I've had some experience with Megaman the day before I played you with him so I was more prepared to dealing with him that time. In fact I should probably upload the matches I had with that Megaman in my channel soon =P
Mega Man is a character that I feel will end up just outside of high tier.
When the meta evolves into a more patience based game, it will be much easier to break through mega man's wall of projectiles. He actually has very clear holes in his defensive game that certain characters can already take advanage of (meta knight, Shiek, Pac-Man)
Pac-Man won't suffer the same fate because of his amazing trap game and versatility. His projectiles can't be spammed to victory because he can't throw them out fast enough (one reason why I stress that Pac-Man shouldn't camp)
Instead, he has a fruit for every possible situation. A toolbox if you will.
He has an amazing nuetral, but has a severe lack of CQC and he struggles from very unreliable kill moves and lack of kill set ups.
Unlike Pac-Man though, he doesn't get the customs to fix this flaw.