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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2014
Keeps dairing since it has no ending lag. It's great for pressure and keep dairing and when my shield is low, use falling nair. It's also her main combo starter.
As for peach Bomber, it's a punish tool and is great for tech chases. It's actually really fast and strong. It's also super safe since it reacts to shield. Your peach is good sis, GGs once again

I think Peach Bomber is mostly for tech-chasing (and not much else). You were correct on it being slow and unsafe (although, it is a ton faster than its previous incarnations), but at least it bounces off shields now. It's definitely not a move you should be using often, though.

edit: :4greninja: 'd (kinda)
Thanks, I'll definitely try to use Peach Bomber more often so I can fully understand how and when it can be used

@ Macchiato Macchiato I've been practicing falling nairs after strings of floated dairs; I usually mess it up, so I have yet to implement it into my playstyle. I'll keep practicing them, though.


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
I know bluecrow said I probably should have explained it better, but the video was primarily for the Zelda boards and those with some inkling of an idea on how to play.
ya I understand that part, lol. Now what I don't remember if you said who the guide was for at the beginning of the video

He's beaten like, everyone he's played here

I'd like to play him but lag.
I learned my lesson from the like the 2 times I played online. online sucks
is Will probably be fine
Anyone here play League of Legends?
used to, I play smite now
I do.

Well, I did.

I play Fiora.

Suits my personality and playstyle, really.
what, playing crappy characters? didn't know that was a play style


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
I don't think Anita deserves half the flak she gets. Her critiques are basic stuff you learn in gender studies 101, it's every basic feminist critique that's has been used in all forms of media and I don't see how she's "extreme" when she's simply asking developers to use less tropes but I really don't want to debate this here lol.
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Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
I don't think Anita deserves half the flak she gets. Her critiques are basic stuff you learn in gender studies 101, it's every basic feminist critique that's has been used in all forms of media and I don't see how she's "extreme" when she's simply asking developers to use less tropes but I really don't want to debate this here lol.
You don't see guys complaining about there being too many male tropes in games. Trust me, there are a ton of them, some of them could be considered "sexist", but do we do? No! We have a sense of humor and don't take things to extreme, and we play a game for what it is, a game. A Man or Woman complaining about such idiotic things when it isn't a huge problem...
Now Other M on the other hand..........


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
I don't think Anita deserves half the flak she gets. Her critiques are basic stuff you learn in gender studies 101, it's every basic feminist critique that's has been used in all forms of media and I don't see how she's "extreme" when she's simply asking developers to use less tropes but I really don't want to debate this here lol.
Yeah I don't think she deserves any of the flask she gets. Getting harassment and r**e threats because of a "controversial" ideology is just plain ridiculous. I think one of the problems with her videos is that her critiques are very basic, as you said. They don't really focus on how things can be changed and are instead perceived as a complaint that tries to limit video game culture. That is, of course, not the case, but that idea becomes an offense in the minds of people that are already defensive about their favored medium being labelled as sexist.

If only they knew how really sexist the electronics development industry is :/...

You don't see guys complaining about there being too many male tropes in games. Trust me, there are a ton of them, some of them could be considered "sexist", but do we do? No! We have a sense of humor and don't take things to extreme, and we play a game for what it is, a game. A Man or Woman complaining about such idiotic things when it isn't a huge problem...
Now Other M on the other hand..........
Sorry for using you as an example dude, but this is exactly what I was talking about, hah...
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Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
Gurls, how do I deal with Foxy? :(
When he says "come on", you rush him. When he says "here I come" he rushes you. And... Yeah, I have no idea. Usually I just hope they're bad and spam Farore's.

And uh, I'm trying to beat Zelda I and Zelda II for the first time... The Dragon on I is so hard. I actually got to the boss, but that's when I realized I completely forgot to buy arrows. Uggghhhhh...
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Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Zelda dittos are a mental block for everyone. You hate losing to her, because it hurts your pride, and at the same time, she's so slow to react to her own stuff, so it's like you lose either way.
Someone just now picked Zelda against my Zelda after a few games.

I ended up only taking 18% damage that match.

Like I felt I had a full half second longer to do whatever I wanted, and it didn't actually matter if I approached or not because it felt like she was going to do nothing.

... Then I realized this is probably how everyone feels when they face Zelda and I got a lil' sad.


Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Miami, Florida
Yeah I don't think she deserves any of the flask she gets. Getting harassment and r**e threats because of a "controversial" ideology is just plain ridiculous. I think one of the problems with her videos is that her critiques are very basic, as you said. They don't really focus on how things can be changed and are instead perceived as a complaint that tries to limit video game culture. That is, of course, not the case, but that idea becomes an offense in the minds of people that are already defensive about their favored medium being labelled as sexist.

If only they knew how really sexist the electronics development industry is :/...

Sorry for using you as an example dude, but this is exactly what I was talking about, hah...
I think she definitely deserves criticism that's for sure. Death threats? Of course not, but honestly even I've gotten those over the internet and they are not a big deal, if you've been on the internet long enough you'll be sure to see them.
It's not even about her not having ideas to solve the problems. It's that she could find sexism in a chocolate chip cookie if she wanted to, and how chocolate chip cookies have been oppressing women forever.
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Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Yeah I don't think she deserves any of the flask she gets. Getting harassment and r**e threats because of a "controversial" ideology is just plain ridiculous. I think one of the problems with her videos is that her critiques are very basic, as you said. They don't really focus on how things can be changed and are instead perceived as a complaint that tries to limit video game culture. That is, of course, not the case, but that idea becomes an offense in the minds of people that are already defensive about their favored medium being labelled as sexist.

