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Youtube Memes Mafia Game Over! Town... WINS :D lolwut end scum win streak B****EZ!!!


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Sorry, lol. Coulda sworn I was voting.

I'm ok with Kev lynch, Sir B lynch is also not a bad one. About 80/20 split between Kev/SirB.

Vote: KevinM

Is the post so you don't get prodded time limit thingy 48 or 72 hours?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Well then...

I guess I'm anyone, huh?!?!


Modkill: BSL


Mafiosi Unlynchable Bulletproof has been modkilled!

Jk :p <3.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Worst. Mod. Evaaaaar.

I like defending Bed then he comes in with two prod dodges. Thanks man.

So we have Me, BSL, DH, Gova and Nabe. Swords will probably hammer on that and clear me that way, we can't be scum buddies - right? Good.

When he flips scum cop can investigate Bed and probably clear him. Then we can see about lynching whoda**** idk toMorrow.

If he's town then we can laugh at his pathetic play and lynch me. Unless cop wants to out himself to clear me - which I'm cool with.

Soz X1 ya didn't have what I asked for.

No rush on the lynch now we have it sorted - hey, Kevin might even try posting now he knows he's on the block.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Best ability in the world.

At night you can investigate a player, you will then be told if thy are in your scum team or not.

Or you can look at your role PM.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
ah yo swiss wanna b so nice n tell meh y u think bed ain't no play? dats kinda teh thing that bothered me teh most in all recent posts.

moar latah


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Um, I forgot this game existed. >.>

X1, I will vote Swiss, but you have to answer me one question first. Forgive me if I forgot the reason, but yesturDay you said that you were going to lie that you had a guilty Kuz after Swiss was lynch (when you were caught lying about investigating N1). Your reasoning was that sometimes, as town, you have to lie for the sake of the town, Correct? However, I don't believe you really expended further upon that? In light of Kuz's flip, can you expend uppn it further now?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Never thought Kev wagon would get that much support.

@All: Please say whether you would prefer a Sir B or a Kevin Lynch.

Um, I forgot this game existed. >.>

X1, I will vote Swiss, but you have to answer me one question first. Forgive me if I forgot the reason, but yesturDay you said that you were going to lie that you had a guilty Kuz after Swiss was lynch (when you were caught lying about investigating N1). Your reasoning was that sometimes, as town, you have to lie for the sake of the town, Correct? However, I don't believe you really expended further upon that? In light of Kuz's flip, can you expend uppn it further now?

Ok. When I saw th3's interactions with Swiss I strongly suspected they had private communication. Since I knew Swiss was scum I figured they must be scum together. th3 would be a good lynch after Swiss flips scum but if I faked a guilty on him it would make the lynch push more solid and clear up the whole possibility of him just being dumb.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Definitely don't feel like being lynched in the first game I've been town in 13 games.

Definitely don't think my wagon has merit considering its D2 and you have a host of inactive and scummy players and Swiss is literally starting a really awful wagon to save his own skin.

Think that the players that are on my wagon are all dumb or scum because there is literally no reason to start a wagon on me, the "blanket information" term I threw out has been further clarified multiple times, I don't have to say what information we got because things changed in that day.

Yes I dodged the information question D1

Yes the situation DRASTICALLY changed D1.

Can't believe people are thickheaded enough to continue to let Swiss make the worst case I've ever seen.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
You've only just realised your sig is showing?

How much effort would you say you're putting into this game - bearing in mind this is meant to be an AMAZING game for you since your town for the first time in 13 games.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
ah yo swiss wanna b so nice n tell meh y u think bed ain't no play? dats kinda teh thing that bothered me teh most in all recent posts.

moar latah

I could make a long, reasoned case but it'd probably be bull****.

I don't see scum bed playing toDay like this - it's part of the reason I think Kev IS scum - their polar plays.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
@All: Please say whether you would prefer a Sir B or a Kevin Lynch.
Kevin, for a couple of reasons:

1. When I decided to look back to see what acrostic's death could be, Kevin was just like "LALALALALALALALALALA can't hear you". Acrostic's death points to Kevin, and the ignoring was probably a stint to discourage me.

