I disagree with you, ph00tbag. The pink variant is not the Varia Suit color in Metroid (NES). If you do use the Missile, that color will be present. However, I believe that the salmon colored Power Suit is simply the Gravity Suit as seen in Super Metroid. There are dark shades, but overall, it's a salmon color. The Gravity Suit in Brawl is the equivalent of the Gravity Suit in Metroid Prime. The Gravity Suit didn't have that dark shade until Prime. I'd consider the salmon color of Zero Suit Samus, or "pink," if you will, to be the colored leotard that Samus wore under her Power Suit in Metroid (NES).
Oh, and NARPAS-SWORD-00000-00000 is a better password than JUSTIN BAILEY, since you have the armor, infinite health and infinite Missiles. Furthermore, you start with everything.
Not quite. If you look at the Varia sprite on the NES, it's a softer pink (or salmon) than the Gravity Suit of Super Metroid, which is much closer to fuschia. And if you look at Brawl's coloration, it really lacks the blue hue to put it at fuschia. It is, for all intents and purposes, salmon, like the Varia Suit from Metroid (NES). Furthermore, if the "red team" Zero Suit is closer to the Power Suit leotard from Metroid, then don't you think it would make more sense for two suits of the same game to appear in one costume?
And Narpas Sword is certainly a better code than Justin Bailey. However, it doesn't give you the leotard, as Justin Bailey does. Incidentally, the Justin Bailey leotard is actually the Varia leotard, whereas the standard leotard can be achieved by inputting 000000-000020-000000-000020.
I suppose that the salmon Zero Suit is more like the NES Power Suit. Despite this, the Varia leotard would have been better, IMO.
Edit: In fact, upon further checking using droppers in paint, I'm fairly convinced it's the Metroid (NES) Varia. The SM Gravity Suit fades from manilla, through a pinkish salmon color, to violet, to a dark puse. I'm going to assume the manilla and puse are light and shadow, so it comes down to somewhere between salmon and violet. When you looke at the NES Varia, it's a very soft Pink. Finally, the Brawl costume doesn't even come close to violet in shaded areas, instead becoming rich maroon.
The NES couldn't display the shading that the SNES and Wii can, so we can't know what the shaded sections of the suit looked like there. Regardless, the Brawl costume looks more pink than the SM Gravity suit, in my opinion.