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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe

WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
Hey Spirst, you got some real talent! I was quite impressed with what I saw.

Mocha, the Zelda boards are exactly like coffee. You can't go a day without having coffee, neither can you go a day without the Zelda boards. :3c (Oh, and thanks for the welcome back!)

I have a few Zelda related questions:

1) How did the guy in the video shown (1000 ways to kick) do the offstage Farore's Wind without becoming into the helpless state? Impressive.

2) I would like to know you guys's opinion on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LAf7A-2o14
Was Nairo's action really that impressive? I don't quite know what I think of it.
He reappeared on the edge of the stage then proceeded to run offstage, It looked like he didn't make it back on the stage though
Or at least thats what I think happened
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Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Miami, Florida
It's the Citarum River in Indonesia. It's solid waste/discharge/litter. Not cool. And what sucks is that the people there are dependent upon the river so...yeah...

I have a Mac too. Last I tried the settings, I was on a Windows PC but I don't see why it shouldn't work too. I'll look around later.
I'm a huge sucker for space media. I liked Interstellar a lot even though it was quite long and not wholly scientifically accurate. I took a few internships at the Museum of Natural History here in NYC (for some reason, the faculty there calls me "king sexy pants" now. I still don't get why exactly.) and had a lot of fun with it. Coincidentally, I'm one of the few people who love picking Lylat Cruise as a CP if it isn't banned.

I've posted this in some places before but I have a small collection of random drawings I'd done. These are from my personal journals and honestly, I haven't done too much in the last two years so this is from before then. Check it out if you're interested:
Very interesting drawings! I like them a lot, reminds me a lot of Da Vinci sketches to be honest.


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
I have a few Zelda related questions:

1) How did the guy in the video shown (1000 ways to kick) do the offstage Farore's Wind without becoming into the helpless state? Impressive.

2) I would like to know you guys's opinion on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LAf7A-2o14
Was Nairo's action really that impressive? I don't quite know what I think of it.
1. It's called ledge cancelling. Basically, if your spacing of Farore's is just right, you'll essentially cancel the ending lag and go offstage without being helpless. Extremely risky because if you're off by a little bit, you'll either have the full ending lag of Farore's or worse, you fall to your death. Not incredibly practical in a lot of situations, but it can work out if you want to style.

2. I honestly think the only reason why the Phantom to sourspot Dair kill from Nairo was super hype was because of his opponent's reaction to it, alongside the other commentators. The combo itself is okay, but luckily, we can do a bit more style than just that. :p

And praise a YT comment that is actually intelligent. :^)


The Flying Dutchman
Jan 9, 2015
The Netherlands
1. It's called ledge cancelling. Basically, if your spacing of Farore's is just right, you'll essentially cancel the ending lag and go offstage without being helpless. Extremely risky because if you're off by a little bit, you'll either have the full ending lag of Farore's or worse, you fall to your death. Not incredibly practical in a lot of situations, but it can work out if you want to style.

2. I honestly think the only reason why the Phantom to sourspot Dair kill from Nairo was super hype was because of his opponent's reaction to it, alongside the other commentators. The combo itself is okay, but luckily, we can do a bit more style than just that. :p

And praise a YT comment that is actually intelligent. :^)
Thank you so much! It indeed didn't seem very safe to me so I just kind of wondered how he'd pull it off. :)

Oh my god that comment, it made me laugh quite hard. x]


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
It's the Citarum River in Indonesia. It's solid waste/discharge/litter. Not cool. And what sucks is that the people there are dependent upon the river so...yeah...

I have a Mac too. Last I tried the settings, I was on a Windows PC but I don't see why it shouldn't work too. I'll look around later.
I'm a huge sucker for space media. I liked Interstellar a lot even though it was quite long and not wholly scientifically accurate. I took a few internships at the Museum of Natural History here in NYC (for some reason, the faculty there calls me "king sexy pants" now. I still don't get why exactly.) and had a lot of fun with it. Coincidentally, I'm one of the few people who love picking Lylat Cruise as a CP if it isn't banned.