2. Swiss's case

3. When he was responding to Swiss' case, he said that he had voted Swiss due to the cop guilty. Not true. His actualy words, if I remember correctly, were "I don't see how we could NOT lynch Swiss, as he gives us the MOST information"

And look now. Kev is getting very desperate, saying that Swiss is trying to create a wagon to save his own skin, which is Strawmanning with a touch of ad homenim(BSL gonna hate :awesome:)


Vote: Kevin


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I don't think an inference into why Swiss would be creating a weak wagon on a player is strawmanning.

Also if we want to get into semantics an attack on a case without attacking the person would not be ad homenim, should probably learn logical fallacies before you begin throwing them out.

Swiss I don't need to discuss anything of the information when I've gone over it multiple times, and yes I've just noticed the sigs are showing, is that some new hidden scum tell that has happened in dgames while i've been absent? Hardy har har.

Bed is playing a ridiculously scummy game, giving us barely any information, being on Swiss' wagon the entire day yesterday saying that he was tunnling because of the cop, which is a super safe game, unlike yesterday where I tunneled Swiss until NEW information came out. Bed hardly seemed phased by the new information and continued to push for the Swiss lynch until the day ended.

Then we get to D2, Bed starts off by making a few baseless accusations and just ends it with

"Just realized all my reads have been gut/meta reads, will re-read and post more tomorrow"

Guys I implore you give me a firm stance that Bed has given this entire game.

Swiss you are tunneling and not seeing scummier players directly in your face, I am getting "desperate" is more me getting frustrated at all the poor play being let slide over the fact that I might get lynched in the first game where I can benefit a win.

Swiss is scummy for starting the wagon

Bed for the reason I just stated and now let me break down DH.

1. Acrostic: I'm sorry for ignoring the player whom I thought was incredibly weak and had the pertinent questions of puppy or kitty even after we are out of the RVS stage, none of his questions served to garner an opinion out of me, moreso they were elaborations I didn't feel the need to flesh out or give the time of day because they were pointless and would only serve as distractions to the day.

2. Swiss' Case: I don't agree with it, I think it has a rather weak foundation and I think there are PLENTY of better places we could be looking.

3. Yes, I said during the beginning of the day How could we not lynch Swiss. The reason was because I BELIEVED the un cc'd cop reporting with a guilty. You are doing the scummy thing of misrepresenting one of my opinions. You are taking something I said and making it seem as if that was my final end all be all analysis.

Yes at the time I thought he was the only possible lynch choice, I thought by him flipping scum I could instantly clear X1, I could look onto Kuz for his chainsaw and deflection. I could look at other players who were hesitant in taking firm stances and question their motives for not following the wagon. I could look at the players who jumped on the wagon and ask myself if they were bussing or if it was a true blue sheep vote.

So yes the INFORMATION that you are quoting to be superficial was vast and helpful, and I still stand by the fact that lynching him would have given us a crap ton of information. Do you now SEE why I used the term, don't know how many interesting ways i can rephrase it so that you will back off and start playing the game instead of sheeping hardbody but I'm getting fed up with it.

We have actual scummy things going on this game and you guys are so caught up with the discrepancy of me not elaborating on something that should be fairly obvious to most mafia players. Information from a lynch where a cop has said he has a guilty gives you a WEALTH of information, a lot of it which I could not elaborate on because it is dependent on flips and how players play the Day it is revealed.

So yes you guys put me into a DIYDDIYD situation for word usage and if you continue and get me lynched you'll have wasted a valuable player when you have a lot more scum and bad players sitting around.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Should point out that after Bed said he would re-read and start posting he never made a solid post since that wasn't either a complete parrot or a prod dodge.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Again though, I will make the frustrated post of better lynch the guy who didn't elaborate on "information" then the ***n obv scum and bad play associated with other players.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
1. Acrostic: I'm sorry for ignoring the player whom I thought was incredibly weak and had the pertinent questions of puppy or kitty even after we are out of the RVS stage, none of his questions served to garner an opinion out of me, moreso they were elaborations I didn't feel the need to flesh out or give the time of day because they were pointless and would only serve as distractions to the day.

