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Zenith February 24th Results

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Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
THIS TOURNEY WAS MADD FUN!! madd props to everyone!

Woz and Alex: good **** running the tourney. maybe next time u guys will actually have a downstairs for friendlies u liars.
Cactuar: ur match with PC was ****ing legendary. thats why ur still my favorite marth :)
KDJ: my first time meeting u. u owning with marth forward B combos in friendlies was ****ing hilarious. ur match with pc made me wet myself. too good.
Drk Pch: maybe next time man
Pc and milktea: pools were mad fun. i learned alot from u PC.then the tourney match with milktea after was scary. ill make sure to not SD as much next time.
Killa Fleet: madd funn!!! madd jokes!! u ****** is madd gay!! LMAO keep up the good ****.

if i 4got u dont wry about im not important... cant wait for the next one


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2005
alright gg's to everyone i hate alex for always making us fight good people (dire,wes,pc)in the beginning thats not cool and one thing i didnt like were these 5-6 black guys(not being racist)coming in and saying everyone was wack i played all of them wit my boy dark.pch they got owned yea dont judge a match when u just saw like 10 seconds of it ME AND MY TEAMMATE HAVE YET TO LOSE TO RANDOM PEOPLE WE HAVE ONLY LOST TO GOOD PEOPLE (once again pc,wes,dire,dj,warriorknight w/e etc blah blah blah)oh and thanks to the people who said me and my teammate got alot better im glad people noticed i think we are good enough to be in the rankings O_O_O_O_O_O_O_OO_O_peace out guys


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2005
alright gg's to everyone i hate alex for always making us fight good people (dire,wes,pc)in the beginning thats not cool and one thing i didnt like were these 5-6 black guys(not being racist)coming in and saying everyone was wack i played all of them wit my boy dark.pch they got owned yea dont judge a match when u just saw like 10 seconds of it ME AND MY TEAMMATE HAVE YET TO LOSE TO RANDOM PEOPLE WE HAVE ONLY LOST TO GOOD PEOPLE (once again pc,wes,dire,dj,warriorknight w/e etc blah blah blah)oh and thanks to the people who said me and my teammate got alot better im glad people noticed i think we are good enough to be in the rankings O_O_O_O_O_O_O_OO_O_peace out guys
SUPER MONKEY BALL/TEAM PLEZEY wtf sorry about double post


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2005
bronx, ny (im up for any fights, if u intersested,
so yea.....shoutouts:

alex and WoZ- good **** on running the tourny. next time we'll do it bigger and faster.

Eli- my bad yo we didnt get to play maybe some other time cuz this tourny was just too packed.

DIK- sorry u had to fight WK. but ya did put up a good fight in teams. good ****.

Tag and salad- u guys are gay and i hate ya. tag dont set urself up like that next time lol.

ZoSo- Good ****.

Hax- good **** even though i didnt play u. i heard u got better. next time we gotta play.

tetra- good **** on teams and good **** on beatin cort. thats not easy.

Cort- once again we didnt get to play lol. maybe next time.

Brookman- didnt get to play u either. but good **** on ur victories.

Cactuar- ur gay and i love u. u got sexy lol.

X- im surprised u entered teams lol. u coulda done better in singles though.

milktea- nice seein u again. thanx for comin.

Wes- good **** on rapin losers bracket lol. never saw u play like that.

dire- ur gay and ur gay lol.

Bum and Dav3- good **** on teams mothasuckas. we gon take ya out next time lol.

DaCheezewizard- good **** on winnin the tourny. didnt think u had it in u being that ur new and all lol.

Alejandro- Good ****. u got better keep it up. we're one and one now...... next time will settle it lol.

KillaFox- u suck but ur still good....wierd.

WK and DJ- u guys ***** teams but ur stupid for usin double bowser lol.

Prezzzzz- my ***... i luv u. but ur still not as random as i am.

KDJ and MArcus- thanx for comin hope to see ya again at the next one.

Starz and silven- u guys are stupid lol. good seein ya again.

