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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

  • Total voters


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
For once, I agree with Burntsocks.

Yoshi can't deal with characters that shield pressure. No matter how much you train, and how knowledgable you are with Yoshi or any other proclaimed low tier, they have limited potential.

You're not going to win. It sucks, but Brawl revolves around the aspect of secondaries and counterpicks as well.

Adapt, or accept the fact you're not going to win, or even place top 5.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
For once, I agree with Burntsocks.

Yoshi can't deal with characters that shield pressure. No matter how much you train, and how knowledgable you are with Yoshi or any other proclaimed low tier, they have limited potential.

You're not going to win. It sucks, but Brawl revolves around the aspect of secondaries and counterpicks as well.

Adapt, or accept the fact you're not going to win, or even place top 5.
As much as I agree in theory, in practice it's different. It's entirely possibly to get out of your shield when you're trapped, it's just much more risky and relies a lot on mindgames and a leap of faith here and there.

You might not win, but you can get **** close. And if you do win, it's just that much more satisfying. I mean look at what happened at MLG, a Luigi placed top 8. To be honest, I don't think Luigi is a good character because he's floaty and his air speed is balls. Yet it was done.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Even ganon can beat anyone he just has a much lesser chance than every other character, no one is impossible to beat even with him


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
You might not win, but you can get **** close. And if you do win, it's just that much more satisfying. I mean look at what happened at MLG, a Luigi placed top 8. To be honest, I don't think Luigi is a good character because he's floaty and his air speed is balls. Yet it was done.
Luigi is a lot better than Yoshi, and BigLou is phenomenal.

Even if you come close, if you lose; you lose. Two times, you're knocked out of the tournament.

Me personally, I become homicidal towards my Gamecube controller if I "come close" to winning a match, but end up losing because of restricted options in any given situation.

Sure, if you win, it's satisfying.

But it won't happen frequently at top levels of play.

I love Yoshi, I really do, but it doesn't change the fact everyone here is dropping him for someone better and that he's bad.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Love is subjective. You want to win money, play top tiers. You still most likely won't win cause you'll still get beat by your fundamental problems.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
i dropped falco and marth for him lol (but i still use them occasionally...)


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Errr all characters take a buttload of skill except meta knight up until high levels. MK at high levels also takes a buttload of skill.

Yoshi isnt really that hard to play. Im dropping him (for good :p)
If you honestly think you'll drop yoshi, knowing you then you're just dumb ;o

This debate is dumb. It's obvious people are on the extremes on this.
Love is subjective. You want to win money, play top tiers. You still most likely won't win cause you'll still get beat by your fundamental problems.
I agree completely.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
Im good with yoshi its just I have trouble killing and lack of tech skill. Dropping him will be stupid since killing isnt a big problem.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Does anyone know any good ideas for minimizing our sheilding problems. I know there's no way to just end them and that regardless they'll still be their, but is there any way to make this a little less... bad?

This post has been dedicated to sova


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
The fact still stands that nobody here mains Yoshi anymore, or if they do, don't place well.

The ones that did, are no longer active.

Scatz, you know what I mean by love. It's the same exact reason everyone here has been playing such a bad character, and why people play bad characters in general.

When I grow old, and have a family, I'll remember playing Yoshi and ******. I'll remember the upsets I caused, the reputation I recieved as a result.

Sadly, I've been really depressed and losing interest in Brawl, and ever since I've touched Project M and Brawl+, I can't go back to the former mentality I once had.

I will never completely drop Yoshi, this I can promise.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
The fact still stands that nobody here mains Yoshi anymore, or if they do, don't place well.

The ones that did, are no longer active.

Scatz, you know what I mean by love. It's the same exact reason everyone here has been playing such a bad character, and why people play bad characters in general.

When I grow old, and have a family, I'll remember playing Yoshi and ******. I'll remember the upsets I caused, the reputation I recieved as a result.

Sadly, I've been really depressed and losing interest in Brawl, and ever since I've touched Project M and Brawl+, I can't go back to the former mentality I once had.

I will never completely drop Yoshi, this I can promise.
If your going to touch project M at least drop b+. B+ is a poor substitute for melee. B- is awesome. Im a yoshi egg throwing lover. Put with fire exploding eggs that dont self destruct after a short amount of time I can make my brawl with yu a warzone aka AIRSTRIKE!


