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Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
honestly disappointed that you didn't put them in :4darkpit: tier
Well, a few things save it from being completely awful.
1. Orange is my favorite color.
2. Sunny D is occasionally good and it is a orange inspired juice like drink.
3. It comes pre-sliced, which is actually pretty ballin'.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
To the Peach mains here:

How should I deal with Peach's float and her aerials? My response to D-Air and B-Air spam is just to shield but sometimes I get really close to having my shield broken so I'm not sure what's the best solution here.

Peach's float also really messes with my gameplan since she can just stall in the air, it's pretty to beat her. I just barely won against one today and all because I managed to stage spike her at the end.


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
I know.

I'm trying to set my hopes for this movie REALLY low so that maybe I get positively surprised :'D...
I did this for the second Ghost Rider movie and was still disappointed. Also, they made a second Ghost Rider movie? NEVER HEARD OF IT


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Something I was thinking about is that I'm kinda disappointed Greninja doesn't use his tongue in more of his attacks, just up-tilt. I think F-Tilt being a tongue lash would be pretty cool. Plus it would be another disjointed move for Greninja =V
Remember when Viridi talked about putting pepper all over your body and clothing? Yeah... This Greninja would need to be really used to eating hot, spicy stuff and not freak out and die. Also, we have enough tongue action with Greninja and Bowser Jr. already... Maybe some with Kirby, Triple D, Charizard, and Wario.

Honestly what I don't really like about most fighting games is that a lot of it just memorization and muscle memory instead of a reaction game which I find a lot more interesting. I like Smash not only for the freedom of movement but also because it encourages thinking on the spot since you have to read the opponent's DI and stuff in order to keep your combos going and I think that's a lot more engaging to play.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 might be like that from what I remember of playing, but it was only offline and I only cared about the fact that Dante and Vergil were in the game. I did find out and liked characters like Nova, Rocket Raccoon, Strider Hiryu, Iron Fist, and some others. Oh, and Deadpool is hilarious.

Street Fighter, probably the later ones like IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Tekken 6 I know there's a lot of repetition which are those set combos that Emblem Lord talks about. Some of them are cool, like that set up basically means death at corner, but you really need to do something about it to get that setup. Others, aren't. Tekken 6's juggles were really bad and one mistake meant you get 0-death almost instantly unless somehow the person drops the combo which you really can't compared to Smash since there aren't any quick aerials to get you out. Rage was probably added to counter this, so if a combo does get dropped, you can punish them hard. Tekken 7 is trying to fix this by adding armor on moves and other stuff that I don't really know.

For other fighting games, I'm not really sure. Dead or Alive and by extension, Ninja Gaiden have bread and butter moves like Ryu Hayabusa's Izuna Drop which is a bread and butter move, especially in Ninja Gaiden because it's so goddamned safe. You can do other stuff, but the fact it's a combo that basically leads to a command grab and is easily spammed makes it so safe. Considering the difficulty and sometimes the cheesy-ness of the games, I'm not surprised people rely on the Izuna Drop or on landing Ultimate Techniques - basically, imagine Greninja's Water Shuriken being able to charge instantly the moment you land, gather "essence", and you do a ton of damage while in I-frames, invincibility frames, but if you screw up, you will get hurt and it's possible to do it and get punished during the end lag. KoF XIII and the previous games do have set, repetitive combos, but like Street Fighter, there's a lot of footsies. Corners usually lead to those repetitive combos, but away from those, people can drag you across the stage, but they do have to follow where their character and opponent moves or else. In KoF XIII, Hwa Jai is essentially the drunk, male version of Sheik. Everything he does is safe and it's kind of stupid, but even then, he needs stuff like meter to actually be an incredible threat. KoF XIII is a really balanced game where even this super-safe character isn't that annoying as Sheik.

Even then, Smash does require memorization and muscle memory. You're not going to be able to do perfect pivots, wavedash, or even basic combos without those. I mean, how are you going to know instantly that Greninja's Fair will take that long to come out and have that much range and what you can do from or out of it? Sure, you can throw out raw Fairs, but they're not going to get you far.

