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Youtube Memes Mafia Game Over! Town... WINS :D lolwut end scum win streak B****EZ!!!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Currently a neutral read on Sword, not a cop out this is just the first time he's made solid reads on things and for the most part they aren't giving a lot of information.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
EBWOP: Scum X1 might fakeclaim N0 cop to cause confusion, and confusion makes it harder to find scum.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
metaing people and doing reread

I can't promise I'll be able to finish it all by tonight, but I'll post what I can.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
done da done

I take back both my gut reads, lol.

DH hasn't been as aggressive this game as I thought (it was mostly just him posting a lot that confused me, and yeah, I actually feel I was subconsciously OMGUSing him with my read on him), and his interactions with Kuz make him lean town to me. Clearly not a play toDay.

Sword was also just me being paranoid. I'm not as convinced of his towniness as DH, and it's entirely within the realm of reason that he bussed kuz, but I'm comfortable enough saying that he's leaning town enough to not be a play.

X1, Swiss, Gheb, and BSL are all leaning town to neutral ATM. Also not plays.

I think there's scum between Gova and Nabe. They've both been pretty equally lurky this game (Nabe was particularly more obvtown even when he replaced into a game I can't mention) and have been hanging back and not taking stances, especially not on kuz. I don't thin they're BOTH scum, though, solely because of this:

I like Gova, it's a little like there's two of me and that is rad. ;D
That's just a really awkward way to buddy your scummates, and scum don't buddy their scummates in general. It could be WIFOM, but if one flipped scum I'd be more inclined to think the other was town.

Right now, I think I'd prefer to lynch Nabe over Gova right now, partially because Nabe was the one doing the buddying, and partially, if Nabe is scum, we get some info on Kevin:

Fine with Kuz or Nabe going today

seems like dead weight.

Would rather go Nabe, but if that can't get rolling we absolutely need to lynch someone by deadline or fail town is already handing this game away.
Swiss and Nabe me thinks for our final scumsuckers.


Vote Swiss
I don't think I'm down to lynch Kevin toDay, as he's pretty much neutral, leaning SLIGHT scum (I'm fine with it happening and will hammer if one's needed, as I offered yesterday), but how likely do you think it is that he bussed both of his scummates? I wouldn't put it past him, and I think we learn more about Kevin from lynching Nabe than we do about Nabe from lynching Kevin.

@Gova, Nabe: Who's scum? What do you think of the Swiss/X1 situation now?

sleep yay


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Your last analysis concerning me is so scummy.

I don't think he's scum but maybeee, he's neutral but if I have to hammer I will.

Nice compliant hammering bro

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb: Do you think Nabe's push clears him as town because he tried hard and he isn't good enough to make a scum case as scum or because you have other inklings of him? I am not asking you to go into detail there.
eh its both i guess. liek yeah i do think as scum he wouldnt make such a "case" [even tho i think its not a good 1] but its also kinda process of elimination, u kno? liek im already mad suspicious of swiss n bed n i c buch'a ppl who kinda fall in2 teh "dum o' scum" category [BSL n DH] n we shuldnt fo'get about gove coastin' liek mad. them ppl def. take priority over nabe in mah book, u agree?

tho id liek 2 add: im not "clearin'" nabe as town. jus sayin' that i dont think hes a good play fo' nao.

Gheb: Please make a post that doesn't state that X1 is town in any way. Something with content preferably, which you've been lacking, but I'm largely wondering if you don't have a really bizarre post restriction, since you keep bringing up X1's townieness entirely unprovoked.
nah me mentioning x1s townieness aint part o' any restriction, k? just wanna make sure no x1 lynch happens cuz i think hes kinda vital fo' now.

n i got 2 disappoint ya a 'lil nao cuz swiss is on mah scumlisz cuz im liek 99% sure x1s town. dun liek it? deal with it. but yea i also think kuz's chainsaw defense yesterDay def. makes swiss look ma~d scummy. liek u know kuz tried way 2 hard 2 discredit x1? i mean he even tried 2 cc him which kinda crosses teh line in mah book.. so yeah swiss can die.