I've posted this in some places before but I have a small collection of random drawings I'd done. These are from my personal journals and honestly, I haven't done too much in the last two years so this is from before then. Check it out if you're interested:
Interstellar was one of the better movies I last watched, and mind you, I'm like the biggest movie critic ever. Speaking of scientifically inaccurate, have you ever seen the Fringe tv series by any chance? They are mainly focused on sci-fi, and hit up on all kinds of crazy topics, though a number of them are a bit disturbing if you haven't lost your innocence to certain thrillers/horror. Interesting tv series though, I'd recommend it for you.

Them internships... nice! I actually have a friend who works in an art museum in New Zealand, and she loves it.

Those art pieces are amazing, Spirst - have you considered going down an art career, as a side along/entertainment option, kind of how I'm considering with writing?

Oh and Lylat Cruise hates me. It hates both of the characters I like, and yeah, I would love to get better on that stage if I can, cause I don't think I have raged at another stage more :p


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
@ Spirst Spirst DINO SKETCHES <3

If you ever want some comment or advice on graphic arts and crafts hit me up. I'm always reluctant to drop constructive criticism on people I don't really know because you can never be sure how they'll take it, but I'm always open for art chats! :)


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Hmm, what is Zelda's Down-B good for?
the same thing din's is good for, forcing low recoveries. It also doesn't make you helpless so you can use it coming back to stage unlike din's. Sakurai had to make sure Zelda got a new situational tool while giving sheik a completely balanced tool, so I could be really salt

also found this and it's just so adorable

@kaazers bait


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
the same thing din's is good for, forcing low recoveries. It also doesn't make you helpless so you can use it coming back to stage unlike din's. Sakurai had to make sure Zelda got a new situational tool while giving sheik a completely balanced tool, so I could be really salt

also found this and it's just so adorable

@kaazers bait
I thought those were really small kittens at first till I saw the beaks. That's too cute.


Oct 21, 2011
Appreciate the compliments, pplsssss. :042:

Very interesting drawings! I like them a lot, reminds me a lot of Da Vinci sketches to be honest.
Leonardo is actually one of the historical figures I appreciate a lot. His paintings are nice but his scientific mind is what really gets me. Definitely a very cool person even if he was a huge procrastinator who seldom moved past the theoretical stage.

Interstellar was one of the better movies I last watched, and mind you, I'm like the biggest movie critic ever. Speaking of scientifically inaccurate, have you ever seen the Fringe tv series by any chance? They are mainly focused on sci-fi, and hit up on all kinds of crazy topics, though a number of them are a bit disturbing if you haven't lost your innocence to certain thrillers/horror. Interesting tv series though, I'd recommend it for you.

Them internships... nice! I actually have a friend who works in an art museum in New Zealand, and she loves it.

Those art pieces are amazing, Spirst - have you considered going down an art career, as a side along/entertainment option, kind of how I'm considering with writing?

Oh and Lylat Cruise hates me. It hates both of the characters I like, and yeah, I would love to get better on that stage if I can, cause I don't think I have raged at another stage more :p
Nope, I'd never seen or heard of the Fringe. I honestly don't watch TV too much but given that the snow makes going out annoying, I'll keep that on my list of things to watch when I'm at home. I love sci-fi stuff when it's well done and having concepts that are out there makes it all better. This day and age is particularly cool since the sci-fi of the past is becoming the reality of today.

Ahhhh, New Zealand. I've always wanted to go to New Zealand and the Galápagos islands in Ecuador. Having been in a heavily urban city for so long, either of those would be a great change of pace. There's an imgur album I found that had some really fascinating locations I'd love to visit. There's a LOT of interesting stuff out there in the world.

Thank you. I'd thought about an art career a few times but I don't think I'd be fully content. I really want to do more than just capture the world. Visual arts jobs can be kind of hard to come across too since I'd most likely be freelancing. It could be cool to be a concept artist for a movie/game though. Like I said earlier, paleoart is something that's really cool too since it deals with a world we'd never seen with our own eyes.