If only they knew how really sexist the electronics development industry is :/...

Sorry for using you as an example dude, but this is exactly what I was talking about, hah...
Stereotypes are going to always be used though. And nor do I believe in death threats for a person's beliefs. I am merely stating the fact of the cause. Male Sexism can occur just as female sexism.
Let's look at all of the sexist things towards men....
Let's see, we have the ridiculous "tough guy trope"
Reyn, Locke, Cloud, Vaike
Some of whom are made quite dumb.
We have the "fearless leader badass"
Dunban, Chrom, Ike, Edgar
We have the "Nerd"
Shulk, Ricken,
"Ladies Man"
Virion, Edgar, Ringabelle

All of these could be considered unfair, of which they are, but that does not stop me from loving the games and even the characters. Also look at it this way, many games try to emulate what used to be medieval times, where women didn't have as big of a role back then. It is historically accurate to create the same feel as those past times. Do you see people condemn Shakespeare for being sexist? Also there are a plethora of strong female characters in many videogames. Off of the top of my head.
Spirit Tracks Zelda
Samus(Ignore Other M)
Female MU(Awakening)
*Insert other female avatars*
TP Zelda
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Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
I would be down to play people on WiFi here.

I would probably refrain from playing Zelda against any Zeldas here though, because I hate that matchup.


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Totally out of nowhere, but I love this guy's videos. A bit too much. :p



Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Totally out of nowhere, but I love this guy's videos. A bit too much. :p

I think the only thing I enjoyed about it is the he labelled his video correctly. Unlike half the internet, that doesn't seem to understand what a combo video actually is


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
@ Lozjam Lozjam Sexism is so much more complex than just listing some "strong female characters" in video games, though. Setting aside the fact that most of the characters you cited are from Japanese games (which has a very distinct culture regarding sexism, in some aspects more advanced and in others incredibly old-fashioned), most of the issues with western game development comes from the ways in which women and people other than men are handled in and outside the games. Specially outside.

To be fairly honest I think female characters in videogames and (some) movies are getting progressively better with each year. Let's not get into the topic of how badly most of them are handled in the character design department (I'm looking at you, Xenoblade). My biggest problem with the industry isn't much directed towards the contents of the games than to the industry itself. The environment within videogames and electronic development is still super toxic for women, and the case of Sarkeesian is just the tip of the iceberg. If I told you about the treatment my sister gets from her male co-students while in-campus at her university you'd be disgusted, and she's studying to be a programmer.

It's very subtle, but that kind of behaviour reflects into the scripts of videogames and movies not in the form of character tropes and archetypes, but in the way the story and the characters themselves are handled.

Then again, micstar is 100% right and this isn't really a place to discuss this kinda topic. Nor do I have the time to go into detail about it, really :'D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2014
Everyone here seems to love fish crackers too o:

When I was a kid I called em " Fishy Cookies " ^^;
Can't eat them anymore though due to a cheese allergy, but it's fun to reminisce :]

( srry for necro-posting so much, I'm many pages behind lol )
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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
You don't see guys complaining about there being too many male tropes in games. Trust me, there are a ton of them, some of them could be considered "sexist", but do we do? No! We have a sense of humor and don't take things to extreme, and we play a game for what it is, a game. A Man or Woman complaining about such idiotic things when it isn't a huge problem...
Now Other M on the other hand..........
You also don't see white men complaining about offensive stereotypes portrayed against white men (even though they do exist) because they are so widely represented, it doesn't matter to them. Men may have tropes that they fall into, and tropes aren't inherently a bad thing, she even says this at the beginning of each of her videos, it's okay to enjoy them but we need to think of the broader effect. Men also often have characters that have diverse storylines and there's a lot of variety in characterization. Also, the tropes they fall into are far less offensive. Damsel in distress, The Smurfette and Background Decoration for example are tropes almost exclusively done to female characters and unfortunately there aren't too many characters that fall out of the tropes whereas there are plenty of male characters that aren't typical male tropes. Asking for more character variety is far from an idiotic thing imo, there are good female characters that are amazingly well done but there's not as many as there should be.
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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2014
Vancouver, BC
Yeah I don't think she deserves any of the flask she gets. Getting harassment and r**e threats because of a "controversial" ideology is just plain ridiculous. I think one of the problems with her videos is that her critiques are very basic, as you said. They don't really focus on how things can be changed and are instead perceived as a complaint that tries to limit video game culture. That is, of course, not the case, but that idea becomes an offense in the minds of people that are already defensive about their favored medium being labelled as sexist.

If only they knew how really sexist the electronics development industry is :/...

Sorry for using you as an example dude, but this is exactly what I was talking about, hah...
Agreed and hopefully her future videos are a bit more in depth because most of her detractors completely misrepresent what she's trying to say :/

Marie Antoinette

Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2009
Earlier with all the workout talk i thought i landed at bodybuilding.com


thread needs to be glam and fabulous again

this is ZELDA's social: the queen of glam, the queen of fashion


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
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