n im p sure i already xplained on y i think bed can die 2, rite? if u cant remember it i guess imma dig them posts out but i already mentioned it on liek d1 n i dun c how he did anything 2 change mah mind, ya dig?

n i jus read lots'a fluff / pseudo-useful stuff from DH n BSL n im kinda wonderin' if its dum or scum. imma keep them in mind fo' nao cuz swiss/bed take top priority atm n i guess itll depend on them flips how imma proceed them next days, k?



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
DH, why would a scum X1 do what he did, if he would of just been lynched toMarrow. Pretty big point here to address.

1 Not really. Yes, I can understand you being caught up with the situation with X1, but you still generally got around to everyone else. You caught him on something, yes, that's good. It was a really good catch, though, and I kind of having a hard time buying that you didn't go after him harder.

Someone probably was going to catch him on it, might as well of been you.

2. I mean it looks like you were bussing a scum partner, so you could later say that you attacked incase he flipped.

3. K, don't think I can extend on this point anymore.

4. He's a new player, but okay. Do you think that this still excuses the chainsaw defence he pulled on you, though? Defending you is one thing, but attacking those who attacked you?

^Semi-rehtorical question. Feel free to answer it, but I kinda already know how you're going to answer it, and it all comes down to wether or not I believe that.

5. K, yeah, that's wierd. Did he actually say he "couldn't " back the information up? I can't seem to find it.

1. In which case, Kuz being my buddy, I'd have milked it for all it's worth for the town points. It's like drawing a customer in for a sale, then letting someone else sign the paperwork - you lose out on free money. I said he was scum and that is it. Never backed down from that - same as I always do (as town loollololol)

2. Nothing I can say to this. My actions aren't very good bussing 'cuz I set him up for the lynch, got the ball rolling so he'd die then used my time on other players instead of pounding home how I was the guy who started the Kuz lynch. I've said why toDay because retardtown in the corner think Kuz has implicaed me, and I am not getting goddamn killed by town again after lynching scum for 'bussing'.

4. No, it does NOT excuse the chainsaw on me. Which is why we lynched him. HIM DEFENDING ME IS NOT IN ITSELF SCUMMY. Anyone can defend anyone. We pinned him as scum not because he defended me, but because he CHAINSAWED OTHER PEOPLE and stopped defending me when he saw he was put under pressure and he saw I was no longer going to be lynched. Comprende?

5. He's refused to back it up. Twice I pressured him and asked for even the slightest indication as to what 'information' my flip gave. He failed to respond and toDay has instead said that he was playing 'following the cop' - which is a useful way to put the blame on X1.

I swear to God if Kevin flips town I offer myself as viggedwatchedtrackecoppedpoisonednextdaylynchedAUTOSCUM. K?

Take Kev's #645, he doesn't explain anything, he justs says Bed's analysis is scummy. Where is the goddamn content? He is COASTING through and letting me get wagoned because a scum defended me. How the chainsaw has been so fantastically misconstrued here is in itself a feat of ***********.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Bed, Gova, DH: what do you think about X1's refusal to admit a lie? Coupled with his play toDay, do you think this implies that his claim is the truth? What do you think of Swiss/Kev interactions toDay, as well as Swiss/Sword overall?
How do you know it's a lie? I think if he's not admitting to a lie then the only other explanation I can think of is that he's telling truth. There's also the fact that no-one has counter claimed him.

It was pretty scummy of Kev to wait so long to answer Swiss' question about the information gained from his lynch. The answer he gave was pretty generic and could be applied to other lynches. I don't know if Swiss' is satisfied with that answer but I would think he wants to know the info specific to his lynch regarding alignments/reads.

