"Sheik is "A very difficult character to play, requires a lot of technical dexterity, a great deal of game knowledge, a ton of fundamentals, the patience of a man climbing Mount Everest, [always] made players play their best, was fun for everyone involved, and was not detrimental to the metagame.At all.""
Sheik is difficult to play though in a sense that you can't just pick her up and place really well all of a sudden, unlike Bayonetta. When you're playing Sheik, you always have to maintain a consistent neutral. You have to exploit all your tools such as needles and f-air to win the neutral again and again. Players like Void, Zero and Mr R have been able to master Sheik's combos and punishes so that they gain more reward from winning the neutral, but maximizing punishes with Sheik is a lot more difficult than it seems. Now the thing is, well Sheik can
definitely rack up damage, her damage per hit is poor and there will be those times when some player will use any/certain character in the game and rack up the same amount of damage Sheik can pull except in less hits. What I'm getting to here is that basically, this forces to Sheik player to be carefully. Sheik already has a dominant neutral. Just avoid taking too much damage. Now I'm not saying Sheik's disadvantage is ass. Hell no, it's ****ing good but she is fairly easy to combo because she falls fast so that's something Sheik players also keep in mind when versing opponents
Now I'm not saying Sheik is a fair character because to be frank and honest, she wasn't but she's stressful to use. She definitely requires patience to use because well, like I said, she has to win the neutral a lot against the opponent and she definitely had the tools and attributes to perform that task, but think about it. Rage exists and Sheik is light so even if she has the lead, there's a chance that she can get KO'd early. Worst case scenario, there are gonna be those times where you're gonna have a hard time landing kills with Sheik when the 50/50's aren't working. Like, people have said that Sheik's 50/50 d-throw to u-air/vanish is stupid as **** and yeah, it is but it's ultimately not guaranteed, no matter how much you twist it. Sheik's normal BnB's and combos don't work at high percents anymore and she basically has to fish for some sort of sourspot b-air/n-air to bouncing fish or a bouncing fish read or maybe a string into u-smash. This is usually the window where in the opponent can make a comeback while the Sheik player is having trouble landing the kill
Sheik, theoretically, doesn't have any weaknesses pre-1.1.5. Alright, I know BUT take into account what I said about how and why she's stressful to play as thus why ZeRo said that she requires a lot of patience, despite her lack of weaknesses (or having none)
Okay, I don't have to waste that much words on Bayo. She's easy to use and easy to pick up. 0-death. Side B. Profit. Boom. You're a national threat. 5.99 well paid. I maybe wrong about this maybe now or maybe later on or maybe I'm right. Who knows? At the moment, that's the impression I'm getting
The whole notion fun and detrimental nature ZeRo was talking about is subjective so whatever. It really depends on you when it comes to that
Bayonetta *deep breath* hurts the game, hurts the community, has a terrible playstyle, isn't fun, will make people stop playing the game, has no good attributes, is toxic, the only character any of these claims have ever (really honestly guys) have been true for in any Smash game, and the players who use her are effectively liars for not agreeing with him.
You have to look at it this way
It's REALLY just her risk:reward ratio that makes her toxic. That and well, she's damn easy to use. That's pretty much the main idea of ZeRo's video to be honest
If I were to breakdown the other things he says, he does have a point. Bayonetta does force her opponents to play
really defensively, chip in small damage from time to time, avoid overextensions, follow ups, and combos since they run the risk of activating witch time or her stupid af F1 air dodge. Worse part is while you're chipping up her damage %, she can land one hit and
kill you. That does sound reasonably boring and considering that players play Smash competitively because the game is
fun, fighting Bayonetta is pretty much contrary to that said purpose. Not agreeing with him or anything but I understand what he's talking about
Don't mention anything he's ever said about pre-patched Diddy Kong, it doesn't matter. Don't question it!
It's irrelevant to what he's talking about. This isn't about Diddy Kong anyway. It's about Bayonetta
She's overcentralizing because!... wonder of all wonders, Komokiri won a tournament with a new character. Again. Could really have used a different example here.
Well, to be fair, Bayonetta doesn't really win THAT much nationals but she sure as hell places really well and holy ****, people are just coming out of no where with bayonetta in top 8. Literally any random player can pick her up and give any top player are hard time which well... shouldn't be happening in the first place
"Bayonetta players keep telling people to stop complaining. Why? Because they don't want their character nerfed. They also can't admit she's currently the best even though it's so obvious, those same people will complain about Sheik all day hoping for a nerf, but when they are on that spot they can change the topic real quick, huh?" ...in some bizarre conspiracy theory that Bayonetta players are trying to game the system to prevent a nerf, are a hivemind that somehow caused the Sheik nerf, as if we have any control on that.
No one wants their own respective mains to get nerfed. It's really like that with everyone no matter who they use
But anyway, the Smash community doesn't really have any control over what happens in the patch. I may be right or wrong. Maybe the complaining and whining got us somewhere. It probably did. Regardless of whether it had an effect or not, we don't have
total control over patch changes, nor possibly any semblance of it
Also, pre-patch Diddy is still worse than Bayo by 100000 miles. Just throwing that out there
The only reason why I went so far with typing this wall of text **** (I probably lost my train of thought at some point) is because this is one of those videos wherein I pretty much agree with ZeRo so yeah