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Marik is such a bright little ray of sunshine.
That's me; I'm a social misfit. A cynical, sarcastic, depressed social misfit to be exact.

If your going to touch project M at least drop b+. B+ is a poor substitute for melee. B- is awesome. Im a yoshi egg throwing lover. Put with fire exploding eggs that dont self destruct after a short amount of time I can make my brawl with yu a warzone aka AIRSTRIKE!
Brawl- is a joke. I watched videos of Bwett playing on YouTube, I could never take that game seriously.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Does anyone know any good ideas for minimizing our sheilding problems. I know there's no way to just end them and that regardless they'll still be their, but is there any way to make this a little less... bad?

This post has been dedicated to sova
I'll list some tricks you might wanna know.

  1. Spotdodge
  2. Roll
  3. Shield Drop
  4. Rolling with the momentum of an attack for further distance
  5. Spot Dodging out of the shield drop animation for mindgames
  6. Shieldgrab

That's all I got at the moment.

Brawl- is a joke. I watched videos of Bwett playing on YouTube, I could never take that game seriously.
Brawl- isn't meant to be serious, it wanted to be a joke. At least it's not an unintentional joke, like Brawl+. :bee:


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Brawl- isn't meant to be serious, it wanted to be a joke. At least it's not an unintentional joke, like Brawl+. :bee:
Got me there.

I'm attracted to Brawl+ because of the character viability, but to each their own.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
I'll list some tricks you might wanna know.

  1. Spotdodge
  2. Roll
  3. Shield Drop
  4. Rolling with the momentum of an attack for further distance
  5. Spot Dodging out of the shield drop animation for mindgames
  6. Shieldgrab

That's all I got at the moment.

Brawl- isn't meant to be serious, it wanted to be a joke. At least it's not an unintentional joke, like Brawl+. :bee:
This is almost sig worthy of course not for me but for 1 f the creators of b-. lulz I might have that wrong but we're all in a world where we can think of course critizms may piss 1 off.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
I'll list some tricks you might wanna know.

  1. Spotdodge
  2. Roll
  3. Shield Drop
  4. Rolling with the momentum of an attack for further distance
  5. Spot Dodging out of the shield drop animation for mindgames
  6. Shieldgrab

That's all I got at the moment.

Brawl- isn't meant to be serious, it wanted to be a joke. At least it's not an unintentional joke, like Brawl+. :bee:
Yeah he is kinda short huh, thats about all i could come up with to, but whats the fourth one exactly, i think i know but i wanna be sure...


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
The fact still stands that nobody here mains Yoshi anymore, or if they do, don't place well.

The ones that did, are no longer active.

Scatz, you know what I mean by love. It's the same exact reason everyone here has been playing such a bad character, and why people play bad characters in general.

When I grow old, and have a family, I'll remember playing Yoshi and ******. I'll remember the upsets I caused, the reputation I recieved as a result.

Sadly, I've been really depressed and losing interest in Brawl, and ever since I've touched Project M and Brawl+, I can't go back to the former mentality I once had.

I will never completely drop Yoshi, this I can promise.

I don't chat here much cause most people that post are ********, or are past people that "love" Yoshi enough to mess with him in friendlies or converse with other Yoshi players. I still main Yoshi, but I enjoy other characters too, and know that Yoshi can't really do it by himself (he can if you're smart enough and skilled enough in MUs, but that's a different story). Not to call out anyone, but look at the people who quit and look at their placings while they were playing Yoshi and while they're playing their new character. If you haven't improved in placing, then we know why. You can't adjust and improve yourself in this game.

Tourney wise, no one gives a **** about whether you love a character or not. It's all about placing in the money or not. Mentally, this game is ****ing hard at high/top levels of play. Almost everyone here is playing at a mid to low level of play (yes, even me). You're bored of brawl cause you're playing flashy games that pretty much have some dumb qualities to enforce approaching. Those games are mainly an appealing factor to the general watchers that don't know how to play the game and ****. Yet, when people get better, all types of approaching are neutralized and camping becomes a more dominant force (I'm not going to include the approaching factors when you have momentum).