I'm confused about Swiss, I think his responses have been townie but that guilty X1 has torments me. I did not like Swords' 628. It was wishy-washy to me. He basically said here's why Swiss is scum but, here's why he's town, but I still think he's scum.

By the way Swords, if I read your posts correctly you're advocating a Swiss lynch but he has 0.5 points leaning town.

@Gova, Nabe: Who's scum? What do you think of the Swiss/X1 situation now?
Right now, Sword/Swiss and maybe Kev.

Swiss is only because of the guilty.
Sword because near end of D1 it looked like he was trying to steer the lynch back to Swiss' and he said he only thought Kuz is scum if Swiss is. It felt like he didn't really want to lynch Kuz at all that day if he could help it + above.

I don't particularly care for the Swiss/X1 situation anymore. It will eventually become a "he's lying. no he's lying" situation if it hasn't already. We can only hope to try to resolve the situation somehow.

@Gheb, X1

If the chainsaw defence or w/e was the whole purpose of the n0 cop claim why not bring this fact up when Swiss caught onto the plan if you think he's scum? I think you could have gotten more reactions out everyone if you had started a Kuz wagon for the chainsaw defense D1 instead of letting him be lynched to avoid a no lynch.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Swiss I fail to see where i've denied the information we would have gotten from lynching you with nothing but the investigation yesterday.

You would be wrong if you lynched me and I don't feel like dealing with your pointless and incorrect tunneling, either play the game correctly and look at other sources or be lynched because of being a detriment to the town.

Whilst others are scumhunting you're just screaming about how you know I am scum because I refused to give information which I have readily given twice.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Are you trying to troll me?

The point is not that we don't get information from my lynch. The point is that you failed to specify what information even when pressured on the point.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Using the blanket term 'information' from a lynch is one of the biggest scum tells in the world. You can then twist it any which way you want it after I am dead.

If you don't back up what you're saying with content, you might as well be lynched anyway, right?


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
>about to post >accidentally clicks on link to DWYP >loses everything

How do you know it's a lie? I think if he's not admitting to a lie then the only other explanation I can think of is that he's telling truth. There's also the fact that no-one has counter claimed him.
Two things:

1. Nobody would CChim because there is no N0 even cop. Its as simple as that

2. X1 had said he was a N0 even cop, yet said he would investigate ToNight. He contradicted his role, therefore it probably means he's lying about it.

3. He said to "drop it", which probably means it was an act.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Using the blanket term 'information' from a lynch is one of the biggest scum tells in the world. You can then twist it any which way you want it after I am dead.

If you don't back up what you're saying with content, you might as well be lynched anyway, right?

Your problem is your trying to assert I should be able to say what information we have garnered off your flip when you're still alive.

Catch-22 question


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Your problem is your trying to assert I should be able to say what information we have garnered off your flip when you're still alive.

Catch-22 question
Not at all.

I asked for "If I were town" and "If I were scum".

This is not difficult stuff, when it really mattered if you provided content - you flopped.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Never play a game with these people again..

When I said "Drop it" I was talking about people trying to understand this whole 'plan' thing. Stop trying to get your head around it or w/e. When I say "Drop it" I DO NOT mean in any way I am lying. Swiss still needs to die and toDay.


More reasons Swiss should die: All his explanations for his scummy actions are merely pointing out that there is a possible townie explanation for actions, however its very clear there are also very strong scummy explanations for it. Just because SwissTown is possible, does not mean SwissTown should be taken as fact. In this game if you are scummy, you get lynched.

Lynch Swiss


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
X1 if this guilty then is actually real (lol) why does Gheb think you were lying?

Also - why did you allow Kuz to be lynched when you have me as 100% scum? You could not have been sure he was scum like you are with me, as I am guilty - right?

You lynched a 'scum read' over a 'mod confirmed scum'. Why?

Everyone knows you're bull****ting, X1.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
X1 if this guilty then is actually real (lol) why does Gheb think you were lying?

