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You get no Sympathy in a "Fire Emblem Discussion"

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Dec 29, 2012
Micaiah/Sothe might make more sense as a double team, but it's pretty moot, as we won't be seeing a FE double team.

Yeah, other than bringing his series to a market exponentially larger, re-igniting interest in Fire Emblem in his native region, and remaining one of the most popular lords of his series, Roy sure hasn't done anything for his series since his game, unlike Micaiah, who has done so much. :rolleyes:

Yeah, Mewtwo has a better chance than Roy does, but that 1) doesn't mean Roy has a bad chance, and 2) doesn't mean Micaiah has a better chance than Roy.

It's pretty hilarious that you want Micaiah to represent a game that you specifically mention Ike will also represent. Don't shoot yourself in the foot.

I agree that Micaiah would be more diverse than four swordsmen, but just because they all wield a sword doesn't mean they would all be clones or semi-clones of each other.

I agree, but diversity potential doesn't increase chances. If anything, it lowers chances, as characters that play similarly are easier to implement. And lets face it, if hypothetically Micaiah was under consideration (which she isn't), she would hardly be top priority.

Great, I didn't know that your singular wants directly affected the roster and outweighed the multitude of people who would rather see Roy over Lucina. Plus, if Sakurai wanted to represent Fire Emblem as it was THEN instead of ten years ago, he wouldn't have picked Marth to be the first FE character in Smash. Relevancy isn't his top priority.

I agree, I'd rather see her without Sothe as well.

This isn't Sakurai's priority. If he wanted to represent the last few games, Roy wouldn't have been planned for Brawl over Lyn, Ephraim, etc. When he wants a relevant character, he clearly (CLEARLY) goes for the most recent/upcoming protagonist, not a character four games back. You're looking for a pattern which has never existed. Sakurai doesn't go back more than one game (with the obvious and self-explanatory exception of Marth).

In a series that gets a new game every couple of years, and has had three games since, Radiant Dawn is no longer relevant. I'd really suggest you stop grasping at straws, if you sincerely expect Micaiah to be included, I guarantee you will be disappointed.

And console means nothing. In fact, lately console FE games have been doing much worse than portables, if anything Sakurai would want the majority of the content to come from a game that has found a larger audience and more overall popularity.

If the goal was to represent the four games since Brawl's development (which isn't Sakurai's goal -- he'd probably care about the most recent game and the series in general), there is absolutely no point in having both Ike (who would represent RD and PoR no matter what his appearance was - though you've clearly specified he'd be in his RD incarnation, which only emphasizes the point. Marth represented both his games in Melee and Brawl even though he didn't get his very manly pants-less appearance from the first game :awesome::p) and Micaiah. As Ike would obviously get in before Micaiah, you really need to throw out the whole "representation" point you have, as it's only hurting your argument.

Keep in mind FE characters are added with the Japanese market in mind first and foremost. In Japan, Roy's game outsold Micaiah's roughly two-to-one, so even disregarding his Smash appearance, more people would be familiar with Roy, even taking into account the ones who are no longer gamers. Radiant Dawn didn't do so hot outside Japan either, it's possible that the two games have roughly the same amount of sales in general, which is quite impressive considering Roy's was only released in one comparatively small region. Either way, Micaiah is no longer the token "relevant" FE rep, so her inclusion would be solely based on her popularity now as well (aka her crying "fans"), in which she simply pales in comparison to Roy.

Also, popularity (the fans) does have an effect on who makes it into the roster. I know you seem to base your roster choices solely on relevancy, which is... frankly... incorrect.

At the very least, Roy and Marth would be as different as the semi-clones in Brawl, who were different enough to have different playstyles, different tactics, different match-ups, different tier positions, and just different properties in general. They would be a lot more different than they were in Melee, that much is for sure. The days of direct clones are gone (even in Melee they had a few noticeable differences).

Being aesthetically similar to another character is a terrible reason to be completely dismissed and relegated to definite "clone" status. Also, if you played FE6, you would know how different Marth and Roy's swords actually are and can be.