Anyway, For Glory adventures: Kirby, yeah... Monado's range versus Kirby's stubby arms and legs and his air speed and run speed makes it difficult to get in. Also, input lag and counters are the most OP things in the world. They come out quicker than reaction and they last a life time. I fought a Shulk who did nothing, but spam Vision and charged Smashes. Kirby's range and air speed did not help nor did not knowing how to play Kirby competently. Before that, I fought a newbie and I just tried to bait him to break pre-made patterns. So, he chose Triple D after a couple matches and I would just fire Water Shuriken whenever he used Gordo just way too far for them to do any good. His Marth, I just fired Falco's Blaster periodically to try and get him to learn the timing and the pattern I gave him and I would always punish stuff he used with his other characters he picked like Ganondorf's Flame Choke which because of input lag, you can just getup attack with Captain Falcon. Needless to say, it didn't help... If he managed to kill me, he would taunt and one match that I started late 'cause stuff and I ended up playing the match with just one stock with Kirby. I died and he taunted and he left. Yay... That's what I get for being friendly... Anyone else try to go "mentor mode" on newbies?

Before all of that, I decided to mess with ZSS... I'm not good with her and I hate how everyone can spam air dodge to get out of any combo while I don't spam air dodge, so I get bodied instead. Also, does every Robin know the whole Arcfire to Dash Attack and Arcthunder to Fair dealio? It's kind of sad when they fail and it's sad that's all they know how to do other than catch people with an aerial if they do something stupid. I'm pretty sure Robin can do more than that. Well, ended up switching to Falco and I would have taken him out had input lag not allow Robin to chain wind jab to fire jab. Never before have I dealt with such a stupid combo! I mean, if Captain Falcon could rapid jab and Gentleman you, it would the dumbest thing and here we go with Robin rapid jabbing to Gentlemanning. WTF. As for other jab BS, ZSS apparently can jab through Robin's rapid jab at early percent.
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Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
To the Peach mains here:

How should I deal with Peach's float and her aerials? My response to D-Air and B-Air spam is just to shield but sometimes I get really close to having my shield broken so I'm not sure what's the best solution here.

Peach's float also really messes with my gameplan since she can just stall in the air, it's pretty to beat her. I just barely won against one today and all because I managed to stage spike her at the end.
Question here is why are you letting Peach pressure you when you completely outspeed her. You need to roll away or jump past her.

Stage spiking on Wifi is so fraudulent :(
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
To the Peach mains here:

How should I deal with Peach's float and her aerials? My response to D-Air and B-Air spam is just to shield but sometimes I get really close to having my shield broken so I'm not sure what's the best solution here.

Peach's float also really messes with my gameplan since she can just stall in the air, it's pretty to beat her. I just barely won against one today and all because I managed to stage spike her at the end.
You have Water Shuriken... Why are you not using it? Also, can't you just run under her and Bair her?


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
@ Ffamran Ffamran 8,000 posts, 20 million words.

But seriously, how have you posted 8,000 times in less than a year? It's astounding.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Question here is why are you letting Peach pressure you when you completely outspeed her. You need to roll away or jump past her.

Stage spiking on Wifi is so fraudulent :(
You have Water Shuriken... Why are you not using it? Also, can't you just run under her and Bair her?
I dunno Peach usually floats low enough that her D-Air covers everything under her and if she approaches me by floating and spamming D-Air I don't see many options out of it since D-Air seems to have very little end lag and so I probably wouldn't have time to counter it.

I do pelt her with shurikens a lot but I try to be conservative with it so as to not get predictable.

Remember when Viridi talked about putting pepper all over your body and clothing? Yeah... This Greninja would need to be really used to eating hot, spicy stuff and not freak out and die. Also, we have enough tongue action with Greninja and Bowser Jr. already... Maybe some with Kirby, Triple D, Charizard, and Wario.
This Greninja clearly has an attack boosting nature. Haven't you seen that most of it's attacks are physical and the ones special attack (Hydro Pump) is super weak in this game in spite of being really strong in his home series?

So clearly this Greninja loves spicy food =V


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
@ Ffamran Ffamran 8,000 posts, 20 million words.

But seriously, how have you posted 8,000 times in less than a year? It's astounding.
By ****-posting. :p