Also - why did you allow Kuz to be lynched when you have me as 100% scum? You could not have been sure he was scum like you are with me, as I am guilty - right?

You lynched a 'scum read' over a 'mod confirmed scum'. Why?

Everyone knows you're bull****ting, X1.
gonna suggest you read the thread, hence why I was pushing you to avoid NL when it looked like there was a serious split in town between me/you lynches

Also why are you trying to discredit my investigation? Stop doing this.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I let you do it early D1. You mad pushed it so I let you do it all D1.

I am not letting you do it D2. More importantly, no-one else will either.

It's got us what we needed and WE HAVE STUFF TO TALK ABOUT. Jesus.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
X1 if this guilty then is actually real (lol) why does Gheb think you were lying?
actually idc if hes lyin' or not. i thought he was lyin', yeah, but 2 me its teh result wut matters, u kno. leik if his claim is a lie it helped us 2 find scum n lotsa connections. if his claim is fo' realz then we still have lynched a scumbag n got lotsa connections.

tho im considerin' switchin' 2 bed



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
actually idc if hes lyin' or not. i thought he was lyin', yeah, but 2 me its teh result wut matters, u kno. leik if his claim is a lie it helped us 2 find scum n lotsa connections. if his claim is fo' realz then we still have lynched a scumbag n got lotsa connections.

tho im considerin' switchin' 2 bed

'Idc' or 'Idk'?

I think the time has passed for the lie, it's becoming ridiculous, especially in light of all the lies he's been caught in.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
n i got 2 disappoint ya a 'lil nao cuz swiss is on mah scumlisz cuz im liek 99% sure x1s town. dun liek it? deal with it.
Okay, look. Do you see this part, Gheb?
Do you see how you're saying "I don't mean to disappoint you, but Swiss is scum and X1 is town"? Do you see how this has nothing to do with what I've been saying, since I've been advocating a Swiss lynch all game?

You keep doing this. You're trying to convince me of something I already agree with. You're telling me that X1 is town when I already know that's your stance on it. You are defending X1 against me when I'm doing nothing that he'd need defense from. I can't figure out your motive in posting this but

actually idc if hes lyin' or not. i thought he was lyin', yeah, but 2 me its teh result wut matters, u kno. leik if his claim is a lie it helped us 2 find scum n lotsa connections. if his claim is fo' realz then we still have lynched a scumbag n got lotsa connections.
The ends justify the means? lol. I suppose that might be true in Mafia.

X1, Swiss, Gheb, and BSL are all leaning town to neutral ATM. Also not plays.
Swiss and X1 are both leaning town to neutral? Even with X1 setting up a duality with a sane guilty on Swiss?

@Gova, Nabe: Who's scum? What do you think of the Swiss/X1 situation now?
Swiss or Kev, maybe Swords as well. I was pursuing Swiss/Kev team but with their recent interactions that seems to have fallen through. Could be bussing at this point but it's not worth checking out the possibility anymore, until one of the two flips scum.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Hmm. . .

Okay, X1 is still holding onto this guilty of Swiss. Bleh, STILL don't get where X1 is coming from. X1 if you really are lying, then now will be a good time to come out with it. There will be no hard feelings, seriously.



1 & 2: Okay, these two points pretty much just come down to whether or not we believe your intentions were townie or not. I personally, do not. You can say that you did point out Kuz's scumminess, and then excuse the fact that you didn't pursue it. However, considering that for you to not pursue something is inconsistent with your playstyle this game, I'm going to simply not be able to believe that.

4. Him defending you does not make you scum, correct. Him pulling the chainsaw defense on the people who attacked you, a pretty big tell if a newbie scum does it? Yeah.

5. Okay then, yeah, I see your point. I DEFINITLY agree with you that KevinM using the blanket term "information" is scummy. So I guess if you don't flip scum then KevinM can go.


Your problem is your trying to assert I should be able to say what information we have garnered off your flip when you're still alive.

