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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe

Gay Ginger

Make Smash Bros. Gay Again
Dec 23, 2014
Switch FC
poor Zelda, those kick whiffs.

speaking of kicks has anyone been kicking rollarina alot? Like almost everytime I encounter this woman on roll glory my best way of dealing with her is spamming kicks on her face after I get between her and Luma. I hate how much she stole Zelda dsmash :v
She's definitely one of the easier characters to sweetspot the kicks for me. But I also haven't really encountered any really good Rosalina players...


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
poor Zelda, those kick whiffs.

speaking of kicks has anyone been kicking rollarina alot? Like almost everytime I encounter this woman on roll glory my best way of dealing with her is spamming kicks on her face after I get between her and Luma. I hate how much she stole Zelda dsmash :v
Megaman makes me madder.

I was just KO'd by his usmash.

Zelda's usmash.

Our Up Smash Attack.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
Yeah once we get rid of Luma it's not too difficult to heel her in the face. And she dies soooo early. I have yet to fight a good Rosalina either, however. She still has her ridiculous aerials and fast pokes, so I'm hesitant to say solo Rosalina is a good matchup for Zelda.
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Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
my friend plays a good Rosalina, but we haven't played since pre-patch so I'm not sure if its really gotten any easier since her nerfs lol. Rosa is like obnoxious to get in on, but still work to stay on her toes, so I don't think she's brawl olimar hard, but not so even without Luma


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
I main :4peach: and second :4zelda:. Thankfully its not the other way around.

Other than that I mess around with :4ness: :4villager: :4robinm: :4myfriends: :4palutena: and a lot more random characters.
Yeah, Peach and Zelda are my two most played characters by far. It's almost funny just how better Peach is than Zelda. Granted, that's been the case every single game so far, but at least in Brawl Peach had a lot of trouble landing the final blow, so Zelda had a very tiny one-up over her. Nowadays, she doesn't even have that problem, so all Zelda has left is those once in a blue moon lightning kicks and stomps. :p

Kyle B

Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2014
I was wondering about the controllers for this game
I like the gamecube controller however 20$ for the adapter is.....a bit unfair for 1 game.....
I'm just getting the wii-u so no pro controller...possibly yet lol...
Could I play somewhat reliably on the gamepad with Zelda (and possibly Shiek?)

Was thinking about it last night saying oh crap i'm getting the game and system but not my preferred controller lol
tried playing with the wiimote in brawl and got wrecked.
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「 Derk 」

4th times the charm...
Jun 4, 2014
Ellijay, Georgia
Switch FC
Gamepad is pretty much a pro controller just a lot bigger. You should be fine after you get use to it.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
The gamepad isn't as bad as it seems, though I cannot do near as well without a GCN remote.

The only issue I have is that sometimes it lags/frameskips (offline) for no reason sometimes. Even with it being mere feet from the Wii U console itself.
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Kyle B

Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2014
awesome :) thanks for quick responce.
And here I was worrying :)

Maybe it's the tv-gamepad screen feed fps....did you try just making it show the hp/%?
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Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
awesome :) thanks for quick responce.
And here I was worrying :)

Maybe it's the tv-gamepad screen feed fps....did you try just making it show the hp/%?
Actually you're probably right, I was using it as the screen. Don't think the gamepad can handle being a remote AND TV for the insanity that is Smash.:substitute:


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2014
Fujin stop clocking people outside of this thread, you can only come up with so many variations of your username.

Kyle B

Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2014
Fujin is like Farore's sometimes you can control it and sometimes it just goes everywhere you don't want it, then it kills you.

Kyle B

Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2014
Always in need of optimism :)

Getting the Wii-U and Smash tomorrow
Excited....how will I sleep tonight?


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Welcome @ Lozjam Lozjam , Triforce bearers are totally free to make themselves at home here. Hope you can put up with our crazy gifs, Zelda being bad rants, and girliness.

My fellow Zeldas, we gotta show this man the way of the sparkles. And yeah Lozjam, we play matches here from time to time, so feel free to hit us up sometime.

