I meant that the FPS is kinda fazing out the RPG over here. RPG's that sell well over here usually have FPS elements to the gameplay or their action RPG's like Kingdom Hearts.
Also the CoD games both sold over a million on the Wii.
I know. Call of duty BARELY crested the 1 million mark on the wii, and that beat out red steel 2.
For the wii, as far as FPSs go, Resident evil and Metroid are the ones that actually do "well"
Super Paper mario was horrible and it sold double what call of duty did, and outsold any FPS
And, if you are one of the weirdos who considers Legend of Zelda games RPGs, then it even doubled Super Paper Mario.
And, actually, if memory serves, Monster-hunter Tri also outsold any of the FPSs on the wii, and pokemon battle revolution outsold half of them as well (if you count that as its own RPG rather than an extension of the pokemon RPG).
Now compare that to x-box 360 where, of their top 10 best selling games of all time, 9 are FPSs. (only one which isn't is Grand Theft Auto)
Ironically, however, Fable II, an RPG, is higher on the XBox 360 list than any RPG is on the wii. (unless you count twilight princess)
All that having been said, with the exception of Pokemon, the RPG isn't the powerhouse genre that I wish it was, but, for the wii at least, no, you can't blame FPSs because really they aren't even close to dominating the wii's bestselling catalogue. Adventure games and casual games do that. But even barring those, RPGs do better on the wii than FPSs.... I just don't get why they don't release more of them.