In addition to being planned twice for Smash, which does in fact mean something. Sakurai revisits old ideas constantly. Aside from that, all Micaiah has is popularity as well, except proportionately minimal when compared to Roy's. Believe it or not, popularity does play a factor in roster decisions. Sure, it's not the only factor, and it's not the single deciding factor, but it is a factor. I've said it before, and it seems I'm saying it again, but (assuming Ike also returns) if Sakurai wants the popular pick, he'll go with Roy, if he wants the relevant pick, he'll go with Chrom. Unlikely, but if there are two additions, it will be both Roy and Chrom.

You claim Micaiah to be relevant. In reality, she is not. In her series, she plays no more role than any other typical-one-game-lord. In fact, her role as titular character is pretty much shifted to Ike during the game. Roy, (not counting his cameo in FE7), has also only had a single (non-DLC, canon) appearance, however, in addition to his popularity (which is the highest of any non-existing playable FE character) he has also had a large overall impact on his series, even if not directly through his series. You could perhaps call Micaiah recent, at this point that's kinda subjective as well, though she is more recent than Roy. However, she isn't as recent as Chrom, so... once again, her recentness really means very little.

Look at it this way, in Brawl (other than Marth), who was planned for FE? First Ike, the most recent FE character. This time around, his equivalent is Chrom (not that Chrom will necessarily be included over Ike). Though one game off, in a way the Brawl-time equivalent to Micaiah could be Lyn. She had decent popularity (though Lyn's was higher than Micaiah's ever was -- for Smash at least), and she was more recent than Roy. But who ended up being planned for inclusion? Roy. Sakurai didn't look to the two games more recent than FE6, he only looked at the most recent game, even though Lyn was popular, with her katana she could've been unique, and she was female (which means nothing, but is a parallel to Micaiah). Micaiah would be lucky to be an AT this time around.

The whole Micaiah thing is getting pretty old now, DragonSniperNintendo. ;)
I see where you are coming from but I have to say two things:

1. Everyone seems to think Roy is a guarantee, he is not.
2. A lot of people are counting Micaiah out, while she still has as much of a chance as Lucina, Sheeda, and Lyn. Even more so. No as recent as Chrom. Not as "popular" as Roy. But she does have a little of both.


Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
I see where you are coming from but I have to say two things:

1. Everyone seems to think Roy is a guarantee, he is not.
2. A lot of people are counting Micaiah out, while she still has as much of a chance as Lucina, Sheeda, and Lyn. Even more so. No as recent as Chrom. Not as "popular" as Roy. But she does have a little of both.

1. Roy has the highest chance out of everyone (Not just FE characters) except Mewtwo for the reason mentioned. Not character is guranteed, but Roy (and Mewtwo) are the the closest.

2. Actually... I want to say Chrom is popular, but nobody really knows (as far as the east) whether it's expected and not wanted, or simply wanted. And, since his game hasn't been released yet west... Well, I'll give you my say. I played the Awakening demo and liked him a good deal better then I did Roy (when I played through his game, not refering to Melee), but this is just my experience. Either way, I think this has been said, but Micaiah really isn't as popular as your implying. Certainly not enough where it's a strong selling point. Or a selling point at all.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
No Chrom is still a quite bit likelier than Roy, but Roy is a nice runner up and pretty much the only chance Fire Emblem has for a 4th spot.

I wanna replay FE6 now...
Dec 29, 2012
1. Roy has the highest chance out of everyone (Not just FE characters) except Mewtwo for the reason mentioned. Not character is guranteed, but Roy (and Mewtwo) are the the closest.

2. Actually... I want to say Chrom is popular, but nobody really knows (as far as the east) whether it's expected and not wanted, or simply wanted. And, since his game hasn't been released yet west... Well, I'll give you my say. I played the Awakening demo and liked him a good deal better then I did Roy (when I played through his game, not refering to Melee), but this is just my experience. Either way, I think this has been said, but Micaiah really isn't as popular as your implying. Certainly not enough where it's a strong selling point. Or a selling point at all.
1. I am not saying he won't be in. I am just saying he is not a guarantee as some people here seem to be saying. So we can agree on that one.

2. Micaiah is more popular in Japan, being one of the top female characters in the series (#1 before Lucina as far as I heard). And if they are looking at the Japanese fanbase, it gives her at least a semi-likeable chance of getting in (on disc or DLC).

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I wish I could make you play other Fire Emblem games than Radiant Dawn. I really do.

Roy is no guarantee, for sure. But I'd rather place my bets on something viable than to be dissapointed nah mean?
Dec 29, 2012
I wish I could make you play other Fire Emblem games than Radiant Dawn. I really do.