D1- u missed it........u suck.

Ninja turtles- good **** guys hope to see ya again.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Ahhhh so much fun. Just got back from PC Christopher's houseee after like half a week =].

I'm reallllllllly brain-fried/dead right now and nothing's really functioning, so shoutouts shall come later.

Tournament was too good, I had too much fun.

The cheese wizard is sexy.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Shoutouts! YAY!

lightxdream - Thank you so much for housing and hosting the tournament.

Woz - Thanks for hosting. Nice Zelda, hope to play you again soon.

Dire - Hi

Doowop and Eli - Nice meeting you finally LOL.

DJ Nintendo - Nice matches, lol @ dash attack combo..

KDJ - Good ****, as always. ;)

Samus explorer - Nice scarf :)

Cactuar - Nice talking to you. Nice dance. Adat says hi

Wes - Adat says hi to you too.

Dark Pch - Turnips are gay. :p Nice matches.

Random kids who played me after teams and in basement - good games

Milktea, crismas - together, we ruined another sausage fest. :p

Tichinde, Bass, rest of OAK - Come with us next time. >_>

Guty - Take a shower.

More to come, if i forgot you but you remembered me...


Smash Rookie
Feb 25, 2007
The mountains, inventing falco combos
I am DaCheezWizard I play falco.

lol good tourny. i didnt think there would be so many good people at my first tournament ever. i came in without a teams partner so i just entered by mysefl i was rush hour. i was practically invincible i just kept comboing the teams two people at a time 0~300% most of the time sometimes id mess up and combo them 0-death but i didnt let it get to me. i just kept attacking so fast that no one could touch me. im so amzing. i just down air and then shine infinitely until my opponents shield breaks. its really not that hard i dunno why more people dont do it. my combos were so good no one had ever seen the crazy shiz i do. you dont even need a modded controller like the bort kid who who kept talking about it while i was owning him and his partner in teams ill give everyone a training clue tho i train by comboing the shy guyz on yoshis book. i got a couple combo vidz in the workz tho so just four all the noobs who want to start playing falco like me i was just breaking shhielsd left and right like some mad man goin crazy with the shine combos till all the characters exploded. i had such an unlucky bracket tho this kid cactus or whatever and co randy jay or whatever, these kats are mad good. christmas eve took me by surprise for a second, but my falco combos are too gooz and hey ya toe got this phd in doctor mario or somethin. thes kids was all mad good till they shielded one of my attacks and just broke their shilds........all these kidz were thinkin they had ez matchz but i showed them that you can train by yourself and win major tournaments. i hered there is some big list of the top players, how do i get on this shiz? there was so many good kids in ny i might not come back they might start practicing playing without using their shields and then id have to use the mind gamz to combo them zero to nine nine nine nine. i wanted to play that personal computer kid but every time i asked him for a money match he ran away complaining about needing to comb his hairs.



Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2004
Long Island

Tetra- AHHHH my *****, what can I say, we're too good together. Sometimes I can't imagine what would have happened if we never teamed at MLG NY. You're like my brother from another monther, we are definately gonna **** **** at Cat3 no doubt. Too good son. Seriously though, I wouldn't trade you for anybody <3333

Hax- Too good yo, you gotta come out to long island so we can play.

Ryan- too good son, keep it up. I got your back.

Acemarth-Yo I don't even know. Crazy matches

Bort and Crookman- Crazy team matches, I thought you were gonna **** our ****

Dave- You are my inspiration papa.

PC- what? we didnt play one match? whats wrong with you yo.

Wes- You still need to teach me samus.}

Rest of KF- good ****

Woz-too sexy

Cactuar- I'm not gonna lie, you were looking pretty.

Tag- you are mad white. good **** in teams. we didnt play any friendlys, s'up with that?

KDJ-like I said, we've never even played one match aside from teams, def at cat3.

marcus- great seeing you again, you're too nice.

Everybody else- Work hard and you'll reap the rewards. Keep practicing and don't get disheartened over one bad turnout. Remember this game is suppose to be fun so have fun!


