For some reason the texture pack isn't working for me. I've already modded my SSBB before with textures but i deleted them all in preperation for this pack. So i unpacked the rar put it in the correct directory, DL'd the RSBE01 you supplied, put it in the codes folder, then took the card out put it in the wii booted up gecko and started the game, and none of the characters were effected, I tried with about 4 different RSBE01's after this didn;t work, and I still cannot get the CSS or the textures to load at all. So Please if you know how to fix it halp me >.<
Edit: Just tried to install Balanced Brawl, and it doesn;t work too, so that leads me to beleive that it's something to do with gecko not loading the code. So i went back and made sure i had uninstalled anything to do with brawl plus and any other texture modding i did earlier, booted it up making sure i was using RSBE01 and it still did not work. Please halp >.<