to pass on about the mind of a top player and their confidence, awareness, mindgames, technical ability, spacing, mindset and anything else you feel is important? I'm in the process of refining the way I think, and ultimately view this game. I'm looking for that last little push to reach the next level of play. Thank you very much in advance. :)
    Wassup, PP? I wanted to ask ya somethin'. Whaddaya think about the Falco/Mario match-up? Like, I know the bird takes it by a solid amount, but are there any points of interest in particular I should know about? I haven't had the opportunity to play many Falcos, so I was hopin' I could get yer input on this. Thanks! :)
    not sure bout hbox capping out due to gayness if at all. Although the whole changing your style so as not to become predictable makes sense. (which would explain some things pertaining to sir zimmerman)
    lol @ mango's interview. **** was pure in all senses of the word. Although mango isn't the most eloquent of speakers, I felt as if what he was saying had some relevance to anyone playing this game.
    Just heard your interview with havoc and i could relate to it alot.I Agree alot about your way of thinking and feel like its all up to a person mindset that determines the potential i would love to learn/talk more to you about this it would help my mindset alot cause i feel like i over think things alot would like to filter things out but if anything **** mango at Genesis
    If I wanted to make a thread about D&D, where should I put it?
    ATL South->Eugino Forever, Light House, or Pool Room?
    Dang I just found out how to use this VM doohickey lmao makes things a heck of a lot easier! Well I'm lookin' forward to our MM at the one-'n-only G2! We'll just hafta see how yer Original Recipe Falco tastes after it gets char-grilled by my Mario! YAH-WAH-HOO, FUTHAMUCKA! :awesome:
    Hey Dr Peepee, I'm gonna be taking a lot of video at Genesis, think I could get a quick spot with you at some point at the tournament? I'd appreciate it.
    Ehhh. Well, if there's a stream, I'll be sure to watch, especially him and if I notice anything that can help, I'll text you, if you would like the help.
    Even so, you know he's been studying you. So, you're gonna have to change up the game as much as he probably will change his, even if same characters as Pound 5 finals are used.
    So it's a mystery?

    Hmm. Well, even so, if it's a top tier character, I'm sure you got enough knowledge to handle the situation, but I unno - he might pull something much like he did in order to take out Hungrybox at Pound 5.

    I suppose I should say do not falter. I'm fairly confident you can take him. Whatever the character you two play because it's moved beyond just knowing the match up, but more knowing the person you're playing.
    What kind of character can even counter a Falco . . . I mean, I know, but for someone like Armada to say he has a counter character, I wonder who he chose.
    2011 updated?
    if not then they need to be updated soon or something so i can see who is pr'd and who isn't.
    Everything is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

    How's about you?
    haha cool...i'd like to see you vs ice

    also a rematch of you vs axe...hope you know the pika MU.
    well that sucks...kinda wanted to see that falco in PAL against all the europeans. Especially falco dittos with Calle W. Maybe next time
    haha yeah I thought as much.

    Well you got alot of competition with guys like axe, hbox, amsah, armada and mango...poor m2k (no confidence)

    and even unknown prospects like Ice. Can't sleep on WC players either. Give em hell man. Pretty sure you've imagined this moment for a long time...getting the chance to fight mango for the crown (he better not ***** out lol).

    BTW...r u still going to BEAST II?
    how exactly do you prepare yourself mentally to take on the task of potentially fighting either mango's fox/falco/jiggz in tournament, in his stomping grounds?

    I hope this isn't putting pressure on you, but I feel like I'm missing history in the making if u know what I mean ;)
    how hyped r u for your MM with mango? =)

    someone better record that ****, probably the only time we'll see that MU
    Yo mang,

    When you can, could you hit me up on aim? I'd like some of your input when possible. I should be on today after 12, definitely after 4.
    I had fun man. But I have fun because I meet people bro. Woulda been great if you were there. *insert gay I miss you speech here*

    I hope I can see you next time. Seeing you live playing is so fun man.
    Lmfao. You can catch someone after a shine, but not a name you have to confirm. pro status. xD

    I bet you thought I was some random scrublet lookin' to stalk you.
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