Appeal to ridicule doesn't help your case. Ill need a better reasoning than your "he was insane" reasons for telling me to ignore everything acrostic said.

Kevin, your "Swiss created this bw to save is skin"is Strawmanning. There is no inferencing needed.

Also, why didn't you clear up the information part earlier?

You're also using appeal o ridicule against Swiss' case as whole....

I'm curious @everyone is this how keV plays as town

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Your last analysis concerning me is so scummy.

I don't think he's scum but maybeee, he's neutral but if I have to hammer I will.

Nice compliant hammering bro
It's more of a "if it's close to deadline and you're the only one who looks like you'll be able to be lynched at all toDay, I'll vote you" thing. I'd do the same for anyone else on my neutral/town list, since no lynching is bad; I only said it specifically for you since you were a hot topic and I wanted to give my opinion of you.

I like defending Bed then he comes in with two prod dodges. Thanks man.

@Sir B: Will you vote Swiss?
If it's a choice between Kevin and Swiss, yes. I've been getting townie vibes from the things Kevin's been posting whereas I haven't much been liking the things he's done (if that makes sense), whereas Swiss is kind of "eh" in both areas. I don't believe Swiss' case on Kevin is legit and I don't feel like Kevin is a play toDay. Maybe this is just me tunneling from X1's guilty on Swiss, but I don't like Swiss atm.

I also don't like how he's been defending me and that he hasn't fully explained why (not that I'm complaining >.>).

I'd rather just lynch Nabe or Gova though.

Vote: Nabe

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
7. Swiss- (3): Nabe, GhEEb, KevinM

4. KevinM- (3): Swiss, BSL, Dark Horse

9. Nabe- (1): Sir Bedevere

1. X1-12- (0)

2. DarkHorse- (0)

3. GhEEb-(0)

6. Gova- (0)

8. SwordDancer- (0)

12. BSL- (0)

13. Sir Bedevere- (0)


X1-12: 2

With 10 alive it takes six to lynch. Deadline is Dec. 22nd at 2:00 EST.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401

Appeal to ridicule doesn't help your case. Ill need a better reasoning than your "he was insane" reasons for telling me to ignore everything acrostic said.

Kevin, your "Swiss created this bw to save is skin"is Strawmanning. There is no inferencing needed.

Also, why didn't you clear up the information part earlier?

You're also using appeal o ridicule against Swiss' case as whole....

I'm curious @everyone is this how keV plays as town
I've explained ad infinitum why i haven't explained the information part earlier, there was no reason to elaborate because I had more faith in people that would be able to realize what I was going to be looking at and what THEY should be looking at as well.

I need to say nothing more on why I chose to ignore an all-together useless player when other more important things were going on.

Throwing the term Appeal to Ridicule around is a cute way to deal with how I chose to defend myself.

As for this "If this how Town Kevin plays" line, don't try and get an established meta on me yet, especially since people haven't seen town kevin in 13 games. Also Meta doesn't save you in mafia games, its a crutch i've said that since D1, meta is just an easy cop out for lynches and defenses.

Definitely don't like your case or how you're playing, don't know if its because you're scum or just not really grasping how this game's mechanics go yet.

@Everyone when did all the mafia terms get in the way of actual scum hunting?


all this crap, it's a good tell but it also doesn't do anything. A lot of people have posted this oh ho ho classic chainsaw on Swiss but haven't said anything further, that's more scummy imo then making a case without using anything else.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
I need to say nothing more on why I chose to ignore an all-together useless player when other more important things were going on.
More appeal to ridicule, amazing. You're so convincing me.

Throwing the term Appeal to Ridicule around is a cute way to deal with how I chose to defend myself.
No, appeal to ridicule describes several points in several of your cases. It's basically saying something/someone is bad, but never explaining why.

"cutsey" doesn't help either.