Lylat Cruise is pretty great for Duck Hunt since the lower platforms mean the Can can be fully utilized for stage control. Plus, having the stage edges take stocks for me is a nice bonus. I seldom get to play on it though since everyone bans it right off the bat. I don't blame them though.

@ Spirst Spirst DINO SKETCHES <3

If you ever want some comment or advice on graphic arts and crafts hit me up. I'm always reluctant to drop constructive criticism on people I don't really know because you can never be sure how they'll take it, but I'm always open for art chats! :)
Yeah, I'd be down for art chats. I'd recently been wanting to get back into the whole drawing thing after having been inactive for too long. And nah, don't worry about it. I'm not the kind of person who takes constructive criticism personally. You could say my stuff is **** and that I'm a ***** and I'd probably just laugh. I'm really not the sensitive type.
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Needless to say, I'm not amused by all this snow. I hate snow. It's fun for like one day then the novelty value wears off and I hate life.
That's how you know you're getting old.

Me when I was 18: "oh my god I don't want to have to shovel more of this **** I bet the roads sucks now too ughhhhhhhhh"

I've posted this in some places before but I have a small collection of random drawings I'd done. These are from my personal journals and honestly, I haven't done too much in the last two years so this is from before then. Check it out if you're interested:
Dang, these look great. Consider me envious.

Art skill is something I always wish I had, but at the end of the day I've only ever been able to draw stick figures with broken backs at best.

Random aside, I noticed just now that the forum's new message alert list is capped around 20 (I didn't count, but it was displaying a lot less than the 36 it told me I had). That's kind of annoying.
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It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
I know bluecrow said I probably should have explained it better, but the video was primarily for the Zelda boards and those with some inkling of an idea on how to play.

People here generally trust my word enough to believe me when I say things, but then it seems a bunch of casuals found it.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
Appreciate the compliments, pplsssss. :042:

Thank you. I'd thought about an art career a few times but I don't think I'd be fully content. I really want to do more than just capture the world. Visual arts jobs can be kind of hard to come across too since I'd most likely be freelancing. It could be cool to be a concept artist for a movie/game though. Like I said earlier, paleoart is something that's really cool too since it deals with a world we'd never seen with our own eyes.

Yeah, I'd be down for art chats. I'd recently been wanting to get back into the whole drawing thing after having been inactive for too long. And nah, don't worry about it. I'm not the kind of person who takes constructive criticism personally. You could say my stuff is **** and that I'm a ***** and I'd probably just laugh. I'm really not the sensitive type.
That's good to hear. Most people on the internet are super defensive about their art, but that's also mostly because they feel very insecure about it. If you ever wish to pursue any form of graphic art as a modus vivendi you have to marry the idea that nothing you produce will ever be perfect or completely satisfy anyone either.

Anyways! I won't say your work is **** because it's actually pretty nice! You seem to have very solid bases for light and volume, although the softening of your shadows could use a little bit more refinement. Honestly though, since these are mostly just sketches it doesn't really matter much.

The thing I'd point out you have to focus more on imo, would be using geometric shapes to give your sketches a more solid structural base. You're pretty good at getting detail down, that's for sure, but sometimes the shapes of your subjects become a little wonky, which is how I noticed you usually skip that step. I think I'm mostly right by seeing the abandoned triceratops head sketch somewhere over there :).

I'd really advice for you to start practicing breaking your subjects into geometrical shapes and then adding details and everything else once you nail that down. It can be a real pushover at first but with time it becomes second nature. Eventually you won't really need it and you'll be able to nail down poses and movement with just action lines and gesture drawing, etc.

Sorry if I make you dizzy with all this! :'D I realize I can sound a bit like a smartass, but I just become interested when I see people with good potential in art, and I hate to see good skill get stuck in old habits.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
I know bluecrow said I probably should have explained it better, but the video was primarily for the Zelda boards and those with some inkling of an idea on how to play.