Catch-22 question
Wait, what? You've been making claims about how certain flips would supply the most information. Doesn't that kind of imply that you would know just what information it would be?


Nabe why in the world do you think Swiss and KevinM are buddies?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Lol, I fail at reading.

Why do you think either one of them are scum? Don't have to go into detail here, just a general analysis.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting. I'm caught up in the thread for the most part, but posting is hard to do.

I'm at my g-parents right now, and all I have us my phone, so substantial posts aren't really easy to do, for one. Reason number two is that Internet is very hard to come by out here, connections are inconsistent.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
7. Swiss- (3): Nabe, GhEEb, KevinM

4. KevinM- (1): Swiss

1. X1-12- (0)

2. DarkHorse- (0)

3. GhEEb-(0)

6. Gova- (0)

8. SwordDancer- (0)

9. Nabe- (0)

12. BSL- (0)

13. Sir Bedevere- (0)


X1-12: 2

With 10 alive it takes six to lynch. Deadline is Dec. 22nd at 2:00 EST.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
let me lurk a bit more, oh wait the game is totally inactive

@Sir B: Will you vote Swiss?

@Sworddancer: Will you vote Swiss? I'll ask you extra nicely

@Swiss: I hate to remind you (lol jk I'm loving it) that Kevin lynch is not going to occur toDay. Why don't you do something productive with your vote instead?

@BSL: Vote someone.

@DH: I want to know who you think are the two best players in this game, and also who the two most townie players are in this game.

@Gova: Where you at?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I think it may well, and unless you are specifically telling me to drop Kev and not push him. I don't think you are, so we'll be lynching him. Assuming people don't go back to actually believing your claim, that is.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
This is hard, there's mostly just so many ****ing scummy people >_>

Swiss is on both lists. He's been scumhunting nore than several people here, which is why he is on the best player list. He also strikes as town the most to me, due to the fact that he was the target of a fake N0 claim (give me a good reason why a town X1 would do that. It is NOT for reads, as he would have had them by now).

Retracing to see if anyone else seems town to me...


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I think it may well, and unless you are specifically telling me to drop Kev and not push him. I don't think you are, so we'll be lynching him. Assuming people don't go back to actually believing your claim, that is.
You should drop Kev. I believe him to be town and my judgement at this moment in time is such that trying to push his lynch will get you nowhere. I will oppose you every step of the way. Do you see support for a Kevin lynch? Sir B would be a much better lynch, what do you think about that?.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I don't see Bed as a play. 180'ing his stances so much and just saying 'lol soz'. He hasn't tried to justify it, but get reads. Remember Halo? Boy was sickeningly bad.

Wrt Kev..really? I think you're being naive. K? I don't like this at all. Lemme re-read.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I don't see Bed as a play. 180'ing his stances so much and just saying 'lol soz'. He hasn't tried to justify it, but get reads. Remember Halo? Boy was sickeningly bad.

Wrt Kev..really? I think you're being naive. K? I don't like this at all. Lemme re-read.
So what part of that makes you think he is town? Why are you not comparing his play to a town game if you think he's town? Why are you comparing his play to a game where he made like 2 posts?

K, w/e wrt kevin. I disagree.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
But you get what I'm saying about Kevin, right?

I could give more reasons about Bed, but I'm watching a film atm (a guy got his LEG CUT OFF) - jus' doesn't seem that scummy to me. His play yesterDay was bad don't get me wrong, but where Kev reacted badly and OMGUS'd toDay (in manner, cbf checking votes) me, Bed has said lol soz and re-looked at the game.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I would be fine with Kev going, you'd have support from me for that. I would still rather see you go first, as that also provides the answer to the Swiss/X1 connection, but it's different means to the same end. One of you and Kev need to go.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
pre-emptive prod dodge (hopefully won't have to do too many of these, but when you're at 2 prods...>.> better to be safe)

will post something tonight, but other games have priority right now
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