I was thinking of the MVP thingy again, esp. after hearing what people have to say about the situation. Tbh, town did play a pretty good game, and just because they did doesn't mean MVPs should be handed out everywhere. MVP means most valuable player, the one or two that stand out from all others. If I had to take one MVP off of that considered MVP list I made, it'd probz be X1 because the gambit relied completely on luck, and would've destroied town if it was false. You risked outing yourself as cop when there weren't any CC's (if people were able to put 2 and 2 together, that is, esp. when you said you were even Night cop lolwtf?). And ultimately, although your play just so happened to work out in this game, if you just so happened to be wrong on ONE thing that you did, town would've crumbled. The play was risky, and even though it ended up as a win, it was just really bleh. I'm not discrediting your good play, I'm just saying there were def. players that did better. And Sword, your Day play WAS great. But, your Night actions were very iffy. There was one thing that you could've done different that would've made the game 20x easier for town: Withhold your shot N1. "But silly Gord he would've died anyway!". It wasn't about the fact that you killed GLG. One of the huge things was that you AND the SK killed GLG. You told town about your shot, and it made people go haywire about what the indy can possibly be. Had you withheld your shot, and told everybody that you did, it'd be obvious that there was a compulsive SK. How town DIDN'T take into consideration two gunholding PRs shooting the same player before a freaking indy PGO is beyond me. That shot was really really not good, and if you've learned one thing from this game, it'd have to be DON'T SHOOT N1 AS VIG. Unless you shoot Nabe like you're supposed to.
That being said, I'd have to give Kevmo MVP for reasons already stated. I can't find one legitimate mistake he made this game. It was a flawless performance. And he wasn't "right for the wrong reasons", that was X1

If I had to give an honorable mention, it'd have to go to Gheb/Sword. Gheb, you played an awesome game. I lol'd so hard when Swiss claimed mason, and asked to hold your hand LMFAO he dies the next Night you're obv antitown

. The Mafia was a mess of an antitown faction haha, and none of them played substantially well, while on the other hand, YOU played phenominally well, and would've won the game if things didn't happen the way they did. There really wasn't much you could've done better, if anything at all. Town just happened to out you due to numbers. Sword, welp, for reasons stated above

. This is my final decision, and I think it's the right one.