I met Silent Beast.
Dude is madd silent.
And his JP is beastly. Impressed, and I am never impressed at other Americans speaking JP.
I met Shiri :D
Heard someone at the P4A station yelling for a "Shiri." Turn around, see a guy with a Yoshi bag wearing a Yoshi hat and I thought, YESSSSSSSS.
Also, saw Shiri playing later on, and the man had absolutely perfect posture while playing.
As for Japanese, it helps a lot when your mom's Japanese.
Gawd, APEX was so hype this morning.
I wanted Mikeneko to win, but I'm really glad something other than a MK took the cup this time- ZSS.
Salem played SO good out there. Much respect from a player I first saw.
It's pretty cool how APEX has had a different character (Snake, Falco, MK, ZSS) win each time, with a fifth character (Olimar) making GFs twice.
This was the first time I saw Salem, too, despite his being around for a little while and his being from NJ. The first time I saw him when I looked up at the screen in the back of the venue, I was honestly confused because I couldn't imagine they'd be streaming a Brawl hack, but ZSS looked too fast for it to be Brawl. It might have been during the game he took 2 stocks off of Dojo while the suit pieces were still in play.
Maaaaan I wish I could have watched finals, looked hella hype.
I am, however, now officially enlisted in the Navy as of a few hours ago, so I had some good times of my own haha. Yoshi special forces here I come XD
Good luck, man.
There was. Sadly, Killanator and ForwardAirRage were both MIA. =(
This has been added to the OP now, unless one of the three doesn't want their picture up there.
I had no idea that was Aggro. Too bad; I would've introduced myself, though I don't think she knows who I am (for that matter, I don't really know who she is either. Is she on SWF?)
Maybe next year indeed. From what I've heard, the lack of friendlies that made 2012 kinda lame has been more or less fixed this year, so I'll probably try harder to make it to 2014.
Can we pretend I'm still a Yoshi main if that happens, even if I'm not? ;-;
Shoutouts to Firefly for finding that water fountain in the basement by the Red Lion Cafe last year where you could refill your water bottle. Was using that the entire weekend.