Roy is no guarantee, for sure. But I'd rather place my bets on something viable than to be dissapointed nah mean?
I have played other games (7, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, and Shadow Dragon) :awesome:

Sure Roy is viable but I see it more of Marth, Chrom, and Ike or Marth, Micaiah, and Chrom. With the other and Roy as DLC.

I am not setting up dissapointment if I just feel a certain character at least has a chance, alongside the other few I mentioned too. Like that 5 character picture (3 on disc, 1-2 DLC). If Micaiah is not in, fine, but it doesn't take away from the fact I feel she makes quite the sense and would be a good character.

Same applies to the likes of Isa, Matthew/Adult Isaac, Shulk, Aeron, Gold, Travis, Mega-Man, Ghirahim, etc.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
DSN, can you clarify something for me?

Do you just want Micaiah in and prefer her to other options? Or do you legitimatley see her has being up there with Chrom and Roy in terms of likelihood?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I see where you are coming from but I have to say two things:

1. Everyone seems to think Roy is a guarantee, he is not.
2. A lot of people are counting Micaiah out, while she still has as much of a chance as Lucina, Sheeda, and Lyn. Even more so. No as recent as Chrom. Not as "popular" as Roy. But she does have a little of both.

1. People disagreeing with you when you say Roy has a very little chance/no chance is not them thinking he's a guarantee, they just disagree. By no means do I think Roy is a guarantee, and although I never said I thought that, if its come off that way then sorry, my bad. :embarrass: I do, however, think he is the most likely FE addition, and I think his chances are pretty good, but I do not think he is a guarantee. I acknowledge that there is a pretty decent chance that Chrom might make it in over Roy, but I personally think Roy has the edge. I don't think either is a guarantee, though I do think it's a near-guarantee we get 3 FE spots (and no more).

2. I don't really want to get into who has the better chances of those characters you listed, so I'll leave it at just because Micaiah isn't the least likely FE character doesn't mean she should be treated as a plausible newcomer, because she isn't. For all intensive purposes, it'd be better to count her out.

2. Micaiah is more popular in Japan, being one of the top female characters in the series (#1 before Lucina as far as I heard). And if they are looking at the Japanese fanbase, it gives her at least a semi-likeable chance of getting in (on disc or DLC).
Micaiah is not more popular in Japan than Chrom. Even if we assume he's brought up often because people expect him but might not want him, his true popularity still does outweigh Micaiah's. Also, even though they might split up characters by sex on some polls, for Smash it serves little purpose, Sakurai doesn't treat characters any differently based on if they're female or not, each character still has to merit inclusion in his mind. Micaiah is one of the more popular lords in Japan, true, but still not as popular as Roy or Chrom (or Marth or Ike). Also, I thought you didn't care about popularity, only relevancy? :smirk:
Dec 29, 2012
1. People disagreeing with you when you say Roy has a very little chance/no chance is not them thinking he's a guarantee, they just disagree. By no means do I think Roy is a guarantee, and although I never said I thought that, if its come off that way then sorry, my bad. :embarrass: I do, however, think he is the most likely FE addition, and I think his chances are pretty good, but I do not think he is a guarantee. I acknowledge that there is a pretty decent chance that Chrom might make it in over Roy, but I personally think Roy has the edge. I don't think either is a guarantee, though I do think it's a near-guarantee we get 3 FE spots (and no more).

2. I don't really want to get into who has the better chances of those characters you listed, so I'll leave it at just because Micaiah isn't the least likely FE character doesn't mean she should be treated as a plausible newcomer, because she isn't. For all intensive purposes, it'd be better to count her out.

Micaiah is not more popular in Japan than Chrom. Even if we assume he's brought up often because people expect him but might not want him, his true popularity still does outweigh Micaiah's. Also, even though they might split up characters by sex on some polls, for Smash it serves little purpose, Sakurai doesn't treat characters any differently based on if they're female or not, each character still has to merit inclusion in his mind. Micaiah is one of the more popular lords in Japan, true, but still not as popular as Roy or Chrom (or Marth or Ike). Also, I thought you didn't care about popularity, only relevancy? :smirk:
So essentially she could be DLC? :smirk:

Plausible or not, it is not like she couldn't be picked. She might, she might not. Who knows.