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
I definately had fun, I met so many people I never met before.

Shout out timez:

lightxdream/johnathan - You worked really hard running everything, you always do such a great job. Everyone always appreciates you working so hard :) <3

woz - Thank you for helping to run everything! I'm gonna def be at the next biweeklie!

milktea - I was happy to finally see you and hang out with you! The friendly teams we had were too good and your shiek is crazy. We definately have to hang out again sometime soon :D see ya on livejournal haha.

emmy/rapid_assassin - Nice matches! Your Zelda is very good, and it was great to see more girls around :D

cort - I finally got to play you! I was very nervous because I admire your Peach so much ^^; but I was also very happy that I did.

pc(dacheezewizard makes me lol) and brookman - Yay for having team friendly's with you guys :D it was fun indeed!

dire - I never got to play you, aarghfdhalfjsa nooo. Okay next time fo sho. But nice seeing you again!

hoyo - What the hell man! Showing up so late and stuff so I couldn't enter doubles. You need to change your tag from hoyo to homo, this is the truth :D

dark.pch - LOL @ your random up smash tactic, it makes me laugh so much cause it works.

And all of killa fleet - it's always nice to see you guys! :)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2005
Huntington Long Island
good matches everyone, woz and lightdream great job running stuff
wes - way to close it out, hell of a match
eve - very impressive vs peach, u really kno ur ****
hayato - 7:11 minute match? who does that? lol good match
alejandro - uhhh peach vision?
killa - good games def hit me up next time we'll get some more in
cort/brookman - way to spank us first round in doubles, well played, nice friendly match cort, we'll play again and maybe i wont get a savior turnip this time
dire- how bout that white one EH?
jack - <3
ryan K - <3 :-*


dunno when my next tourney is, im not driving hours to MA but ill see everyone soon enough


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
GooD F'iNG TouRNaMeNT!! eVeN THo My PeaCH LoST aT eVeRy CHaNCe SHe CouLD.. i WaS STiLL HaPPy To LeaVe WiTH RaNDoM WiNZ THaNKZ To PiKaCHu aND ZeLDa. NiCe VeNue To. CooL iNTeRioR aND a BLoCK DoWN FRoM SCHooL!! NoW, JuST a FeW RaNDoM SHouT ouTZ...

ALuKaRD- GooD STuFF BReaKiN THe ToP TeN iN TeaMZ, aND NeXT TiMe, aSK aND i'LL eXPLaiN HoW THe PooL SySTeM WoRKZ.
BLaCKaNeSe- NiCe JoB aLSo TeaMiN uP WiTH ALuKaRD (WiT Da SuSHi Da SiDe)
HaX- FoR SHoWiN eVeRyoNe THe PoWeR oF a 12 YeaR oLD (i THiNK i LeFT My SiDeKiCK CHaRGeR aT uR HouSe .. LoLz)
JaY$- aLSo GooD STuFF. THaT'S THe MoST PRoGReSS i'Ve eVeR SeeN iN SuCH a SHoRT aMouNT oF TiMe. SoMeoNe'Z BeeN uSiN THe SHaRiNGaN To LeaRN THoSe PRo-LeVeL MiNDGaMeS DuRiNG a TouRNaMeNT.
CoRT- FoR HaNDiNG Me My FiRST LoSS iN a PeaCH DiTTo. u aRe oFFiCiaLLy oN My SMaSH BRoS HiT LiST ;)
aLeJaNDRo- FoR HaNDiNG Me My SeCoND LoSS iN a PeaCH DiTTo ..
WeS- SoMe HoW MaNaGeD To MiNDGaMe aLuKaRD ouTSiDe OF a MaTCH
BuM- LoLz.. I HeaRD You CaLL Me "BuM#2" DuRiNG My DK FiGHT .. LoLz.. THaT WaS FuNNy
PC CHRiS- FoR KiLLiNG eVeRyoNe's DReaM oF WiNNiNG THe TouRNeY. i ReMeMBeR HeaRiNG WoZ SaY "<BLaNK> vs PC CHRiS" FoLLoWeD By a LouD "aaaaaaaaaaaaHH!!"
WoZ- WaY To HoST a BoMB aZZ TouRNaMeNT!!
aLeX- CooL HoST!!
TeTRa- "yeeeeeaaaahhh!! STiTCHPHaCeeeee!!" GooD STuFF
BeYoNCe- FoR SiGNiNG My CoNTRoLLeR aND CHeeRiNG Me oN.. You RoCK in 7 DiFFeReNT LaNGuaGeZ
DJ NiNTeNDo- aFTeR We FiNiSHeD PLaYiN SMaSH BRoS 64, i FoRGoT HoW To FloaT CaNCeL aND aiR DoDGe .. LMao!!
D.i. KiNG- DuDe, eVeN THo We'Ve NeVeR MeT uNTiL YeSTeRDaY, We STiLL MaNaGeD To MaKe iT To THe 4TH RouND iN TeaMZ. uR a GooD PLaYeR aND a CooL DuDe So iF You CHaNGe uR MiND aBouT QuiTTiNG SMaSH BRoS, HiT Me uP!! TeaM iPoD!!