As for this "If this how Town Kevin plays" line, don't try and get an established meta on me yet, especially since people haven't seen town kevin in 13 games. Also Meta doesn't save you in mafia games, its a crutch i've said that since D1, meta is just an easy cop out for lynches and defenses.
I'll take this as another way to try and discourage me. Nice try.

Definitely don't like your case or how you're playing, don't know if its because you're scum or just not really grasping how this game's mechanics go yet.



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
More appeal to ridicule, amazing. You're so convincing me.

No, appeal to ridicule describes several points in several of your cases. It's basically saying something/someone is bad, but never explaining why.

"cutsey" doesn't help either.

I'll take this as another way to try and discourage me. Nice try.



Gonna suggest you learn how to play this game. You're posts aren't convincing anyone - do something productive

Why is the Day suddenly leaning Bed/Kev? Why is Swiss not a play?
I just wanted to know which people prefer because if Swiss stalls out this Day again I want a Sir B lynch over a Kevin Lynch.

@Sir B: No-one wants a Nabe lynch, everyone is on either Kev or Swiss pretty much. Vote Swiss plz

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010

Gonna suggest you learn how to play this game. You're posts aren't convincing anyone - do something productive
And i'm assuming you talked to everyone in the game, and they responded "it doesn't help" before making that post?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
No I'm not using AtR in my 708, I'm legitimately saying your points aren't doing anything and its a meaningless tunnel.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
You also at this point are drawing this out, because you want to prove i'm using AtR or something. You're not making any more points, you're just muddling your initial case and drawing attention from less active and scummier posters which you should be looking at.


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Kevin, I have proved that you've been using AtR. you're also using Ad homenim in your last post.

AFATG, you're the scummiest person here. Several things you dismiss with AtR (such as the lead on acrostic, several of your points need backing up, several cases of ad homenim... *sigh* your arguing's a mess, and I consider bad arguing scummy.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
DH, you have mentioned some sort of logical fallacy in damn near every post you gave made on this page. Play the game without them. You'll get better. And less annoying.

I want to say one thing about keV's post, but it can wait until I get home. I'm almost home.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Kevin, I have proved that you've been using AtR. you're also using Ad homenim in your last post.

AFATG, you're the scummiest person here. Several things you dismiss with AtR (such as the lead on acrostic, several of your points need backing up, several cases of ad homenim... *sigh* your arguing's a mess, and I consider bad arguing scummy.
What does using AtR and Ad Homenim prove for your case besides the fact that you're tunneling and trying to find anything that you can twist as a possible scum aspect.

Should I cite that you're scummy by saying Die last post because clearly the ad homenim is poor arguing and a sign of scumminess?

Should I cite that you're using the fallacy of appealing to common practices by basing your argument on

Bad Arguing is Scummy
The usage of a bad argument indicates someone is scummy.

Also I could use the fact that you're using an inductive argument off the premise of your "bad arguing is scummy" thesis.

Get this DH I just found out how you played this game


Clearly with this I can twist anything you say into a fallacy, am I making really solid arguments as townie mctownerson yet.

Stop the nonsense and start looking at other options, in fact I could use my own self-righteous things to look at and say that I think tunneling is extremely scummy because you're not looking at other options that may be better sitting in the game around you.

This is my last response to you until you bring up something relevant and or new to this discussion, but go ahead I just gave you the link for all the common fallacies found in logic so you should be able to formulate a REALLY good case now :rolleyes:.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
3. When he was responding to Swiss' case, he said that he had voted Swiss due to the cop guilty. Not true. His actualy words, if I remember correctly, were "I don't see how we could NOT lynch Swiss, as he gives us the MOST information"
(this isnt a direct quote, but the part i bolded was in the original statement)

3. Yes, I said during the beginning of the day How could we not lynch Swiss. The reason was because I BELIEVED the un cc'd cop reporting with a guilty. You are doing the scummy thing of misrepresenting one of my opinions. You are taking something I said and making it seem as if that was my final end all be all analysis.
you twisted DH's 3 here.

It's basically saying something/someone is bad, but never explaining why.
that actually isnt what appeal to ridicule is. youve been throwing it around without knowing what it is.
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