People here generally trust my word enough to believe me when I say things, but then it seems a bunch of casuals found it.
All the comments are from casuals lol


Oct 21, 2011
That's good to hear. Most people on the internet are super defensive about their art, but that's also mostly because they feel very insecure about it. If you ever wish to pursue any form of graphic art as a modus vivendi you have to marry the idea that nothing you produce will ever be perfect or completely satisfy anyone either.

Anyways! I won't say your work is **** because it's actually pretty nice! You seem to have very solid bases for light and volume, although the softening of your shadows could use a little bit more refinement. Honestly though, since these are mostly just sketches it doesn't really matter much.

The thing I'd point out you have to focus more on imo, would be using geometric shapes to give your sketches a more solid structural base. You're pretty good at getting detail down, that's for sure, but sometimes the shapes of your subjects become a little wonky, which is how I noticed you usually skip that step. I think I'm mostly right by seeing the abandoned triceratops head sketch somewhere over there :).

I'd really advice for you to start practicing breaking your subjects into geometrical shapes and then adding details and everything else once you nail that down. It can be a real pushover at first but with time it becomes second nature. Eventually you won't really need it and you'll be able to nail down poses and movement with just action lines and gesture drawing, etc.

Sorry if I make you dizzy with all this! :'D I realize I can sound a bit like a smartass, but I just become interested when I see people with good potential in art, and I hate to see good skill get stuck in old habits.
Yeah, before I had stopped, the more recent stuff had more usage of geometric shapes and planning. I've had no formal training so a lot of it is going off of observation/my own research so it's bound to be rather rough around the edges. Thanks a lot for the advice, I'll definitely keep this all in mind when I start it up again. Lights/volume is something I'd done a lot of studies on so I suppose it makes sense it's one of my strong points.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
Yeah, before I had stopped, the more recent stuff had more usage of geometric shapes and planning. I've had no formal training so a lot of it is going off of observation/my own research so it's bound to be rather rough around the edges. Thanks a lot for the advice, I'll definitely keep this all in mind when I start it up again. Lights/volume is something I'd done a lot of studies on so I suppose it makes sense it's one of my strong points.
High five on being self-thaught :)

I'd love to see more of your recent work, and if you ever have some questions don't hesitate to ask me! If I don't know the answer I'll look for it and we'll both get to learn from it :D.

Also, I can recommend some really really good art books that will probably be super interesting for you because of the author.


James Gurney is the main artist for all of Dinotopia, so he painted a LOT of prehistoric stuff. He mosly paints animals too, so I think you'd enjoy that book very much if only for how pretty it is to look at! Hahaha. It's also very good for learning.


This one is also super good for learning to draw basic shapes and getting anatomical proportions right.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
Okay so did I just fight @ Macchiato Macchiato ? I played as Purple Boots the first match, and Default female Robin the second. They had your tag and everything


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Oh gawd..... Xenoblade Chronicles X has over 300 hours of playtime......
Or should I say, Reyn Time...
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Smash Master
Oct 3, 2014
It's the Citarum River in Indonesia. It's solid waste/discharge/litter. Not cool. And what sucks is that the people there are dependent upon the river so...yeah...

I have a Mac too. Last I tried the settings, I was on a Windows PC but I don't see why it shouldn't work too. I'll look around later.
I'm a huge sucker for space media. I liked Interstellar a lot even though it was quite long and not wholly scientifically accurate. I took a few internships at the Museum of Natural History here in NYC (for some reason, the faculty there calls me "king sexy pants" now. I still don't get why exactly.) and had a lot of fun with it. Coincidentally, I'm one of the few people who love picking Lylat Cruise as a CP if it isn't banned.

I've posted this in some places before but I have a small collection of random drawings I'd done. These are from my personal journals and honestly, I haven't done too much in the last two years so this is from before then. Check it out if you're interested:
Nice Ophthalmosaurus. Did you use a reference for the T. rex (looks like the mount in Berkeley)?
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