Also, ************. I try to mess around with Sheik and I get a Ness who's backed up by lag and he's from Ohio. THAT'S A STATE DIAGONALLY AWAY FROM MINE! HOW DO YOU HAVE THAT KIND OF BAD INTERNET? So, Sheik doesn't go well, I beat his Pit after a grueling battle... Then I switch to Ike since I'm more comfortable with Ike; I beat his fraud of a Pit. I don't remember his Ness, but his Pit was this: Palutena's Bow, Dash Attack, charged and spammed Smashes, B-throws, and random Upperdash Arm. He tried to counter Ike's Fair with Upperdash Arm and he willingly fell into Ike's first hitbox on Side Smash that I charged hoping he's not that stupid... He was. Every kill he got on me from the previous rounds, he would taunt including this one. Well, dude switches to Duck Hunt and proceeds to be the biggest ********* in the world. This was his Duck Hunt: place Cans randomly, spam Clay Shot and follow up with Dash Attack, and B-throw. REALLY? Apparently, lag favors this *******, so I can't land a hit while he rolls the frick around, I can't powershield projectiles consistently, and he taunts not only after taking a stock, but while I'm sent off in the air randomly. I switch to Fox knowing his speed will help and I SD on that round because apparently, Fire Fox can be pulled down by gravity... Y'know I was going to ask about that since sometimes if I use Fire Fox or Bird, Fox and Falco sometimes move horizontally or even vertically. Anyway, next round, kicked his *** with Bair and he leaves. It was so goddamned stupid where I could not even connect jabs or Ftilts because input lag makes rolls the next best thing since 64 Kirby's Utilt. **** ***, Chance! Also, **** ONLINE AND INPUT LAG.

Anyway, how disjointed is Duck Hunt's Dash Attack?

I dunno Peach usually floats low enough that her D-Air covers everything under her and if she approaches me by floating and spamming D-Air I don't see many options out of it since D-Air seems to have very little end lag and so I probably wouldn't have time to counter it.

I do pelt her with shurikens a lot but I try to be conservative with it so as to not get predictable.
If she's gliding around like that and not using Turnips, you should pelt her with Water Shurikens until she understands that gliding around like an idiot doesn't work. Ftilt might push her back off and it's probably faster than her Fair even if it's outranged and Dtilt might make Greninja be able to slip under her Fair. As for Dair... Greninja's spindly limbs and his Side Smash should be able to tear her a new one. If anything, cross over Bairs might work since Peach's Bair isn't exactly well-ranged while her Nair might not be able to reach.

This Greninja clearly has an attack boosting nature. Haven't you seen that most of it's attacks are physical and the ones special attack (Hydro Pump) is super weak in this game in spite of being really strong in his home series?

So clearly this Greninja loves spicy food =V
I'm talking about his tongue. Unless his tongue was horribly damaged as a child and can't taste, feel anything, then he should be fine, but a scarred tongue like that would be really nasty looking. Maybe Diddy should have brought some ghost peppers with him. :p
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Estel Elessar

Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2015
Wellp, my first live tournament went about the way I expected: got rekt in both of my sets and was eliminated. Was still a ton of fun playing Melee and PM friendlies on the side though.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
I dunno Peach usually floats low enough that her D-Air covers everything under her and if she approaches me by floating and spamming D-Air I don't see many options out of it since D-Air seems to have very little end lag and so I probably wouldn't have time to counter it.

I do pelt her with shurikens a lot but I try to be conservative with it so as to not get predictable.
Dair is safe, the solution is to not put yourself in a situation where you have to shield it. Don't be below her where she's free to pressure you. You have the mobility specs to keep her from playing her game so don't let her do it.

Grass Knot on Greninja is so smart. Immunity to Amoonguss!
I loved Grass Knot Greninja in XY OU.

I actually ran both Grass Knot and HP Fire on mine, took out a lot of Scizors/Ferrothorns that thought they were safe after I revealed Grass Knot :substitute:
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i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dair is safe, the solution is to not put yourself in a situation where you have to shield it. Don't be below her where she's free to pressure you. You have the mobility specs to keep her from playing her game so don't let her do it.

I loved Grass Knot Greninja in XY OU.

I actually ran both Grass Knot and HP Fire on mine, took out a lot of Scizors/Ferrothorns that thought they were safe after I revealed Grass Knot :substitute:
Okay then.

Also I loved using Greninja so much in Pokémon because he had just so much variety and good moves, it was always fun to play mindgames with it, shame ORAS made it go into the realm of pure OP with Gunk Shot.


Jul 7, 2014
Personally my favorite Greninja set in XY OU was Ice Beam/Low Kick/Gunk Shot/Dark Pulse. Yes.
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Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
@2004Zilla did you watch this?

Huge spoiler warning cause it's literally a scene from the movie.

The Indominus Rex is legit terrifying...
Jun 8, 2009
I might leave soon. Going to the cruise. Cruise wifi is overpriced at so don't expect anything from me :(


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
Have fun!

I remember my old nemesis from Smashboards now; auto-censor
It's okay, swears are funnier when asterisks.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
i love how the background in swf is a bunch of smash 4 characters, then all of a sudden you have PM Roy
Jun 8, 2009
There was a criminal on my way to Savona. We both rode the same train then the train stopped then the cops chased him. The train stopped for 1 hour so my family rage quitted and we took another train instead

Lucky stuff
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