Brawl is a simple game to pickup, cause theirs no learning curve (aka techskill). Yet, getting up to as high as possible is ****ing hard to everyone.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Tourney wise, no one gives a **** about whether you love a character or not. It's all about placing in the money or not. Mentally, this game is ****ing hard at high/top levels of play. Almost everyone here is playing at a mid to low level of play (yes, even me). You're bored of brawl cause you're playing flashy games that pretty much have some dumb qualities to enforce approaching. Those games are mainly an appealing factor to the general watchers that don't know how to play the game and ****. Yet, when people get better, all types of approaching are neutralized and camping becomes a more dominant force (I'm not going to include the approaching factors when you have momentum).
I think i play low mid-high (aka where rob is in the tier list kinda) prob even a bit lower like were fox is :D


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)

I don't chat here much cause most people that post are ********, or are past people that "love" Yoshi enough to mess with him in friendlies or converse with other Yoshi players. I still main Yoshi, but I enjoy other characters too, and know that Yoshi can't really do it by himself (he can if you're smart enough and skilled enough in MUs, but that's a different story). Not to call out anyone, but look at the people who quit and look at their placings while they were playing Yoshi and while they're playing their new character. If you haven't improved in placing, then we know why. You can't adjust and improve yourself in this game.

Tourney wise, no one gives a **** about whether you love a character or not. It's all about placing in the money or not. Mentally, this game is ****ing hard at high/top levels of play. Almost everyone here is playing at a mid to low level of play (yes, even me). You're bored of brawl cause you're playing flashy games that pretty much have some dumb qualities to enforce approaching. Those games are mainly an appealing factor to the general watchers that don't know how to play the game and ****. Yet, when people get better, all types of approaching are neutralized and camping becomes a more dominant force (I'm not going to include the approaching factors when you have momentum).

Brawl is a simple game to pickup, cause theirs no learning curve (aka techskill). Yet, getting up to as high as possible is ****ing hard to everyone.
Bigz with another legit *** post

I still main Yoshi as well but I'm much more respected amongst the FL community now that I have a solid ZSS to boot.

Deleted member

To Z'zgashi: You arent good, and lil b(sovamain) is trolling you hardcore. Sorry.
To Christian: Stfu :p
To Scatz: Tru dat. You underestimate yourself tho, just cause you dont place great doesnt mean you arent good. Its like where i am in tennis right now, ill lose to people im alot better than in matches but like i have potential, and you have a lot of potential cuz you have tools.
Also i agree about brawl.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Dood i place occasionally but im not amazing or anything, i know my **** enough to say im above average (barely mind you) ;)

and yeah i know but its fun to fuel his fire :D


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
To Scatz: Tru dat. You underestimate yourself tho, just cause you dont place great doesnt mean you arent good. Its like where i am in tennis right now, ill lose to people im alot better than in matches but like i have potential, and you have a lot of potential cuz you have tools.
Also i agree about brawl.
I have the tools cause I put the time in to learn them while others thought it was useless. Matchups that people have lots of problems in are mainly where they can't adjust correctly (like me vs ZSS) or they lack some of the more optimal tools to make their Yoshi better overall (techskill wise). I already told you that I'm a better player (in my own thoughts) when I continue to underestimate myself. It keeps my drive to strive for a better me, and better potential. I just can't accept the fact that I'm one of (if not the best right now) when I can always improve and make some of the impossible happen.

My techskill is there cause I realized a long time ago that it's an important part in playing this game even though it's quite low. Execution is important and it helps you get what you need when you have the knowledge to back it up. Remember, I was that one Yoshi guy who constantly practiced in training mode to make his techskill perfect. You can pickup this game and be decent/good at a mid level play, but you can't escape the fact that you need to practice to get your execution skills down and learn the insides out of this game. Thinking that it just involves only the top tiers and a few high tier counter-picks is just dumb and wrong.

Deleted member

Dood i place occasionally but im not amazing or anything, i know my **** enough to say im above average (barely mind you) ;)

and yeah i know but its fun to fuel his fire :D
Yes above average when compared to everyone who plays this game.
In competative smash? Not a chance.

Thanks delta, i think xD
I like being straightfoward when im being a ****.
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