And I am not saying that gender affects anything here, I am just saying she is one of the more popular female characters over there.

DSN, can you clarify something for me?

Do you just want Micaiah in and prefer her to other options? Or do you legitimatley see her has being up there with Chrom and Roy in terms of likelihood?
It is a mix of both, I really like the character but she also is ONE OF the more relevant characters within the last couple of games (especially going by last gen).

I see her below Chrom.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
So essentially she could be DLC? :smirk:

Plausible or not, it is not like she couldn't be picked. She might, she might not. Who knows.
Just because she's plausible doesn't mean she's likely. Ephiram is plausible too, but nobody's putting him on their prediction rosters.

Micaiah, as I see it, is below Roy and Chrom in terms of likelihood, and about on par with Lyn and Lucina. Of course, given that FE would likely be lucky to get 2 new reps, that isn't saying much for her chances.

And I am not saying that gender affects anything here, I am just saying she is one of the more popular female characters over there.
Then why do you bring up her gender at all?

On a related note, does anyone have a poll that lists the most popular FE characters regardless of gender? I'm kinda sick of people referring to Micaiahs/Lyns/Lucinas popularity in terms of other female characters, since it gives the illusion that they're more popular than they really are.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
So essentially she could be DLC? :smirk:
If DLC is implemented, and if FE gets a DLC character (they won't get more than one if they do) it would probably be Roy/Chrom (whichever didn't make it) or a future FE character.

Plausible or not, it is not like she couldn't be picked. She might, she might not. Who knows.
Uh... huh...
Yeah, literally she could be picked. So could... Alm, so could... Seliph (I liked his old name) so could... Goomba. Doesn't really mean much if they're not impossible.

Of course, she's not at the level of Goomba, but expecting a FE character other than Chrom or Roy is like expecting Lanky Kong over K. Rool and Dixie. :rolleyes:

I see her below Chrom.
Don't you see Roy below Chrom too? Does that mean you see Roy below Micaiah?

Oh dear...
Dec 29, 2012
If DLC is implemented, and if FE gets a DLC character (they won't get more than one if they do) it would probably be Roy/Chrom (whichever didn't make it) or a future FE character.

Uh... huh...
Yeah, literally she could be picked. So could... Alm, so could... Seliph (I liked his old name) so could... Goomba. Doesn't really mean much if they're not impossible.

Of course, she's not at the level of Goomba, but expecting a FE character other than Chrom or Roy is like expecting Lanky Kong over K. Rool and Dixie. :rolleyes:

Don't you see Roy below Chrom too? Does that mean you see Roy below Micaiah?

Oh dear...
1. Which is why Micaiah would be on the roster with Chrom while Roy is DLC. People would buy him by the bucket loads. :awesome:

2. Except that Micaiah could at least be considered relevant to her game and that was a few years ago. Lanky is not and he hasn't been seen much in years. And it is not like Chrom and Roy are the only choices. There are people like Micaiah, Lucina, Sheeda, Sothe, Lizz, Frederick, Soren, etc.

3. I see Chrom over Roy, but realistically from "popularity", Roy would be over him (although that doesn't mean he would be picked over him). Thus Micaiah is below Chrom. :mistyface:

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I would be overjoyed actually if Roy AND Chrom were added. However, I very HIGHLY doubt that would happen, as FE really shouldn't have the same amount of characters as Mario or Pokemon.

@ DragonSniper, I see why you like Micaiah, I really do. But unless she has a major role in another FE (if there is even one that gets release before SSB4) she is going to have quite the rough time with Chrom and Roy. It's not like she's impossible, but it might be better to hope she gets in rather than expect it for right now. I wouldn't mind seeing Micaiah in there either =/.
Dec 29, 2012
I would be overjoyed actually if Roy AND Chrom were added. However, I very HIGHLY doubt that would happen, as FE really shouldn't have the same amount of characters as Mario or Pokemon.

@ DragonSniper, I see why you like Micaiah, I really do. But unless she has a major role in another FE (if there is even one that gets release before SSB4) she is going to have quite the rough time with Chrom and Roy. It's not like she's impossible, but it might be better to hope she gets in rather than expect it for right now. I wouldn't mind seeing Micaiah in there either =/.
1. I don't think she needs a new role to just get in, it would help most certainly, but it is not required. Radiant Dawn is still one of the newer games from the last generation.

