Well In terms of gimping their recovery it is actually annoying to set up but you have a few potential GTFO my stage gimmicks.
1. Charged laser to down b which has been stated by several people including me and Tobi (although I prefer the down b footstool instead since the kick is to Yolo) [You can do a full hope from on stage to go lower and shoot them if that is an issue.]
2. Kinda risk but what ever you can probably just jump at people and either Zair or side b/wave bounce side b (for when they go low and you kinda want to try and send them downwards).
3. You can actually just use the down b wall jump to get a down b footstool on opponents who choose to go low which will in turn kill most of the cast and the best part is so long as you still have your double jump and don't panic you can just wall jump ->tether / up b back.
4. Run off and fair them further away or bair into the stage.
5. I'm going to stop with this last one but fair warning there are a few conditions that must be met along with timing for this one to work.
If you down b towards someone who is recovering at a moderate height from anywhere between just above the stage to just below the stage (down b MUST be able to footstool them) They have 3 options , obviously the worst is to not do anything and just keep trying to move close enough to recover which results in you footstooling them and they die or barely manage to get back.
Next would be to air dodge and not get footstooled but depending on character/height of their recovery ect they might not even make it back from the air dodge end lag.
lastly would be to throw out an attack to try and hit you or just stop the soft spike from the footstool (I've generally not really be hit from footstooling off stage opponents who try to attack.
Anyways moving on that was the first condition and the reason for that is because you have to give them that false sense of security, After the footstool you need to grab the ledge however you obviously have end lag from her exaggerated animation.
By the time you get the ledge depending on their character they might reach the ledge first which is typically what you want because if you grab it before them you risk the danger of the ledge share-> knock off punish, The beauty of that mechanic is that you can use moves almost as soon as your thrown off and In my personal experience I have managed this kill setup regardless of grabbing the ledge first or second (more first then second IIRC)
In alot of situations I've managed to scare the opponent to get onto the stage which for example I do the above to a ganon at this point after I attempt the footstool off stage I grabbed the ledge first Ganon second so he pushed me off and then what happens next Is I Down b Towards the stage and Ganon gets up normally (Obviously since I am not on the stage trying to edge guard so he won't get up attack) Or rolls for better positioning, Becuase he chooses to do this He is caught by down b and gets buried at which point I land beside him down smash -> up b or just up b for the kill.
The best thing about this as well is that even if Ganon tried to jump off the ledge and bair me upon pushing me off the ledge
He will never get me because no character in the game can punish an immediate down b from that position and their is also the possibility of aiming down B for the shortest Horizontal distance to try and spike or footstool them again when they try to get back again and this time they grab the ledge they wont have invincibility