iF I FoRGoT To MeNTioN aNyoNe, PLeaSe FoRGiVe Me. My iNTeNTioN WaS To Go THiS TouRNaMeNT aND LeaVe My MaRK.. I THiNK i'Ve DoNe So. GReaT JoB To eVeRyoNe WHo WeNT aND GaVe iT THeRe aLL, You GuYZ DiDN'T Go uN-NoTiCeD. WeLL i GoTTa Go, i'Ve GoT eNGLiSH CLaSS iN Da MoRNiNG ^_^

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
WK and DJ- u guys ***** teams but ur stupid for usin double bowser lol.
Yeah we know, lol. Our double Bowser team is too sexy though. It helped us reach 5th place. Our Bowsers are getting better so we'll continue to beast with them, along with our other mains. Double Bowser all day papi, all day! I love Warrior Knight, lol.

Hayato, our teams and singles matches were fun and interesting. Sheik is gay but next time my Bowser will finish the job, lol. Good sh*t though son.

Eve, our friendly matchup with my Mario and your Luigi was definitely a classic Mario Brothers epic battle. You were wrecking people left and right with him. Your Luigi is mad beast.

Korean DJ, we didn't have our Pichu ditto money match. :(

PC, we didn't get to play each other again. Next time we're gonna make sure it happens.

By the way, I think Pichu was my best performing character during friendlies in the tournament, lol.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
Brooklyn,New York
Yo WHAT an awesome ****ing tourny!!!O.O Funny thing was that everyone was getting me confused with Jayman since we use the same tag.

Yellow rat *******- I could have really needed u on teams but it's ok ^_^. It saved me money. It was funny how u got IC-glitch by cort .

Hoyo- u finally made it to the tourny yay!!

Dj nintendo- Did my mario improved alittle? lol

Emmy/rapid_assassin - Ur kirby/Game&watch is mad nice! I want to play again in a rematch with my Y.Link^_^ Oh and I want to play ur Zelda again. I gotta have that Zelda practice^_^

Jayoyeah- I got to play u again yes!!! I hope to see u again in the next biweekly

Cort- Oh man that IC-glicth still makes me laugh lol I still want to play ur fox again and ur peach.

Prez- Good ****ing matches man!!O_O Must replay u!!!

and finally Crismas- someday I will do good against ur peach lol


Smash Cadet
Nov 6, 2006
you guys are very lucky T__T my d a m n parents didnt let me go so have family problems

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
Good tournament again
I love NYC tournaments threy're always good nice job Killa Fleet ,alex, and woz u guys did a good job again.

Shoutouts in pretty colors!

