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Dr Peepee
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  • Twitch looks like a shorter tanner guido version of you not saying thats a bad thing twitch just looks like he is Twitch the Situation
    Thanks a lot =D

    I actually went marth/sheik somewhat evenly it seems? I was honestly surprised I did so well, I was expecting just top 10 lmao.

    Oh and LOL I caught a side upsmash dair combo with marth on Eggm. That **** was ****en hilarious.
    I got back from my 4 month break and placed 3rd! xD.

    Man I was playing so well until LFs its so dumb Kevin :(. I wish I was a little more consistent *sigh*

    I do have some funny stuff though. Caught a double vanish combo on swiftbass. Whens the last time you could honestly say you saw one of those LOL
    I have a Project coming up this summer, im trying to soak in as much ken footage as possible, but most of his gameplay is vs falco..... let me know if your interested. ITs pretty much me taking clips from ken footage and asking you about them. FIrst i will make a montage of the clips, illustrate them seperately on word inc., then tell you my thoughts on them, Im not too much a forum guy but when i have epifinies i let my fellow marths know about it and have recently been back on the the smash scene and personally think most the marths here i can learn ......nothing much from. All you would have to do is let me know how you feel in the situations that i show clips of because i need a BIRDS perspective, and uve won recently, im doing this solely for my self and gonna tell you straight foward, u might learn some stuff by sharing your thoughts. If your interested in samples of my work check the marth character specific under ask cactuar. Let me know if your interested and ur the person ive chosen first and the one i most perfer.

    fellow forumer max,
    Thank you
    xD yea I guess thats true. Everyone in MI is saying they want me to be the top player they're missing so I guessssssss.

    And sure if you're curious I'll let you know. During the summer, I plan to be super active in EC so I'll let you know =D
    Kels always beats me, its his job to make MW better =333333

    And iunno man, I usually do bad so I never say my results =3
    Vs Hax, his combos are just really tight. He does what good falcons do and makes his nair count and count hard if you know what I mean xD.

    I think you could take him but he's good vs marth and sheik >___<. And thanks man =3. We'll see how it goes if I put more training time into marth :)

    And iunno when we'll see each other *shrugs*. Hopefully next Fall, I'm moving to the MW for graduate school so I might not go to the EC stuff.

    But we'll see =3
    Its mainly a financial thing. I just don't have money to go =/. I want to go to see all my socal friends but =(.

    And yea when I play, I sorta just let **** happen. And all my friends are encouraging me to be a marth main and I've been playing him a lot. So I'mma see what happens. Maybe except vs Hax or something. Pull the sheik/fox on his ****** **** still LOL
    Nah, I"m not goin. I might go to Zenith but you probably won't hear from me for a while.

    And yea, I think marth actually does fine. He's just hard to play cuz you're scared of all the potential bad match ups like vs falcon/sheik/puff w/e.

    But yea he's a freakin monster in the right spots. Its so stupid sometimes xD People don't know =3
    I saw your marth vs m2k that **** was really impressive Kev. It was almost scary LOL.

    Dammit, I wish you weren't so popular. I really wanted the chance to play you =/

    I'm actually thinking about moving to be a Marth main. And use sheik for doubles more.

    Should be fun xDDD

    I'm sure its better than mine and I'd say its great. Though I haven't played in months and am terrible now LOL.

    Lemme know man I'm lookin forward to it =3
    Maybe you should be on the panel. I'm sure people have tons of questions for you/would love to see your insight.

    And yes, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm just not entirely sure that I know what you're asking for/where to start, so it would be great to see a full picture.
    Oh for some reason I thought that they started with a list of his moves and stuff. Which is kinda true in the videos but more of how they're used rather than what they are.
    Okay I'm starting to get the idea, but if you wanna do like a short outline in my PM box that'd be awesome

    Also, did you see this?: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=302549
    So less on the "This is a ftilt" and more on the "this is how the character plays"?
    Yeah the idea to do that came from the Community Growth Thread which thought that they could use a reboot.

    And, what would you add to the character tutorials?

    So I had decided to kind of reboot the "Advanced how to play" series, but after watching the original videos, I don't feel like they really needed to be redone. I think they're still really relevant and good.
    So I thought about, what about doing an "Advanced how to play: the Psychology behind playing smash", where I touch on things like map control, game momentum, using your characters to its strength and fullest abilities [pivot grabbing, guaranteed finishers from grabs, etc]

    And so 2 questions:
    1) Do you think this is a good idea?
    and 2) Would you be willing to do the quotes explaining the things? If you watch the advanced how to play videos, Alphazealot has a quote about each of the things he talks about in the video [Here's an example if you haven't seen the video before] I feel like you would be a good choice due to your knowledge and understanding of the game.

    Let me know, thanks!
    Hey I got a quick question. I play spacies and I know how to SFFL, but there still are times where I still get shield grab, especially when I b- air someone's shield or coming from above. How do I prevent this?
    Hopefully I'll be able to play melee haha. Right now it's just ssf4 for me. :x
    Sounds pretty cool, Brawl got to where I don't even want to touch it anymore. I've always liked melee but never bothered with it because of no one being near me. ><
    Do you still live in Shelby? iirc it was only about 50minutes away, but I didn't mean you driving out here or anything lol.
    I am debating on picking up melee, you're the closest player in NC to me, would you ever be interested in dominating me in friendlies y0
    Well if you remember, be sure to let me know!
    I've been trying to research some of the more obscure match ups, so that I won't be taken completely off guard whenever I play someone like that.
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