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X or Y? - PT Social


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
I had tape on mine with drawings of bombs on it. But it's long over due to be replaced. I'm just too lazy.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2008
Right behind you.
Yeah, I want one too.

A while back, Miles was doing this thing where he would take vids from people and upload them for them. I tried to get him to do mine, but for some reason my Wii doesn't like him, and I'm still waiting, about a year later, for it to verify his code. Could someone try to do that for me? Y'all could actually see my PT.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Long Island, NY
Gah btw guys if anyone has any clue where or how to get an official original orange gamecube controller please lemme know its been a year and I am still orange controller-less!!!


Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Long Island, NY
They are all knockoff's beast. I cant find a real one except for used ones and those I cant trust. BTW beast knowing miles hes jus real lazy so if anything try reaching him on AiB or PM him hes usually jus being lazy. Hell email him lol


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2008
Miami, FL
The best you're gonna find is used unfortunately :-\. I haven't seen a new orange controller in ages.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
how did she do something so beautiful to your controller? like what kind of paint did she use?


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2008
Miami, FL


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
So pools for the big Australian national tourney (known as Rocky) have been released. I have the Australian equivalent of M2K in my pool (he's known by Amaterasu). Top 3 make it through, and my biggest threats to making it through are an Olimar main and a Peach main.

The Peach main is CAOTIC, if any of you know who he is. He ws at Genesis and went even in a crew battle vs CO18's Dedede.

Some advice on fighting Peach and Oli would be a big halp. TYPH! SHARE YOUR OLI KNOWLI!

That is if you still care about us PTs </3 ;__;


Jul 6, 2005
ftilt is REALLY good against olimar

like really really good

it works


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
it outranges all of olimar's ledge options...and if he jumps you can just hit him since it's so quick.

you know, ftilt like that should be really good against a variety of characters that lack ledge options with range


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2008
Right behind you.
OK, Vermy, I did a little research. As far as the Peach boards are concerned, CAOTIC doesn't exist. He's not in their Peach finder thread or vid thread, so I can't check his playstyle out at all. However, You can try to focus on Peach's strengths and weaknesses with the following info from Dark Pch.'s guide to playing Peach competitively:

2- Peaches problems in brawl: A- Killing with Peach.
So lets start with what her problems are in brawl. For one thing, Some may have trouble killing with peach. or setting up for the final blow. problem is sometimes you have to use the moves you would need to finishes your enemy off to begin with. But using the moves alot makes it weaker. So in a sense, it is hard to kill with peach. But depending on how you play, that task can be reduce. But also keep in mind on how smart your enemy is.

B- Her recovery.
You can be left a sitting duck in the air with Peach. Recovering from the skies back to the stage can be a problem as well since she fall slow in the air. You can get juggled easy cause of this. So you need to be very careful when recovering to the stage. And when you land while in your Up-B animation, you will lag. Its not like melee when you touch the floor and you can move right after. So recover with care. also a tip, when you are coming down from the skies and did not use your Up-B, Dont try to attack while recovering. Its safe to just try to land without getting hit. a times you may be able to get a dair or w/e air attack in. But make sure you know you can hit. get the timing and spacing down right. Cause just doing that your putting yourself at risk for a KO. Your mission at this point is to land safe on the stage.

C- Dsmash.
One of the many reasons People complain about Peach or left her. Her Dsmash got weak. and cant kill. Its pretty much the same as in melee, but you cant kill with it and has less power.

D- No Float Cancel.
FC (Float cancel) was one of the best things Peach had in melee. it was about 80% of her game. She does not have that anymore. And so people wont get confused, FC is when you Float, do an air attack, then land and there is no lag after. Now it may seem like when you Float then do an air attack and land, you dont lag at all. Reason for that is if you land at the right time, you will auto cancel the move, so you can attack right after. try landing a Fair at different times while floating and watch you lag. So there is no FC for Peach.

E- Easily KO'ed.
You can die pretty quick with Peach due to her lightweight. there are some characters that can kill you at crazy %. So you have to be aware of that and be careful with how you handle yourself against them.

D- Her second jump.
it barely has any height. so you wont really get anywhere with it at all. But it does have its uses. Keep reading and you will see further in this guide.


* Floaty.
* Slow dash speed (4th slowest dash speed in the game).
* Vertical recovery is rather poor.
* Shortest vertical mid-air jump in the game (Slightly shorter than Link's & Ganondorf's)
* Noticeable ending lag if you fail to connect with Peach Bomber.
* Dies vertically at relatively low percents.
* Her Turnips disappear once they hit a shield, which removes the possibility of using a turnip again
* hard to KO at moderate percentages
* Vegetables can be used against her

3- Peaches strengths in brawl: A- Speed
Peach is a lil faster now in brawl. This is what I kinda wanted from her. A lil speed. I suggest you take this to your advantage. Combine her speed with your strats and use it well. it can mean alot on the battlefield.

B- Floating.
The best thing Peach has in this game IMO and what makes her play style so unique. Learn to Float and do air attacks with it. At the right height of floating, you can be immune to group attacks, and your air attacks can nail your enemy. Learn to control your floating. This is one of her keys to victory.