Brookman- LOL ur funny <3 had a good time hanging out with u this weekend good job in the tournament
Cort- =( i was expecting top 3 in singles and teams but oh well sh*t happens , glad u still had fun, always good seeing u
Zoso- glad You got home on time >_> that was close, hope u had a good time. i'll bring ur n64 to cat3.
Squam- hope u had a good time, thx for driving randomly all over the place

Milktea- good job in teams with charles that was a crazy nair u did vs hayato LOL, glad u had fun , good job in singles too . your getting better, although u wont admit it, i can see it ;) LEARN HOW TO SWEETSPOT

Eve- good job at the tournament ,your back in the winners circle, good seeing u again
Hayato- always fun seeing u , u make everyone happy LOL, sorry about the housing :dizzy: hope u guys got home ok
Roga- i wanted to see the ganon =( but impresive stuff , maybe next time we'll play
wes- i saw some old wes vs cactuar and kdj that i used to see in the finals of gauntlet 1-7 where you used to **** me every time,anyway we did alright in teams the 2nd set next time we'll do better

Marcus- LOL i hate battlefield now =( congrats tho double sheik is scary <_<
Kdj- congrats on the good placings again , teach me how to shinespike >_> LOL thx for the wii money, i'll see you at cat3 we should try more team friendlies LOL so fun
Spictom-work on those CGs! sorry we didnt friendly as much, we can play more at cat3, ur hat was too good
Cactuar- u had me scared for a second then i remember ur marth and im falco LOL good job in teams and singles , wes is gay on corneria i've been through the same **** :(
Crismas- pretty crazy fast peach, u and lil should team sometime it'd be hotness

anyway its like 2 days later and i forget 90% of what happened , sorry if i forgot anyone i love u all


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
lmao @ color coding

Wes' name in black is too good. Hot pink for me yayuhzz =) Guess I'll post shoutouts now too.

Brookman -

Squam - Thanks for the ride. I'm glad you learned a lot and got a lot better this weekend.


Chris - You're the cheese wizard. Good **** as always, thanks a ton for the housing it's probably the best part of going to tournaments with you.

Lil - Wow dammn, I'm sorry for underestimating you but maybe that helped you focus harder in your pool match against CopyCat. You always get noticeably better each time I see you play.

WoZ - I love you. Thanks for making the cards not pop out of my butt.

Alex - Great job running the tournament with WoZ

Crismas - Your Peach reminds me a lot of mine haha keep playing and practicing. Spamming random aerials is fun. Nice meeting you.

Cactuar - You should try in friendlies against me =( I love you.

Daniel Jung - Infinite double jumps worked perfectly.

Marcus - We never really talked or played... =( See you at Cat 3.

Dav3 - Lots of fun seeing you at tournaments. Really think I have a sexy voice? ;)

Wes - Yeah actually my plan was to play you as soon as you came back so you would be as little warmed up as possible LOL sorry. Dang you got your revenge on Marths after losing to Eve and then ****** Cactuar's >_>;

Hayato - You're still mad good at SSB64 for not playing in years. Great job in tournament, thanks for the revenge.

Roga - Fun playing you in SSB64 :)

Eve - Nice job in the tournament, sad we never played really.

Tetra - Good games in singles and doubles... I'll get my revenge someday.

Alejandro - Nice seeing you again, nice matches in doubles with Tetra. Really fun friendlies.

Hoyo - Nice seeing you at tournaments, you definitly got a lot better since I can remember, keep it up. I see my Falcon influence in you >.>

**** Tom - Nice hat.

I wonder who I'm missing... I'll edit this later probably.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2006
uniondale new york
super awesome tournament killa fleet have another tourny soon. congrats on the winners of both doubles and singles and i hope that for the next one i can place higher for the next one and i still can't believe i made it out of the pools in a city tournament.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Alright, my attempt at shoutouts (hopefully I can remember everyone @__@):

Cort: Your Peach is far too good to ever give up! You got this mangz! *Pokes.* LOLL @ when everyone cornered you and poked you, and you almost punched me in the face >o>...

Brookman: I never got to play you XD, only in teams as usual but still! Nice job ****** at Zenith ^^. Fun times talking, I AM L!