Are you feeling better since that incident? Hope you've made some improvement o:

*Edit* Great Hylia, I can't keep up with how fast the pages in this thread are moving o.o
I am feeling pretty good now. I am back to playing some Smash, though I suck pretty hardcore as I suspected. I have serious training to do. Oh well, at least it's Christmas Eve! Happy holidays everyone. And do not worry about girliness, I am used to all of it thanks to growing up with an older sister, and having a female companion myself.
To join the old convo. I can't wait to have a kid :(. Sadly I must plan everything very carefully and I don't see me having one in the next 4 years at the earliest. But one can dream~

Also I dunno why everyone's saying who they main but I guess I don't have a main main in Sm4sh yet. The ones I use the most are Ness, Villager, Zelda, Shulk and Charizard, with a random mix of the Trainers and Jiggs. And I like to use the Mii Gunner for fun sometimes.

Edit: Oh right that was why. @ Lozjam Lozjam welcome! Did that concussion give you a form of motor amnesia or something? Or am I looking too hard into things? Or is it none of my business? :'D

I ask cause a friend of mine suffered a concussion a while back that caused him to forget everything that happened two years prior to the accident. I use the term "friend" losely here because he basically forgot I existed.

In any case, hope you have fun here. The thread moves super fast but sometimes you can catch a conversation or two~
Yes. The concussion completely wiped all of my muscle memory, of which I had to build up. I can now function though, so do not worry. I can only rise through here and become stronger and better than before. Also, I am sorry about your friend. I can only imagine how hard that is for you, and it makes me glad I didn't have true amnesia.

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
It's hard to discover useful AT when her moves don't connect together...

Edit : Love the song!
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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
Happy holidays to everyone. Hope you'll enjoy the new year as 2014 rounds up. I won't be around as much due to family members, cousins getting upset at me for looking at video games instead of doing literally anything else, and end of year house cleaning.

Besides, I should probably take a break from smash anyway. I lost to a Samus roll spammer on For Glory yesterday who did nothing but roll around and shoot missles / charge shot. I'm not gonna blame the heavy input lag for this. I'm just gonna walk away with the shame on my shoulders. I shall head into the mountains and train myself so that I too may whiff a lightning kick and wonder about the meaning of life.

Kyle B

Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2014
I just came across a article that said Nintendo asked for more time with the Eternal Darkness trademark.....That game had such a cool story....hope they make something out of it for the Wii-U, I also found this http://eternaldarkness.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_of_the_Eternals

(Hope I can post this kind of stuff here....i'm not expierienced with forums so hopefully it is ok lol)


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
I am feeling pretty good now. I am back to playing some Smash, though I suck pretty hardcore as I suspected. I have serious training to do. Oh well, at least it's Christmas Eve! Happy holidays everyone. And do not worry about girliness, I am used to all of it thanks to growing up with an older sister, and having a female companion myself.

Yes. The concussion completely wiped all of my muscle memory, of which I had to build up. I can now function though, so do not worry. I can only rise through here and become stronger and better than before. Also, I am sorry about your friend. I can only imagine how hard that is for you, and it makes me glad I didn't have true amnesia.
Oh don't worry! We were friends through the work place so it was mostly shocking and really really awkward when he came down to visit and was evidently like "who the hell are these people." It was actually something that I don't think I ever sort of swallowed completely, thinking about how hard it must be for him! Like, two years of your life didn't happen, just like that.

I'm sorry that happened to you, though, but I'm glad you're doing better and actively getting better I hope! Are you still going through motor therapy?
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I just came across a article that said Nintendo asked for more time with the Eternal Darkness trademark.....That game had such a cool story....hope they make something out of it for the Wii-U, I also found this http://eternaldarkness.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_of_the_Eternals