2. It is kind of a mix of both. I hope for her because she is like the one character that would really diversify the roster, on top of her being a character I like. Then sort of expect her to at least be a viable option.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Well you are right that it isn't required, but what I meant was, that if she DOES get a new role, it will be much less of a hard fight with Chrom and Roy. But as it stands right now, that would be very helpful for her.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2012
A swedish island.
What are your thoughts on Ashnard and the Black Knight (he's kinda villain) as villain characters? If we got 4 characters then one bad guy would be cool.

Maybe Marth, Ike, Michaia and Ashnard?

EDIT: Or maybe one of the gods.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
What are your thoughts on Ashnard and the Black Knight (he's kinda villain) as villain characters? If we got 4 characters then one bad guy would be cool.

Maybe Marth, Ike, Michaia and Ashnard?
3 characters from the Tellius saga? Lol no.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
For me, I think the Fire Emblem reps will probably be Marth (likely to be in), Ike and either Chrom or Roy.

I'd still would like to see Lyn as a playable character.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I say we add in Roy and use his new artwork. I really like it.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yeah but he still should use his Sword of Seals though.



Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
The 3DS one? Isn't released here so i don't know much about it.

Give it two weeks. Or spoil yourself on serenesforest.net

Should be Marth, Ike, Chrom, and maaaaaybe Roy.

Cameo appearances (via assist trophy) can be Lucina, Lyn, and Micaiah.

Or better yet, make Chrom's final smash his pair up feature from his game and have Lucina show up in that.
good old father daughter interaction

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Sigurd is ****ing overrated in FE4. Getting his *** whooped by Jamka and all. :/


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
The demo is great. Fire Emblem awakening has got me ****ing. Chrom and Roy look like the obvious additions. I don't understand how there is so much discussion.



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
The demo is great. Fire Emblem awakening has got me ****ing. Chrom and Roy look like the obvious additions. I don't understand how there is so much discussion.

The reason there's so much discussion is because people cannot agree on how many slots might the series get and which characters would take these slots.

2 slots
Marth, Roy
Marth, Ike
Marth, Chrom

3 slots
Marth, Roy, Ike
Marth, Roy, Chrom
Marth, Ike, Chrom

4 slots
Marth, Roy, Ike, Chrom

And this is not even factoring in the female characters.

Dec 29, 2012
Give it two weeks. Or spoil yourself on serenesforest.net

Should be Marth, Ike, Chrom, and maaaaaybe Roy.

Cameo appearances (via assist trophy) can be Lucina, Lyn, and Micaiah.

Or better yet, make Chrom's final smash his pair up feature from his game and have Lucina show up in that.
good old father daughter interaction
I could see Micaiah on the roster and Lucina as DLC or an alt character for Marth.

Lyn will miss a spot once again.

So I would just replace Roy with Micaiah. A roster of relevant and recent choices from the last 4 games.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
You know, you're always going on about how they'd use Micaiah because she's more recent. Now, you have also said that you dislike her redesign when compared to the older design. You know, if she somehow manages to get in, she'd get her redesign, right? After all, it IS more relevant. :smirk:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
With this new Fire Emblem crossover game coming out, I think just about everyone is relevant again from the main characters...

You know, I hope they keep trying to create a way to play as all old Fire Emblem heros again.

There's at least no good reason now to cut Ike from the roster.

Dec 29, 2012
You know, you're always going on about how they'd use Micaiah because she's more recent. Now, you have also said that you dislike her redesign when compared to the older design. You know, if she somehow manages to get in, she'd get her redesign, right? After all, it IS more relevant. :smirk:
I don't dislike the design persay, but the outfit (and it is not even bad either).

Either way, as long as Micaiah gets in, I don't care what she is wearing. :bee:

But I say her Radiant Dawn self since that is her actual game. :awesome:

But whatever, Micaiah for SSB4 :)

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Zero Suit Micaiah wasn't so bad I felt. Sure, overly sexualised, but that's Fire Emblem for ya.

Sigurd: You're just a little girl!
Sylvia: Little girl?! Ever saw a little girl with THESE!?

Typical introduction of new female FE characters in your army. :rolleyes:


Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I'd be cool with Micaiah / Sothe however. But since that won't happen, Roy it is.

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