Cactuar: SOOO FLAMBOYANT! Haha! Fun times :D. Thanks for teaming with me, I'm sorry for being such a burden, I'll try not to attack you as much next time .__. Perhaps we can team again one day if you have no teammate and I don't as well.

PC: YAYYYY, thank you for housing me too >o>? But for like 5 days instead of 2 LOL. Your house/New York/Port Chester is always too goods :D. Cya next weekend!!! I'll be your burden there >o> LOL. THE CHEESE WIZARD! Edit: POOOOOOOOOOOOP.

Dire: Thanks for friendlying me even though I got ***** as usual XD. Too goods...

Blast: It was nice playing you in pools..and then in tourney XD haha. Nice comeback after suiciding a few times =P.

Crismas: YAYY it was so cool finally getting to meet you! Yes, double Peach team was far too fun :D. I shall see you once again..on livejournal XD.

Emmy: Oh hell yes, then we're going to ruin Cataclysm's sausage-fest as well :).

Zoso: We only got to friendly twice :(.

Squam: 'Twas nice friendlying you at PC's house :D. No peachy peach XD?

DJ!: DO IT DO IT DO IT. HAHAHA. Thanks for friendlying me! Saving me in our Marth dittos and then spiking me with his forward Bs wasn't very nice!!! LOL.

Tetra/Alejandro: You two are so cute together @__@;. Especially when Alejandro hugs Tetra, and Tetra, thanks for asking to friendly when I was lying around bored =].

Hayato: Froggy ^o^! Good stuff in teams ^_^.

Spictom: Thanks for the friendlies! I finally MMed you XD.

WoZ: WOW. Woz, why are you so cool? WTF!? Let's chill again at a tournament and you can show us more card tricks. Talking with you and stuff was too goodz, seriously! :o WOZ IS TOO COOL.

RyanK: You ***** me >o>.

Marcus: It was good seeing you again =]. Your stepson's adorable ^_^. I watched him fighting Danny XD. No yayuhz!

Sorry if I forgot anyone!


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Additional acknowledgements:

Tetra: Good ****.
Alejandro: Good ****.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I don't know what you're talking about.

P.S. Quadruple the pleasure, actually.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
Queens, New York
Nice tournament. I hope next time I'll get to play more matches and maybe find a main character.... Sometimes it's Doc sometimes it isn't lol. Just one thing... let's try and cut down on the boring top tiers eh? :p


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
Cort - I keep the wolf from the door but he calls me up/Calls me on the phone/Tells me all the ways that he's gonna mess me up/ Steal all my children if I don't pay the ransom/And I'll never see them again if I squeal to the cops

Portly Chester Chris - MMMMHM

Zoso - NEERRR edge guard.

Lil - thanks for cheering for me, your sheik is getting scary :(

Squam - ROLL

Dire - I though I was done when WoZ said I had to play you, I was so scared, thinking about what you did to me last time :( We'll see what happens next time I guess, aye?

Starz - nice shdl;) :laugh:

Turtles - such a great surprise seeing you guys! Thanks for the revenge Hayato!

Tetra - you didn't laser camp with falco enough :chuckle: then you schooled me with sheik :( good **** in teams too.

Alejandro - you seem like a great guy, we should actually play again at one of these tournaments aye?

Cactus - :psycho: :urg: :confused: :dizzy: :embarrass :laugh: :colorful:

Jack - You're so weird....but so smart. Bring sock next time!

DaCheezWizard - I miss my shields :(

Emmy & Adat - Surprised to see you guys! didn't play Adat though :(

Crismas - you were real good, scary peaches :(

KF - great tournament guys

WoZ - Infinitely hot and amazing.

Inui - I can't believe you beat DaCheezWizard, it must be all that shizwiz practice you got when you went to florida huh?

KDJ - quit leaving your glasses at home, we need to play again sometimes so I can steal your tricks! Good job in tourny, see you this weekend I guess.