(Hope I can post this kind of stuff here....i'm not expierienced with forums so hopefully it is ok lol)
That looks cool. I hope the project goes through.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Guys, I have something to say after perusing the Zelda forums. First, is that it's fun how bubbly this community is. It is a nice breath of fresh air after the constant plans of actions to take over the world(that usually succeed btw) with my fellow Gerudo Brethren and the Hard Stuck Veterans who suffered through many battles and losses with Link. Now, your community isn't better, merely different, and I can appreciate each one for different reasons. Now for what I need to say. A lot of you have already given up on Zelda. Grow up! You are supposed to represent a noble queen do you not? Act Like It! I'm not talking about the bubbly fun this community has, but of this community's moaning and groaning of Zelda being bad! I mained Link and Ganondorf during both Melee and Brawl. Was I constantly complaining? No! I wasn't. When Smash 4 came out, we got our hands of Ganondorf, and instead of claiming Ganondorf bad, we reveled in his excellence! Sakurai still kept the flaws of Ganondorf but instead of complaining, we used it to our advantage. We stayed optimistic, we worked with him! Not only did we see success in tournaments, but we also fulfilled the pride of our master! Link mains have also seen success with their courage! So buck up! Quit complaining and work with her! Being a Ganondorf main, having an insane punish game, I see the same potential in Zelda as we saw in Ganondorf. Work with her, quit complaining, I will also do the same with my journey to collect the triforce. Be a true rival to my lord instead of cowering and mumbling in despair! Be strong for your people, as Hyrule is supposed to have a strong princess, yes? Quit being a laughingstock to the Gerudo and show just how powerful Hylians are!


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Everytime I wake up in the morning, I'll always have to read 3+ pages of stuff just to catch up, haha.

Merry Christmas Eve, sisters~


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
It's Christmas for me at the moment so, Merry Christmas!

Christmas will arrive for us all at different times, but Merry Christmas to everyone in this thread!

Guys, I have something to say after perusing the Zelda forums. First, is that it's fun how bubbly this community is. It is a nice breath of fresh air after the constant plans of actions to take over the world(that usually succeed btw) with my fellow Gerudo Brethren and the Hard Stuck Veterans who suffered through many battles and losses with Link. Now, your community isn't better, merely different, and I can appreciate each one for different reasons. Now for what I need to say. A lot of you have already given up on Zelda. Grow up! You are supposed to represent a noble queen do you not? Act Like It! I'm not talking about the bubbly fun this community has, but of this community's moaning and groaning of Zelda being bad! I mained Link and Ganondorf during both Melee and Brawl. Was I constantly complaining? No! I wasn't. When Smash 4 came out, we got our hands of Ganondorf, and instead of claiming Ganondorf bad, we reveled in his excellence! Sakurai still kept the flaws of Ganondorf but instead of complaining, we used it to our advantage. We stayed optimistic, we worked with him! Not only did we see success in tournaments, but we also fulfilled the pride of our master! Link mains have also seen success with their courage! So buck up! Quit complaining and work with her! Being a Ganondorf main, having an insane punish game, I see the same potential in Zelda as we saw in Ganondorf. Work with her, quit complaining, I will also do the same with my journey to collect the triforce. Be a true rival to my lord instead of cowering and mumbling in despair! Be strong for your people, as Hyrule is supposed to have a strong princess, yes? Quit being a laughingstock to the Gerudo and show just how powerful Hylians are!
I feel as though Princess Hilda perfectly captures the attitude of a lot of us Zelda mains around here. She spent nearly all of her screentime in A Link Between Worlds talking about how she had failed Lorule and how it was once a wonderful land, much like Hyrule. But in the end, I believe Hilda learns to appreciate what is left of her kingdom. Although Lorule is on the verge of destruction and the end is nigh, Hilda realizes that things aren't all bad.

We should learn from Hilda's example. We can't go around complaining forever about what we don't have. We need to appreciate what we've been given! Zelda may be bad, but at least she's a playable character! We need to borrow some of Charizard's optimism and look towards the future! We can't have Nairo being the only player repping Zelda in tournaments. Much like Hilda, we lack wisdom; the wisdom to know how to portray Zelda in a positive light and make up for her multitude of flaws in any bad match up!

You've shown me the light. From this day forth, I will do what I can to rep Zelda well and overcome any obstacle. I will go on 50 match win streaks on For Glory. I will inspire others to pick up Zelda and pass on my wisdom to them! I will hit my opponent with a fully charged fsmash at KO percentage and laugh triumphantly!

My opponent will then fall out of fsmash for no reason at all and I'll be back to square one.
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