C-Kill Moves.

Though it may be a pain to kill with Peach at times, she does have a few kill options.

**= Can kill well with and mostly used for a finisher
* Can Kill but not as great as a kill move with 2 starts

- Fair **
- Bair **
- Nair
- Uair*
- Dair (% has to be quite high. Best to catch them in the air with it to make it a lil easier to kill with)
- Utilt **
- Ftilt *
- Dtilt (% has to be quite high)
- Fsmash **
- F-B (High damage or gimps)
-Up-B (% has to be pretty high. But this type of task can be easier if you do it high in the air or on a platform)
- Usmash**
- Turnips(Yes I am serious....turnips)**
- Toad (Yes......toad, but the % of the enemy has to be pretty darn high and it depends on character and stage.)

Now remember that this all depends on:
- How many times you used the attack
- Stage
- character you are playing
- the % or the enemy
- What part of the stage you are on when you unleashed the attack.

So now you guys know what type of character she is, her good and bad sides as well. Once you understood all of this fully, lets put Peach to work.

D- Turnips
Another good thing about Peach. You can do so many things with turnips. Its a another big part of Peaches style. you can attack in the air while floating and still have one in your hand. It can lead to set ups. Traps. Play around with it and thing of creative strats. also here is a tip that can go a long way. When you have a turnip in your hand, your enemy is now put on the defensive for they dont wanna get hit with it. Now you can use that to your advantage with tricks and playing with the enemies head.


* Can Float.
* Auto-Floating allows use of aerials at ground level, allowing for a highly-integrated ground and air game, and removing the need for dashing

* Between the float, her second jump, her parasol, and small contributions by the Peach Bomber and Toad, she has one of the longest and most versatile horizontal recoveries in the game.
* Her Turnips are useful projectiles, especially for edgeguarding.
* There is a chance of pulling a Bob-omb or Beam Sword when using Vegetable.
* There is a 1/58 chance that she can pull a Vegetable that deals 30% damage or more.
* Down Smash is quick and has several powerful, high priority hits.
* Neutral attack slap is good for disrupting combos and grabs, as well as starting combos of her own.
* When Parasol is canceled in midair, it can be opened up again.
* Forward Aerial Crown Slap is a great horizontal killer.
* Turnips can be used over and over.
* Can Glide Toss her Turnips.
* Turnips disappear once they touch a shield
* Remarkably long horizontal recovery if her float is intact
* Quick, effective close-up game
* Amazing edgeguarder
* Can chain throw medium-heavy weight characters with Down Throw
* Turnips are excellent for camping, lead ins, and edgeguarding
* D-tilt can meteor smash opponents in the air trying to recover back to stages

Okay, now I'm back and that is what Dark Pch. has to say about Peach's strengths and weaknesses. If you can focus on how to use this info to your advantage, Vermy, that'd be great.

Also, I looked at our starter thread and agree with its view wholeheartedly. It suggests a Charizard-Squirtle battery for fighting Peach. Ivy is good anti-air, but is comboed by Peach too easily, especially because of the crazy angles with which float allows her to approach. So, if you choose to use this battery, focus on using the info above and where both Zard and Squirtle can utilize it to maximum advantage. Try to get some matches with CAOTIC over wifi.

One more thing: there is a serious hole in the vid threads of both of our boards: neither of us have good vids of the other characters. I don't recall any good Peach vids here and Peach has only about six severely outdated videos. Like, Mr. Peabody old (4 against him). They're video archive can't help them all that much against you, but ours can't help you much either. Just thought it needed to be mentioned. Hope this helps you! I'll keep looking for more stuff to use.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
you can juggle the **** out of her with her terrible AD and terrible air jump. her dair is good but is outranged by squirtle's uair

post 3000


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
Vermy I wouldn't worry about Amaterasu if I were you. The only similarity he has to M2K is that he uses metaknight. He's not really much better than anyone else in Australia.

Plus he has no pokemon trainer experience.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Woxy! <33333333333
^_^' this is awkward.

Beast: I appreciate the help but at this point I'm looking for experience in the matchup. I've played him before, I just want to see if there's anything I've missed, (like how Steeler said Squirtles uair beats her dair. I did not know that)

Hai Typh <3</3


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2008
Right behind you.
Understood. Maybe you should try to get some wifi matches in against a peach (or wolf, as it seems) if you want experience. I don't have any. Sorry.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Toby Is A Wombat - PT Social Thread

Kill The Gender Confused Swordsman - PT Social Thread

Pape is the new black - PT Social Thread

We <3 Toby Fanclub - PT Social Thread

I Don't Care For Snakes Dthrow - PT Social Thread

PokemonMasterOfDisguiseIRL - PT Social Thread


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2008
Right behind you.
I like Pape is the new black. Who does Vex main?

And my brother hates Demon Hunter because he is stupid.

And I really want to play somebody in wifi. Hit me up, anytime tonight. I'm up at like 4 in the morning.
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