**** Thomas - Nice hat.

Everyone else I played and talked with and stepped on and tapped on the shoulder, it was nice seeing you.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Wow. I would like to say a few things before saying my shout outs.

Above all thank you for coming to the tournament. Me and Woz (mostly me lol) were a little worried when at 12 only 30 people were here. Nice to know smashers are on time lol. Beyond that, I think that this tournament was the best turnout I have ever personally seen. I owe a lot to the web2zone staff for their respect and treatment of the players. They have shown how much they really care about the community. ok now shout outs

Woz : As always you help me when I need it. Thanks for helping with my tournament and the kf's as well. We did good...next one we will get bigger :).

Pc Chris/Dacheezewizard : pulling some shady stuff. J.k Another good performance and glad you could make it.

KDJ : Your a pretty kewl dude and thanks for running a pool. You were one of the many few who knew how to at the start.

Cactuar : Man I just love you lol.

Milktea : Nice meeting you and I am glad my gf had fun with you :)

Oak crew : You guys were kewl and I am glad I could house you and keep you guys up forever talking lol. Thanks for coming.

Jc: I love you hun I really do :)...sorry you didnt feel well....that nobody jefe shoudlnt had made it out of your pool:)

Cort : Too good man too good lol

DA : much love and good stuff to wes and bum....what happened in the pools bum lol ;)

KF : I love you guys so much...thanks for helping me...we did it again:)

For all those interested we hold biweeklies every friday ( i know i am plugging my stuff lol). If your interested in going come to this thread http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=96076&page=7

Next one is this friday and its 1v1 :)


Smash Rookie
Dec 6, 2006
thanx dire for kickin my ***..lol..gave me a lot to think bout..didnt know wat to expect from game n watch,not only that,after u knocked me out is wen i realized who i was actually fighting.lol.n e way thanx for the experience hope to play u again soon..


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
whens the videos coming up ?
I was in New York, but I had no idea where the Smash Tournament's location was. I Mapquest'd for directions, but to no avail bro. For future reference, we really need to keep in touch by rooming with you or something. My sense of direction sucks!


Smash Cadet
Nov 6, 2006
I was in New York, but I had no idea where the Smash Tournament's location was. I Mapquest'd for directions, but to no avail bro. For future reference, we really need to keep in touch by rooming with you or something. My sense of direction sucks!
but on the website tell you where it is bro and i didnt go to the tournament with family problems >_<


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2007
what crippled people do when they're stuck at home--->

Cactuar- I'm not gonna lie, you were looking pretty.
Cactuar - You should try in friendlies against me =( I love you.
Cactus - :psycho: :urg: :confused: :dizzy: :embarrass :laugh: :colorful:
we know he actually meant :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: >_>

Cactuar : Man I just love you lol.

i can't believe how right milktea was about you, charles LOL too gay

sounds like zenith was fun!!..i wish i could have made it :/ good **** to everyone who went

i see that pc was gracious enough to let dacheezewizard take the tourney. -_-'

keep it up, lil, don't get discouraged! it sounds like you're getting better~

good job rush hour =)) danny, can't wait for cataclysm! and also meeting your uprising korean smasher friend. i've been hearing good things about him

hope everyone who went to zenith makes it to cata this weekend. good stuff
Apr 22, 2006

wait I couldnt goooo

****, next time guys.

well, since I feel left out

D1 - too good for school son, your fox is the devil! We owned that tourney!!!!

Starz - Nice SHDL!!! your fox is the CAMP CHAMP!

PC - Why did you go all fox at OC2? I just got the DVD I know Im late so relax.

Grey Fox- Nice fox but too bad you cant pick grey. I have a feeling the real grey fox from metal gear is going in Brawl as a solid snake clone.

Brawl - you better not suck as a game and ruin the smash scene.

Ken - We are KEN!

KF. alex. woz. - It was probably an awesome tourney, i couldnt have guessed the placings with all the great smashers you guys got going to this tourney. Awesome job.

DaCheezeWizard - Did you know that Yoshi's shield lasts one frame longer then normal shields. Thats right ***.
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